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UEC Junior Level English Preparation--June

UEC Junior Level English Preparation--June

Summary Writing (10%)

Cloze Test(10%)

Forms and Functions (5%)

Closest in Meaning(10%)

Structure and usage (25%)UEC questions

Composition (40%)
A fire
If I were an millionaire
(A) Summary Writing
Summary 1 : Write a summary on the ways to curb road accidents.

As drivers, we have a responsibility on the road to ourselves, our loved ones and to other drivers. Responsibility here involves a few things. It m
It is also our responsibility to ensure that our vehicles are in tip-top condition. This is to make sure that our vehicles do not break down or cause
It is also the duty of the police to organize road safety campaigns to educate and raise awareness among road users about the dangers of inconsid
Your summary must :
* not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below
* be in continuous writing ( not note form )
* be written in one paragraph
Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.
Begin your summary as follows :
To curb road accidents, we must ensure that we drive .....
Summary 2: Write a summary on how we can attract more tourists to our country

One of the many sources of revenue for the country is tourism. Malaysia has lots to offer the world. We have beautiful beaches, lush jungles, coo
Firstly, we must expose people from foreign countries to what we can offer. We can do this by holding exhibitions overseas. Organizers of such e
On the homeground, multiethnic cultural shows can be presented to woo foreign tourists to the country. People who come from other countries w
Your summary must :
* not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below
* be in continuous writing ( not note form )
* be written in one paragraph
Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.
Begin your summary as follows :
There are many ways of attracting tourists to our country .....

Summary 3 : Write a summary on what you need to consider before enrolling in a college

A tertiary education is an investment for your future. It is giving three to five years of your life towards what you will eventually do with your lif
Before choosing a college, you should first know what you want to study. Check the list of online colleges and universities for those that offer w
Your summary must :
* not be more than 60 words, including the 10 words given below
* be in continuous writing ( not note form )
* be written in one paragraph
Use your own words as far as possible without changing its original meaning.

Begin your summary as follows :

There are a few things to consider before you enrol .....
(B) Cloze Test
Cloze Test (1)
Dear Diary,
I had a most unpleasant experience this morning. I was shopping ___1___ a birthday present at the Tiffany Gift Shop. After deciding
___2___ a beautiful musical box for Sharon, I proceeded to the cashier to pay. As I was ___3___ out of the shop, I was apprehended
___4___ tow fierce looking men. They ___5___ themselves as the security guards of the shop and ___6___ me of shoplifting. I stared
at them blankly and ___7___ my mouth to protest. However, before I could ___8___ a word, I was practically dragged into a nearby
The two men insisted on ___9___ my handbag. I allowed them to do ___10___ since this was the only way to prove my ___11___. To
my horror, one of the men drew ___12___ a pen from my bag. The price ___13___ on the pen carried the name of the gift shop. In a
flash, I ___14___ that I had absent-mindedly slipped this pen ___15___ my bag after examining it. I explained to the two men that
___16___ was an honest mistake but they would not listen. In the end, i was near tears and demanded to ___17___ the manager.
___18___ the security guards, the manager was a kind and benevolent-looking man. He told me not to ___19___ the mistake again
and ___20___ me go. What an embarrassing incident !

Cloze Test (2)

Birthdays are very special occasions. We like to ___1___ these occasions by having birthday cakes and presents. We also take delight ___2___ t
A pinata is a fairly large, round object ___7___ from hardened newspapers and paste. It has a hollow center which is ___8___ with sweets, choc
During the party, ___12___ child would be blindfolded and ___13___ a long stick. The children would then use the stick to poke hard at the pina
Cloze Test (3)

What would you do if you ___1___ a million dollars in a contest ? ___2___ you spend all your money shopping for toys, clothes and books ? W
Many rich people in history have ___7___ their millions to worthwhile causes such as ___8___ schools and hospitals. They have ___9___ their
Would you, then, ___19___ with your wealth to further the good of ___20___ people ?
(C) Forms and functions
F&F (1)

Angela : Lisa, are you free this evening ?

Lisa : Yes.
Angela : ____________ ( To invite )


How about giving me a treat ?

I would like to invite you to my house.
Please invite me.
Have you received my invitation letter ?

Anne : I think health is more important than wealth.

Ben : ____________ ( To agree )


James : May I borrow your bicycle ?

Lee : ____________ ( To decline )


Can you wait a while ?

