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Lesson: 5 of 5

Days: 7 & 8

Pre-AP English 10

Title: Song Analysis

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

10.2.1f Analyze how literary components affect meaning.
10.2.2e Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in the text,
including figurative and connotative meanings; analyze the cumulative impact of
specific word choices on meaning and tone (e.g., how the language evokes a sense of
time and place; how it sets a formal or informal tone).
10.2.3b Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and
nuances in word meanings.
10.4.1a Conduct short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question
(including a self-generated question) or solve a problem; narrow or broaden the inquiry
when appropriate; synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating
understanding of the subject under investigation.
Inquiry Questions:
How does an author use figurative language and tone to write effective poetry?
How does an authors background influence their purpose?
Evidence Outcomes:
I am able to analyze an authors use of tone and figurative language in poetry.
I am able to analyze how an authors background influences their purpose and theme.
Assessment of Evidence Outcomes:
-Students will be analyzing tone and figurative language in 3 different forms of poetry throughout the
-As part of their Song Analysis, students will be conducting short research on the band/artist that they
chose. Students will be assessed on their ability to connect the authors background to the song lyrics and
purpose of the author.

Planned Lesson Activities

Activity Name
Approx. Time
Anticipatory Set

Bob Dylan Song Analysis

80 minutes
Students are reminded of their Poetry Packet due date and components.




1. Reminders
2. Poetry Packet reminders
3. Instructor will play Blowin In the Wind by Bob Dylan with lyrics
projected on screen.
4. Instructor will walk through analyzing the song with the students to
help lead them to theme and authors purpose.
5. The Song Analysis component of their packet will be introduced to
students and questions will be answered.
6. Instructor will remind students of the expectations for working in
7. Students will have rest of class to work on their Poetry Packets.

During the course of the work day, instructor will visit with each student,
checking progress of packet with each student and answer questions.
Bob Dylan lyrics, music, PowerPoint, poetry packet requirements, lyrics to
songs for Song Analysis
Accommodations The Poetry Packet may be completed in paper or digital
format. The packet allows students to reach the material through various
creative avenues. Additionally, students may choose the song they wish to
analyze from a list of 6 songs.
Modifications For students who need modifications, they will be able to
choose poetry to analyze rather than write their own. For the song analysis, if
students are having a hard time writing 8-10 sentences, they may bullet the


As students are finishing up their Poetry Packets, instructor will be walking

around checking on progress. This will serve as a formative assessment for each
component of the packet.
Additionally, the Poetry Packet will serve as a summative assessment of the
packet in its entirety. The students will have 2 haiku poems, 1 haiku analysis, 1
ode poem, 1 ode analysis and 1 song analysis as well as illustrations to
accompany each.

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