Synopsis On Software Advancement - Boon or A Curse: Rahul Parui

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ROLL NO: - 20


1. Aim.
2. Introduction to Software Development.
3. Need for the Study.
4. Hypothesis
i. Yes, software advancement has proved as a boon to the
world (Solution).
5. Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
6. Software Development Methodology.
7. Waterfall Method.
8. Software Development in Marketing.
9. Recent Trend in the Sector.
10. Methods of Data Collection.
11. Questionnaire.
12. Conclusion.
13. References
ii. Books
AIM: - To find out whether software advancement has helped the
world or proved to be a curse.

What is software?
Computer software or just software is a general term primarily used for
digitally stored data such as computer programs and other kinds of
information read and written by computers. Today, this includes data
that has not traditionally been associated with computers, such as film,
tapes and records. The term was coined in order to contrast to the old
term hardware (meaning physical devices); in contrast to hardware,
software is intangible, meaning it "cannot be touched". Software is also
sometimes used in a more narrow sense, meaning application software

What is Software Development?

Software development is the set of activities that results in software
products. Software development may include research, new
development, modification, reuse, re-engineering, maintenance, or any
other activities that result in software products. Especially the first
phase in the software development process may involve many
departments, including marketing, engineering, research and
development and general management.

1. To know what are the different software’s that are being used at
different levels.

2. To know how this software’s help them in their respective work.

3. To know how software’s help in sectors like banking, the medical

field (open heart surgery in Hindhuja hospital) & for defense

4. Various software’s are usually designed for marketing purposes,

so how software development help the potential new customers,
existing customers, sales prospect etc.

5. To know how software development helps to be a framework which

is used to structure, plan & control the process of developing
information system.

6. To know how the use of offshore development in India with a lower

cost per developer model has helped.

7. To know how software development has adjusted the time

differences for India while working with western world & allows
work to be done round the clock adding a competitive advantage.
1. Yes, software advancement has proved as a boon to the world.
2. No, software advancement has many drawbacks and is a curse to the

1. Yes, software advancement has proved as a boon to the
There are several different approaches to software development, much
like the various views of political parties toward governing a country.
Some take a more structured, engineering-based approach to
developing business solutions, whereas others may take a more
incremental approach, where software evolves as it is developed piece-
by-piece. Most methodologies share some combination of the following
stages of software development:

 Market research
 Gathering requirements for the proposed business solution
 Analyzing the problem
 Devising a plan or design for the software-based solution
 Implementation (coding) of the software
 Testing the software
 Deployment
 Maintenance and bug fixing

These stages are often referred to collectively as the software

development lifecycle, or SDLC. Different approaches to software
development may carry out these stages in different orders, or devote
more or less time to different stages. The level of detail of the
documentation produced at each stage of software development may
also vary.
These stages may also be carried out in turn (a “waterfall” based
approach), or they may be repeated over various cycles or iterations (a
more "extreme" approach). The more extreme approach usually
involves less time spent on planning and documentation, and more time
spent on coding and development of automated tests. More “extreme”
approaches also promote continuous testing throughout the
development lifecycle, as well as having a working (or bug-free) product
at all times. More structured or “waterfall” based approaches attempt
to assess the majority of risks and develop a detailed plan for the
software before implementation (coding) begins, and avoid significant
design changes and re-coding in later stages of the software
development lifecycle.

There are significant advantages and disadvantages to the various

methodologies, and the best approach to solving a problem using
software will often depend on the type of problem. If the problem is well
understood and a solution can be effectively planned out ahead of time,
the more "waterfall" based approach may work the best. If, on the other
hand, the problem is unique (at least to the development team) and the
structure of the software solution cannot be easily envisioned, then a
more "extreme" incremental approach may work best. A software
development process is a structure imposed on the development of a
software product. Synonyms include software life cycle and software
process. There are several models for such processes, each describing
approaches to a variety of tasks or activities that take place during the
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Software Development Life Cycle or SDLC is a model of a detailed plan

on how to create, develop, implement and eventually fold the software.
It’s a complete plan outlining how the software will be born, raised and
eventually be retired from its function. Although some of the models
don’t explicitly say how the program will be folded, it’s already
common knowledge that software will eventually have its ending in a
never ending world of change web, software and programming
Although SDLC has different forms and models, it follows certain steps.
These steps could have the same name in one methodology but they are
treated in a different manner or could lead to something different. We
will take a look at some of the common steps that you will find in most
methodologies in SDLC.
1. Planning – Everything starts with a concept. It could be a concept
of someone, or everyone. However, there are those that do not start out
with a concept but with a question, “What do you want?” they ask
thousands of people in a certain community or age group to know what
they want and decide to create an answer. But it all goes back to
planning and conceptualization.