I have lost my bicycle.
I'm sorry I can't lend it to you.
I don't have a bicycle.

Sammy : I've collected 300 dollars so far.

Mrs. Smith : Oh, that's very good. ____________ ( To encourage )


I don't think so
Are you sure ?
So do I.
I prefer wealth to health.

How did you do that ?

What about the others ?
Keep it up.
That's a lot of money.

Father : I'm going to give all of you a big sumptuous treat.

Sony : ____________ ( To express delight )

When ?
That's great !
What treat ?
Shall we go now ?

1. Barry : I'm sorry I'm late.

Coach : ____________ ( To warn )

Please be early next time.

If you're late again, you'll be dropped.
Why are you late ?
You can go home now.

2. Salesgirl : Can I help you ?

Joyce : I bought this bottle of jam yesterday. ____________ ( To complain )

I want to return it.

There are maggots in it.
I want a refund.
I want to see your manager.

3. Munich : Why don't we buy some fireworks ?

Sam : ____________ ( To discourage )
(A) You're wasting your money.

(B) Definitely not.

(C) It depends.
(D) Go ahead.
4. Alex : City life is better than country life.
Dick : ____________ ( To disagree )

Why do you say that ?

I don't think so.
Are you sure ?
I am of the same opinion.

5. Silva : Angelina, you have won the first prize.

Angelina : Oh really ? ____________ ( To express delight )

I could have done better.

I'm so happy.
When can I get the prize ?
Are you sure ?

F&F (2)

Girl : What do you think of this dress ?

Task : to disapprove


Girl My father will murder me ! His most expensive camera ! Look at it now ! What shall I do ?
Task : to console


You've no other choice. Confess !

He'll understand. Accidents do happen, you know.
Well, you're in deep trouble.
Goodness ! I'm glad I'm not in your shoes.

Carl : You stole my watch, didn't you ?

Task : to deny


Not bad at all.

It seems to fit alright.
Another new dress ?
Don't you think it's a little too gaudy ?

What ? Me ?
Well, let me explain !
No harm in that, is there ?
Not actually. I only borrowed it.

Boy : Would you like to go for a walk with me ?

Task : to decline


Daughter : I think I'll go to China for a holiday with Daisy.

Task : to order


Why not ?
Well, I can't see any harm in that.
Would I ? Would I not !
I would except that I'm just too tired.

Will Daisy's parents approve ?

You'll do nothing of that sort.
Who's Daisy ?
Don't you think that's rather dangerous ?

Son : I failed, Father. I don't understand how.

Task : to condemn

(A) Well, never mind. Try again next year.

(B) Well, I do ! You lazy, good-for-nothing idiot.
(C) Perhaps there has been a mistake.
(D) You don't really care whether you pass or fail, do you ?
1. Conductor : Fifty cents.
Girl : Oh ! I've lost my purse ! I've no money !
Lady : Don't worry, I'll pay for you ticket.
Task : to express gratitude

Oh, there's no need, actually !

I simply can't accept that.
That's so very kind of you. Thank you.
Oh, no, no ! How can you do that !

2. Aunt : Well, Kala, I hope you enjoyed your holiday with us.
Task : to express appreciation
(A) Oh yes, I did !
(B) Of course, I did ! And I hope you enjoyed my company too.
(C) Oh yes, I did ! And please come and visit us in Hollywood.
I've never had such an enjoyable trip. You and Uncle have been so kind to
3. Joe : Come on ! Let's go and see whether the robbers are still hiding in that vacant house.
Task : to express fear

But what if they see us ? They may murder us !

You must be joking. It's far too dangerous.
I am certainly not going to do a fool-hardy thing like that.
Me ? You can't be serious.

4. Private detective : You stay here. I'm going to see where they're hiding the stolen goods. If I don't
come back in two hours, contact the police headquarters.
Young Lady 1 : But isn't it dangerous ?
Young Lady 2 : You might get killed !
Private detective : It's got to be done. Now, remember my instructions. ( He leaves. )
Task : to express admiration


Oh I do hope he will succeed !

How brave he is !
You don't think he'll be caught do you ? Oh, I hope not !
It's so dangerous.

5. Hairdresser : Well, It's done ! How do you like it ? ( showing customer her new hairstyle )
Task : to express shock

What have you done to my hair ?

