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Intern: __Kelsey Beckwith________________________


CT: _Jennifer

Date: ______4/20/16__________________________Supervisor Name: __Elyse


Domain 2 Classroom Environment

2A Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
- Uses a nice tone and smiles and laughs with students when appropriate.
- Communicates to individuals and class when theyve done something well or
followed directions nicely.
2B Establishing a Culture of Learning
- Uses the learning goal and scale to begin lesson.
- Checks for understanding of both before beginning lesson.
- Let students know that they are working on the same standard but will begin a
new book.
- Modeled (think aloud) of questions that a good reader would ask themselves.
2C Managing Classroom Procedures
- Transitioned students from read-to-self with clear directions and counted down
to get it done quickly.
- Uses whole brain teaching to get and keep classs attention.
2D Managing Student Behavior
- Redirected a student to follow directions quickly, friend.
- Later, when class was given a task, she directed a student, Dayln, get
2E Organizing the Physical Space
- Student desks are in a baseball diamond which allows Mrs. Beckwith to see all
students on task or quickly attend to those that need proximity.

Domain 3 Instruction
3A Communicating Clearly and Effectively with Students

Mrs. Beckwith was clear with directions, learning goal, instruction, and waits
for class attention before moving on.
Says, youre exactly right, when a student answered correctly
Repeated directions and asked if anyone had any questions.
Reminded them to be specific when they had to write a question after a picture

3B Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques


Uses great wait time and expects other students to listen with their hands
down. When a student had a totally off the mark answer, Mrs. Beckwith
reminded him that drought is a type of natural disaster that were reading
about. Then allowed another student to share and went back to the original
student so he could then answer the question correctly.
- Asks class agree/ disagree
asks other students to add on to someones answer to go deeper
A student asked a question about vocabulary and Mrs. Beckwith first asked,
What do you think?

3C Engaging students in Learning

-WBT to get classs attention.
-Students followed along in the reading.
-Many students were engaged and asking questions regarding the vocabulary.
3D Using Assessment in Instruction
-Quickly took a look at the questions they wrote and then modeled the types of
questions a good reader would ask using a think aloud.
-Noticed that students werent specific enough to the text in the previous days
lesson and reminded them to get their information from the text.
- planned to model for students the way to be specific when writing about cause and
3E Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Questioning techniques to try:
Ask a student/students to repeat or rephrase what another student answered.
Ask other students to find the evidence to a students response.
Have students partner talk when you notice the content in difficult or several
students arent engaged.

Flexibility and Responsiveness:

Notice when students need a little movement. On the spot: you can have them
stand up to partner talk with students from another table. You can have a 30
second stretch break or students respond to an agree/disagree by going to a
certain corner or side of the room.

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