Name: Steven Carson Grade Level: 1 Time: 1 Hour (The Afternoon Will Be Available Subject: Art

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Name: Steven Carson

Time: 1 hour (the afternoon will be available

for students to finish if needed)

Grade level: 1
Subject: Art

Date: April 22, 2016

Topic: African Weaving

NB Outcomes:
Language Arts
Reading and Viewing and Listening:
GCO: Students will be expected to select, read, and view with understanding a range of
literature, information, media, and visual texts. (p. 27)
SCO: Students will be expected to regard reading/viewing as sources of interest,
enjoyment, and information (p. 27)
GCO: Students will speak and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their
thoughts, ideas, feelings, and experiences. (p. 46)
SCO: Students will be expected to express opinions and give simple explanations for
some of their opinions. (p. 46)
SCO: Students will be expected to listen to others ideas and opinions. (p. 46)
GCO 1: Students will be expected to create, independently or collaboratively, a variety
of artworks.
SCO 1.1: Create art for a variety of reasons and recognize that there are many kinds of
visual arts.
GCO 2: Students will be expected to explore skills, processes, and materials.
SCO 2.1: Explore the elements (colour, shape, line, space, form) and the principles of
design with emphasis on pattern and repetition in the visual environment.
GCO 3: Students will be expected to develop critical awareness of and value for the role
of art in creating and reflecting culture. Students will begin to understand that visual art
is a record of human experiences.
SCO 3.2: Explore artworks from a variety of historical and cultural contexts.
You and Your World
Unit 1: Groups
SCO 1.1.2: Demonstrate an understanding of the similarity and diversity of social and
cultural groups.
Unit 2: Our Environment
SCO 1.2.1: Describe how plants and animals meet their needs in a given environment.
Science (Grade 4)
Unit 1: Habitats
SCO: Students will be expected to investigate the types of animals in a habitat.

For students to continue to explore their integrated science unit of biomes (this week
being grasslands), explore the Samburu culture, and work with a different art medium
and technique (weaving). Students will gain an appreciation for art and its significance
in culture.
Students need practice on their fine motor skills and will find it challenging, but
necessary to their learning and development.
Students will find the cutting of strips difficult because they must make a certain
size for the weaving to work, and will therefore be done prior. They will be
asked to cut their own strips and try weaving themselves if they are done early.
8.5 x 11 white paper with slits for each student
Strips of paper for each student to weave with
Pencils and erasers
The Spider Weaver by Margaret Musgrove
African hut (made of fort building kit, grass, and a sheet)
Deepening Knowledge
Engagement (7-10 minutes)
What the teacher will do
What the student will do
The teacher will bring up the link on
The students will sit at the
the SMART Board:
The students will listen quietly
ind-theand look at the SMART Board,
scenes/streetview/treks/samburuquietly discussing with their
elbow partners about what they
The teacher will mention that we are
see and is different from life in
looking at a place in Africa named
Samburu. The teacher will remind
The students will suggest things
students that Africa is a place on our
that are different about life in
bulletin board about Grasslands and
the grasslands vs. Fredericton.
has animals such as elephants and
The teacher will begin to point things
out such as: the bare land, lack of
trees, lack of water, lack of houses, and
roaming animals.
The teacher will ask students what
they think would be different about

living there versus Fredericton.

The teacher will show students the hut
created in the classroom and will
emphasize that it is a representation of
what a house would look like for the
people living in Samburu.
Ask students what is different about
their home versus the hut.
Explanation (7 minutes)
What the teacher will do
What the student will do
The teacher will show students the
The students will face the
cover of the book The Spider Weaver
teacher and listen to the story.
by Margaret Musgrove.
The students will notice the
The teacher will read the story to the
patterns of the web and
weaving, and comprehend that
weaving originated from
The teacher will stop intermittently
observing the complexity of
throughout the story and discuss the
spider webs.
spiders web, the patterns of the
Students will suggest ways that
weaving done by the main character,
and the huts displayed in the story.
life in the grasslands could be
The teacher will prompt students to
recognize some of the challenges with
living in the grasslands (i.e. lack of
water, lack of trees, isolated).
Elaboration (5 minutes):
What the teacher will do
What the student will do
The teacher will show students the last
The students will learn what
page of the story again and tell them
their art project is: to practice
that today, we will be trying weaving
weaving by using paper.
using paper to decorate our African
The students will listen to
The teacher will show students the
The students will ask any
sheet they will get, which will be an
questions about the art project
8.5 x 11 piece of white paper with slits
that they may have.
in it, as well as 5 strips of paper.
The teacher will tell students that they
will decorate each strip and their large
white sheet using crayons and markers.
The teacher will tell students that when
they are finished decorating
everything, they will weave the strips
through the larger sheet of paper.
The teacher will tell students that once
each strip is woven through, they will
glue down the ends.