It's not at all like what I expected, really.
You'll have to do it again. I can't have shocking pink hair.
Blue hair ? Are you sure that's the latest craze ?

F&F (3)

Andy : I failed my Maths test again this month.

San : _____________ ( To advise )


Anne : Would you like to play a game of chess ?

June : ____________ ( To accept )


Do your duty now.

Come early next time.
The floor has not been swept.
Don't let me remind you.

Brother : Sis, do you mind if I use your bicycle ?

Sister : ____________ ( To give permission )


I'm not free.

I'd prefer tennis.
I'd love to.
It's boring.

Monitor : Who are the boys on duty to clean the classroom today ? ____________ ( To complain )


You had better go for Maths tuition.

You should have asked me to help you.
Try again.
Don't worry.

Yes, I do mind.
Of course !
Not at all.
I need it.

Son : Dad, I won the first prize in the singing contest.

Father : ____________ ( To compliment )

When did you take part ?

I'm glad to hear that.
What prize did you get ?

(D) Well done, son.

1. Teacher 1 : I think I'll go and have a cup of coffee now.
Teacher 2 : Don't you have a lesson with 4 Arts 2 ?
Teacher 1 : Yes. But they can wait ten minutes or so.
Task : to warn

Well, Mrs. Smith often makes her rounds at this time.

Don't you think that's a rather irresponsible attitude to take ?
That's not wise you know. I wouldn't if I were you.
I don't think that's quite the thing for a teacher to do, do you ?

2. Joseph : You clumsy fool ! You broke my spectacles ! Clumsy as a buffalo !

Task : to threaten

Don't you be rude !

Shut up, you clown !
You think you're tough, don't you ?
Do you want me to break your arm now ?

3. Wife : I've had it, I'm leaving you now.

Husband : Don't go.
Task : to promise

I'll give up drinking forever.

or I'll bash your head in.
and that's an order.
I can't live without you.

4. Girl : My parents will be moving to Mountain View tomorrow. And I'll have to go too. I'll never
see any of you again. Oh, what shall I do ? I don't want to go.
Task : to console
(A) Don't worry. You can stay with me. You needn't go.
(B) Don't worry. We'll meet again. You can come down for holidays.
(C) Don't go. I'll miss you too.
Well, if you don't want to go then you shouldn't, should you ? Why not stay
with me ?
5. Lin : Well, goodbye, May. I hope I'll see you one day.
May : Good bye, Lin ...
Task : to invite

Don't forget to come back and visit all of us in San Francisco.

Don't forget me, OK?
I wish you weren't leaving. Can I visit you in St Peter ?
Do come and stay with us if you ever come to San Francisco.
(D) Closest In Meaning


Let's flag


Why don't




flag down





keep up with

be with


be together

remain level with

find out

get information

get advise

get away

get help


I sympathi


I heard the


I agree. No




in the red

in a dilemma

in trouble

in a crisis

in debt

cut your coat according to your cloth


live within your means

save as much as possible

spend as often as possible

buy only when there are sales

crying over spilt milk


pitying yourself

apologizing for bad judgment

expecting other people to help you

regretting a mistake that cannot be undone

Miss Ong

You need t


You're righ

Miss Ong

I see your p

1. buck up





2. get ahead

gain results

gain speed

gain work

gain time

3. Cheer up


Be optimistic

Don't give up hope

Don't be so unhappy

Mr. Mohan

I am really disappointed with your results. You had better pull up your socks.


Don't worry, Dad. By hook or by crook, I'll do better next semester. You just wait and see,

Mr. Mohan

It's not that easy, son. You'll end up eating your words if you don't put any effort into it.



pull up your socks


work harder

change socks

get some help

think properly

By hook or by crook

By working harder

By any means possible

By studying in a group

By going for extra class


eating your words


eating too much food

having nothing at all to eat

taking back what you have said

forgetting all that you have studied


It's getting


Sorry, Mu


Alright. si


Sure, Mum

1. make a move



move away

move about

2. coming over





3. count on

ask for

help with

believe in


depend on
Shamsul, I know you have a passion for success. What I want to know is whether you're
willing to sacrifice your time for the game.


Sure, coach. I'm willing to do my best.


Good. You must make sure that you're here come rain or shine.


