Hillsborough Petition

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Justice for the 96, police and Tories were to blame...

Hillsborough: Guilty
cops should be jailed
After 27 years - and thanks to the
bravery of the families - the truth
about the disaster at Hillsborough
that claimed the lives of 96 football
fans is finally out.
The inquests into the deaths of the
Liverpool fans found that they were
unlawfully killed.
The police and the Tory press went
into overdrive from day one of the
disaster to smear those that had died
and to cover up the facts.
The Sun newspaper accused fans


of picking the pockets of the dead,

urinating on brave cops and of
beating up a police officer who was
giving an injured fan the kiss of life.
This was all rubbish!
The police then carried out a
wholesale cover up of the eveidence
about how they had mismanaged the
day and put fans lives in jeopady.
South Yorkshire polices handling
of the day was investigated by West
Midlands police who in turn helped
to cover up events.

to SW

South Yorkshire police, the force

responsible for the disaster were the
very same force that had dealt with
the miners strike of 1984- 85, thats
exactly why Thatcher and the Tories
helped them with the cover up.
Now at last the truth has been
The match commader at
Hillsborough - David Duckenfield
and other senior officers should now
face prosecution for their handlng of
events and for the cover up.

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Return complete petitions to: David Cameron, 10 Downing Street, London SW1A 2AA

Initiated by Socialist Worker

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