The teacher will show students how to

do it: take the strip and slide it through
a slit, going under, then over, then
under again.
Expansion (15 minutes)
What the teacher will do
What the student will do
The teacher will ask groups of students
The students will go to the
based on the color of their mats to
tables and wait for their
return to their seats at a table.
The teacher will remind students to
The students will be expected
move quietly like mice: quiet voices,
to use their indoor voices and
quiet feet, and quickly.
remain focused on their project.
Once everyone has returned to their
The students will work
seats quietly, students will be given a
independently and not interfere
sheet with slits in it, as well as each
in the work of their peers.
table getting a pack of strips of paper.
The teacher will ask a few students to
pass out markers and crayons.
The teacher will circulate to make sure
students are working, focused on task,
using their partner voice, and to help if
they are having any problems.
When students are done, they will
attach their weaving onto the hut using
Before cleaning up, the teacher will ask
students to give a few facts about what
they are doing and what they have
Students will be given the chance to cut
patterns in their strips if they would like. If
students are done early, they will be asked to
try weaving again, but this time cutting their
own slits in the large paper and cutting their
own strips.
Students will be monitored for following instructions and trying to problem-solve if they
encounter trouble.
Students will be given the chance to finish in the afternoon if they are not done.
Students will find the strip cutting very challenging and frustrating and therefore
will be done prior to. If they are done early, they will be asked to try cutting their
The lesson is also designed with UDL and appeals to a wide range of learning

Ava will not be allowed to sit with Max/Logan/Bradley.
Max/Logan/Bradley are allowed to sit in chairs unless behavior is inappropriate
and Logan will be asked to sit on the mats. It is important to choose the time to
intervene appropriately because it may escalate things.
Maddox: Struggles with socialization, winning/losing activities, and sometimes
following directions. He does like to please so try turning the situation around.
Miss. Michelle will also assist in guiding him at station work and during social
situations. You may need to intervene and help sharing and problem solving. He
also needs reminders of personal space and appropriate play.
He also has a daily journal that goes home each night. His targeted areas: not
leaving the classroom when upset, but instead either calming down or going to
quiet corner at the back (time is set for 3 minutes) and not hitting another person.
If he is not complying, give him to the count of 3 and ask him to go to the quiet
corner at the back of the room (This is not a time out but a time to think about a
better choice). Give him a minute, then go back and tell him you know he is very
smart and he can make great choices. If the situation escalates, Miss Michelle
will guide him from the room to his alternate spot to clam down before returning
to the classroom.
He often chooses to work at the table by the desk during work time, and often
chooses to sit on the red chair by that table during mat time.
Kyra: Has autism. She will participate in all activities with students but will need
short, simple directions repeated to her. Miss Michelle will be there to support
her when needed.
Muhammed: Muhammed has recently joined us from Syria and has very little
exposure to English. It is very challenging for him to follow along and struggles
to communicate and follow directions. Therefore, provide him with as much
one-on-one communication as possible. Speak clearly and directly, and use a
minimal amount of words. Emphasize hand gestures and use visual cues as often
as possible. Keep an eye on him during transitions and ensure that he doesnt go
outside or leave the classroom before he should. Amy and Callie serve as great
students for him to work with and sit with. There are some English-Arabic cards
to help him transition and understand what we are working on.
Maddox will not be told to make a second one when he is finished.

This is a culminating project for the students related to our grasslands science them. It is
designed to be cross-curricular and enrichment based. The art aspect of the lesson is
focused on being heavy in process and lighter in product, and to also be challenging in
order to help students improve their fine motor skills.

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