2. Design – Once planning and arguing with the manager or the owner
about the plan and somehow when convincing them is over, it is time to
design or create a rough plan regarding the software. Developers will
work together and decide the initial specifics of the software to be
created. They will decide what platform or programming language to
use, which will take care the coding of a certain part of the software and
even the time frame.

This could be conducted by a project manager along with the

developers. The workflow about the project is also laid out. Some will
also treat this stage as planning for the back-end operations in
developing the software.
3. Implementation – The first two stages are quite common in all
SDLC models. However, things change from this stage. When the design
and all the things that you need have been laid out, it is time to work on
the plan. Some developers, especially those that follow the standard
plan of developing software will work on the plan and present them for

However, there are those that follow the iterative plan in SDLC.
Iterative SDLC is something revolutionary compared to traditional
stages in developing software. Instead of finishing everything and
presenting them to the general users or testers, iterative SDLC will
develop the software slowly and each change should be presented to the
intended users are at least in a focus group when they are about to be
implemented in public.
4. Testing – This could mean two things depending on an SDLC model.
The first type of testing is the actual testing by users. This is usually
done in models wherein implementation does not go with pre-testing
with users. On the other hand, there are also testing that uses
professionals in the field. This testing is aimed in cleaning the software
of all the bugs altogether. For software that is set for public release, the
software is first tested by other developers who were not in charge in
creating the software.

They will weed out the bugs and suggest fixes if they find one. Once this
stage is completed, it is time to test the software not just to the
developers but to actual users. Some have been bold enough to offer the
software openly to the public but best practices will suggest that you
have to invite limited number of people before actually offering the
software as an open beta version.

5. Acceptance – When the software is released to be used by a certain

company, acceptance means the software is implemented as an added
tool or could be replacing software that has been found too wanting
after years of use. It is difficult to change public software but they are
not closing their ears to new software. So developers will always have a
fighting chance in the market as long as they implement good software
for public use.

6. Maintenance – When the software is implemented, it does not mean

that the software is good as it is. All SDLC models include maintenance
since there are absolutely no way that software will be working
perfectly. Someone has to stay in the present software to take a look and
ensure the program works perfectly when the software is implemented in
public. Software companies either set up a call center or an e-mail
service to address the concerns of the consumer. However, it is always a
challenge when something goes wrong.
7. Disposal – Last but not the least, when software is being outmoded,
it is not just all deletion of files. Project managers should take a look at
all the affected files of the software and determine which file to protect
and dispose. Disposal will also require an efficient purging of
documents so that no traces of information could be retrieved from
memory devices inside the computer.

If the company is planning to re-use the company computers that is ok

but it is an entirely different story when the computer and other related
equipments is sold. If you have not deleted the files with powerful
software, the information inside the hard disk could be read through
simple information retrieval software that could open up a lot of
possible hacking opportunity. There might be very important
information that can be retrieved and be used by the enemy. Transfer of
information is also being thought of in this stage since the new software
or an update will affect a small number of people or even documents.
Software Development Methodology
A software development methodology is a framework that is used to
structure, plan, and control the process of developing information
systems. A wide variety of such frameworks have evolved over the years,
each with its own recognized strengths and weaknesses. One system
development methodology is not necessarily suitable for use by all
projects. Each of the available methodologies is best suited to specific
kinds of projects, based on various technical, organizational, project
and team considerations.

Waterfall Method
There is various software development approaches defined and
designed which are used/employed during development process of
software, these approaches are also referred as "Software
Development Process Models". Each process model follows a
particular life cycle in order to ensure success in process of software

One such approach/process used in Software Development is

"The Waterfall Model". Waterfall approach was first Process Model to
be introduced and followed widely in Software Engineering to ensure
success of the project. In "The Waterfall" approach, the whole process
of software development is divided into separate process phases. The
phases in Waterfall model are: Requirement Specifications phase,
Software Design, Implementation and Testing & Maintenance.
The stages of "The Waterfall Model" are:
1. Requirement Analysis & Definition:

All possible requirements of the system to be developed are captured in

this phase. Requirements are set of functionalities and constraints that
the end-user expects from the system. The requirements are gathered
from the end-user by consultation, these requirements are analyzed for
their validity and the possibility of incorporating the requirements in the
system to be development is also studied.

2. System & Software Design: The requirement specifications from

first phase are studied in this phase and system design is prepared.
System Design helps in specifying hardware and system requirements
and also helps in defining overall system architecture. The system
design specifications serve as input for the next phase of the model.
3. Implementation & Unit Testing: On receiving system design
documents, the work is divided in modules/units and actual coding is
started. The system is first developed in small programs called units,
which are integrated in the next phase. Each unit is developed and
tested for its functionality; this is referred to as Unit Testing. Unit
testing mainly verifies if the modules/units meet their specifications.

