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Leaders are Leaders are Leaders: No Matter Where

You Are
Inspiring Positive Change in Leadership

Objectives Sequencing Instructional Strategies

EME 620
Janet Lee and Richard Brandt

Instructional Objectives and Sequencing.........................................................................................2
Pre-Instructional Strategy............................................................................................................2
Objective 1...................................................................................................................................2
Objective 2...................................................................................................................................2
Objective 3...................................................................................................................................3

Instructional Objectives and Sequencing

Participants in this session will learn the effective way to present and share
information whether it be in group settings or one on ones through the application of
Vygotsky's Gradual Release of Responsibility learning model. This session is structured
using this model to further demonstrate practical application and effectiveness.

Pre-Instructional Strategy
Learner will reflect upon and assess current understandings of leadership effectiveness
and ability.
Activity: Accessing the online pretest and reading the instructions.

Objective 1
Learner will be able to identify effective transfers of information between leaders and
Initial Presentation: Review case studies (educational and corporate) of
presentations/meetings that were ineffective. Distribute framework that will be
completed during group work.
Generative Strategy: Learners will complete framework and then share their
personal examples and discuss the effectiveness. Either they were presenting or
they were the audience.

Objective 2
Learner will demonstrate an understanding of the Vygotsky's Gradual Release of
Responsibility learning model.
Initial Presentation: Facilitator will discuss Vygotsky's Gradual Release of
Responsibility learning model. How does effective change occur? How can a
leader facilitate collaborative learning?
Generative Strategy: Learners will break off into groups and apply the principles
of Vygotsky's model to a presentation/meeting they've facilitated.

Objective 3
Learner will reflect upon previous presentation/meeting identifying areas of success and
Initial Presentation: Representative for each group will share their scenario and
findings with the class. The learners will then participate in a group discussion to
identify key traits of previous meetings that they determine to have been
Generative Strategy: Learners will participate in a class discussion to help each
group identify additional areas of success and improvement. They will

individually complete feedback to provide the facilitator with key takeaways that
they will be able to apply in their professional interactions.

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