Romania and Moldova: Introduction - Questions - Resources - The Big Question - Evaluation - Credits

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Romania and Moldova

Introduction | Questions | Resources | The big question | Evaluation | Credits

Romania and Moldova

Subject : Getting to know about Romania

Author: Carmen Anievas
and Moldova
Level 3º ESO
INTRODUCTION How much do you know about these two
countries? There are quite a lot of Romanian and
Moldovan students in our school, so it would be a
good idea to find out some simple facts about the

QUESTIONS 1. What are the capitals of these two countries?

2. Which country is bigger?
3. What is the official currency?
4. What languages are spoken?
5. What are the dominant religious groups?
6. What countries are around?
7. What is the difference between their flags?
8. If you wanted to go to the beach, which city would you go to?
9. Are any of these countries in the European Union?
10. Who inspired the fictional character of Count Dracula?

These links will help you to answer the questions and do the final activity correctly. - - - - - -

THE BIG Student 1: Describe two activities that are common to the two
QUESTION countries. Student 2: Describe two typical dishes.

EVALUATION You will get 1 point for each correct answer and 5 points for the big question. In order to be
successful you must answer 7 questions correctly and get 2,5 points in the last activity.
Remember to do it in your own words as much as possible.

CREDITS I would like to dedicate this work to all the Romanian and
Moldovan students in our school.

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