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9. ...clear picture.

studies in developmental
psycology have found
that children r essentially
a blank slate. Granted,
there r several traits that
r inborn or inherited but
mostly children learn
right and wrong through
observation of others.
Until they r off schooling
age, their parents r the
predominate role models
in a childs life. Wether or
not it is hoped that the
parents can instill a
strong enough sense of
r&w so that by the time
the child is exposed to
other sources, their moral
compass is secure.
Therefore, I
they r the root of the

9.Webelieve this
statement is true bcs
parents dont have to be
perfectly attuned to their
children at every
moment, nor do they
need to respond perfectly
to each of the childs
cues. Regular, sensitive
responses whenever
possibles r enough.
as they will from time
temporary disruption..
this gives them both a
chance to learn how to
handle reach out and
reconnect again. When
become the norm,
however and the child
cant count on parents
responsiveness. The child
development may be
thrown off course. I
think give up n take no
responsibility up to.

10.So, parents are the

one who should be
blamed in order to
discipline the children and
mainly to avoid them
from committing crimes
in future.

chairman,guest,t&std, in
conclusion, children
tended to be better
bahaved if their parents
combined warmth with
clear consistent rules and
boundaries. Otot, I
strongly believed that
parents may these
points will turn.

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