You have my word, coach.


passion for success


strong desire to win

strong desire to play

strong desire to help

strong desire to practice



do my best

get to the top

practice often

perform better

try a shard as I can

come rain or shine


fully prepared

when it rains or shines

despite whatever happens

although the weather is bad

A Fire

It was twilight time. I was watching television in my house when I heard an explosion. More followed. So I went outside to see what
A column of dark billowing smoke told me the story. There was a fire raging a short distance away.
I got onto my bicycle and pedalled in the direction of the smoke. A couple of kilometres later I came upon the fire. It was a row of m
The police and fire department had already cordoned off the area. I watched from a distance. A crowd had already gathered and w
The fire rose to about twenty metres and it lit up the whole area even though the sky was already dark. The firemen desperately spra
For more than an hour the fire raged. I could see anxious people trying to get near the workshops only to be held back by the police.
Finally the blaze died down and darkness enveloped us. The workshops were totally razed. Only red-hot embers remained where t

If I were a millionaire
It has been very rightly said that "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride". But it is wonderful to have wishes. Even
though they may not come true, there is no harm in dreaming.
Although I am not a poor man, but I would like to have so much money that I could do something for those who are less
fortunate than me. I do not see any harm in having every luxury for myself, if in turn I can do something worthwhile for
the poor. It has been my dream to see each child well nourished. When I see children on the streets with no food I feel
great pain. Although their parents try their best, they cannot provide their children with food, clothing and shelter. Then
they turn to begging.
If I were a millionaire I would do my best to provide permanent shelter, food and clothing for the poor. I would open
schools for them where the children could learn I would help them to be so independent that they can find fruitful
employment for themselves.
I would also build hospitals so as to provide them with good medical facilities. India has progressed a lot and we do have
good medical facilities but the poor people cannot afford these. If a poor child is sick, there is every possibility that he may
die due to lack of medicines and doctors. I would like to build a hospital with modern facilities where people will get
medical assistance free of cost.
I would donate money to social service organisations like destitute homes, orphanages, homes for the aged and
Unfortunately when one becomes extremely rich, one he forget the plight of those who are less fortunate. My motto would
be, "live and let live". In fact I would do all that I could for my parents too so that they may not have to break their backs

working for us. I would make them so comfortable that even in their old age they would feel great to be alive. I would like
to enjoy the fruits of money but I would always remain sensitive and sympathetic to the agony of those who are less

Summary 1
To curb road accidents, we must ensure that we drive carefully on the road. We must be courteous and considerate. We must also make
sure that our vehicles are serviced regularly and are in good working order. While driving, we must not speed. The police should
impose a heavy fine on traffic violators and organize road safety campaigns to raise awareness. ( 60 words )
Summary 2
There are many ways of attracting tourists to our country. For one, we can organize exhibitions abroad. Through these fairs, we can
offer attractive tour packages. Besides that, the mass media plays an important role in promoting Malaysia's holiday destinations. In
Malaysia itself, we can hold cultural shows. Most importantly, we must ensure that our facilities are up to standard. ( 60 words )
Summary 3
There are a few things to consider before you enrol in a college. You first need to choose a course you are interested in and then
choose a college that offers that course. You also need to consider the location of the college and make arrangements for
accommodation. Finally, make sure you have the finances to complete your college education. ( 60 words )
Cloze Test 1
1. for 2. on 3. walking 4. by 5. introduced 6. accused 7. opened 8. say/utter 9. searching 10. so 11. innocence 12. out 13.
tag 14. remembered/recalled 15. into 16. it 17. see 18. Unlike 19. make 20. Let
Cloze Test 3
1. celebrate 2. in 3. come 4. both 5. at 6. game 7. made 8. filled 9. with 10. begins 11. place 12. each 13. given 14. best
15. later 16. out 17. down 18. about 19. possible 20. around
Cloze Test 2
1. won 2. Would 3. around 4. deposit/put 5. on 6. life 7. put 8. building 9. donated 10. these 11. joy 12. example 13.
for 14. schools 15. fulfil 16. Though 17. what 18. still 19. part 20. Other
F&F 1
1B 2C 3C 4C 5B
1B 2B 3A 4B 5B
F&F 2
1D 2B 3A 4D 5B 6B
1C 2D 3A 4B 5A
F&F 3
1A 2C 3C 4C 5D
1A 2D 3A 4B 5D
1B 2D 3A 1D 2A 3D
1B 2A 3D 1A 2B 3C
1A 2A 3D 1A 2D 3C

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