Earthrisecommentary 1

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Assavarungnirund 1

Nate Assavarungnirund
English 2 XL
Section 7
William Anders Earthrise presents a view of the earth from the moon . This photo was
taken while Anders was on the Apollo 8 mission to the moon in 1968. It shows the beauty of
earth from a different perspective. As the earth rises over the moon, we see how small the earth is
compared to our enormous universe. The picture presents the idea that our earth is not the center
of the universe. For most of our lives, we believe that the universe has revolved around us.
However, this photo contradicts our self-centered beliefs.
I find it poetic how simple, yet beautiful pictures can present such thought provoking
ideas. Earthrise displays a different perspective of life to the audience. It puts humanity into its
place. It shows that not everything in the universe depends on us. Instead, humanity depends on
the universe for sunlight and warmth. However, the photo also shows how far humanity has
come. At one point, humans were struggling to create electricity, but now our society has
discovered ways to send people to the moon. In addition, this picture gives a sense of natural
beauty. It is poetic to appreciate all that our earth has to offer us. Furthermore, I find it poetic
how this photo disregards any sense of direction. It shows a freedom of direction and thought.
Earthrise shows that we do not always have to follow direction or boundaries. Sometimes, a
sense of direction can prohibit us from discovering new aspects of life. However, by breaking
free, we are able to discover the true beauty of life and everything it has to offer.

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