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Asha Coutrier

UWRT 1102
Ms. Voltz
April 26th, 2016
Reflection in Class Writing 14
Optimism is a coping method that I can't seem to successfully use. I've been
looking at colleges since elementary school, fifth grade to be exact, and I've changed my
major dozens of times. It's not solely because I'm indecisive, but because I figure if I'm
destined to fail, it had to be in something that wouldn't cost me much. Whenever the
immense stresses of life would bear down on me, I would retreat inwards with the hope
that, if I waited long enough, everything would just disappear and I could breathe easily
with little regard for anything. Music, however, would ease my immense panicking long
enough for me to accomplish something that would contribute to my betterment as a
person, even if it is insignificant in the long run.
It was easier to drown my anger in food and obnoxiously loud early 2000s emo
music than it was to actually find someone to listen. I've had about three therapists over
my pitiful existence and they apparently didn't understand the concept of patient
confidentiality that they attempted to comfort me with. I was better friends with my
school's principal than anyone else until I entered 6th grade, but even then, I scared
people off. In those times when I considered what purpose I was and would serve, the
music would stop my thoughts from culminating into something extremely regrettable
most of the time. Music, now that I am at the point in my life where things adulthood is

being fully realized, serves to organize my thoughts and serve as an innovator for new
and creative ideas.

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