4. Integration & System Testing: As stated above, the system is first

divided in units which are developed and tested for their functionalities.
These units are integrated into a complete system during Integration
phase and tested to check if all modules/units coordinate between each
other and the system as a whole behaves as per the specifications. After
successfully testing the software, it is delivered to the customer.
5. Operations & Maintenance: This phase of "The Waterfall Model"
is virtually never ending phase (Very long). Generally, problems with
the system developed, come up after its practical use starts, so the issues
related to the system are solved after deployment of the system. Not all
the problems come in picture directly but they arise time to time and
needs to be solved; hence this process is referred as Maintenance.

Software Development in Marketing

The sources of ideas for software products are legion. These ideas can
come from market research including the demographics of potential new
customers, existing customers, sales prospects who rejected the product,
other internal software development staff, or a creative third party.
Ideas for software products are usually first evaluated by marketing
personnel for economic feasibility, for possible effects on existing
product lines, required features, and for fit with the company's
marketing objectives. A decision is reached early in the first phase as to
whether, based on the more detailed information generated by the
marketing and development staff, the project should be pursued further.

In the book "Great Software Debates", Alan M. Davis states in the

chapter "Requirements", subchapter "The Missing Piece of Software

“ Students of engineering learn engineering and are rarely

exposed to finance or marketing. Students of marketing learn
marketing and are rarely exposed to finance or engineering.
Most of us become specialists in just one area. To complicate
matters, few of us meet interdisciplinary people in the workforce,
so there are few roles to mimic. Yet, software product planning
is critical to the development success and absolutely requires
knowledge of multiple disciplines. ”
Recent Trends in the Sector
Given the rapid growth of this sector, several companies have started to
use offshore development in China, India and other countries with a
lower cost per developer model. Several new Web 2.0 platforms and
sites are now developed offshore while management is located in
Western countries. The advantages mostly revolve around better cost-
control over the process, which means that there is lower cash-outflow
(often the biggest struggle for startups). Furthermore, the time
difference when working with India and China for the Western world
allows work to be done round the clock adding a competitive advantage.
Notable firms that are involved in development include Tata
Consultancy Services, Infosys, Wipro, and Satyam.
Research Design
To conduct the survey I prepared the questionnaire that would help me
to work on the topic of Software Developments and use statistical tools
to bring out the findings of the projects.
Research plan
Research type: - qualitative exploratory research
Research method: - survey method.
Research tool: - structured questionnaire
Sample plan
Sample design: - Non-probability sampling
Sample size: - 20(Various sectors)
Sample Composition: -
Students from various educational institution- 6
Managers/supervisors- 3
Professors- 5
Employees- 2
Businessmen- 4

Data collection
Primary data collection method: - Survey method.
Secondary data collection method: - Desk research
Secondary data sources: - printed and digital information.

1. a) Name of the respondent: -…………………………………………………………………………………………………….

b) Address:-……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

c) Place of survey:-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. a) Occupation

i. Government Employee
ii. Employee of a private company
iii. Business
iv. Others

b) Designation:-…………………………………………………….............
3. Gender:-
i. Male
ii. Female

4. Age Group:-
i. 0-15
ii. 15-25
iii. 25-35
iv. 35-45
v. 45-55
vi. 55+

5. What are the different software that you use?


6. Since when did you get acquainted with software technology?


7. Do you think it reduces employment opportunities?

i. Yes
ii. No

8. Do you think it saves manpower and time?

i. Yes
ii. No

9. What in your opinion is more efficient :-

i. Software
ii. Human efficiency

10. Do you think software advancement helps in imparting more knowledge (Internet)?
i. Yes
ii. No

11. Are you too much dependant on software’s?

i. Yes
ii. No

12. Are you afraid from the side effects of software’s?

i. Yes
ii. No

13. Do you think that software advancement in nuclear field is dangerous?

i. Yes
ii. No

14. Can software advancement help rural development?

i. Yes
ii. No

15. Does software help you to easily connect with people around the world?
i. Yes
ii. No

16. Do you think software advancement (technology) has made the world a smaller place?
i. Yes
ii. No

Software advancement can be a boon if used for the betterment of the
society in fields like medical, education sector, mass marketing &
social awareness, but it can also prove to be a curse if misused for the
purpose of cyber crime, computer hacking & increasing nuclear power.


1. Jim McCarthy (1995) Dynamics of Software Development.

2. Robert K.Wysocki (2006) Effective Software Project Management.

3. Edward Hasted (2005) Software that Sells: A Practical Guide to

Developing & Marketing your Software Project.

4. Luke Hohman (2003) Beyond Software Architecture: Creating &

Sustaining Winning Solution.

5. John Rittinghouse (2003) Managing Software Deliverables:

A Software Development Management Methodology.

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