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Project Proposal

Caleb, Alex, Dexter, Majed

Carolina Panthers
UWRT 1102

For our semester long project, we have chosen the Carolina Panthers.
We chose this topic because we all have a similar interest in sports. We
feel as is we can create a thorough, well-put together project and
presentation regarding this topic. Within our topic, we plan to focus on
many smaller sub topics. These will include:

Economic impact on the Charlotte area

Involvement in the community
Impact of team success
History of the organization
Employees and team

To present our findings, we will create an attention grabbing

PowerPoint and show what we have learned to the class. We look
forward to this process, and hope to reflect our knowledge on our
fellow classmates. To present this knowledge, we plan to use the
visual and aural mode in our presentation. We feel as if the pictures,
videos, and sounds will really catch the audiences attention and get
our point across.
As mentioned before, we will present our project through a
PowerPoint presentation. We will put together a creative and thorough

project to show what we have learned throughout our research. We

plan to use many forms of research. Our group will find relevant
information concerning our topic using the Internet, our school library,
local fans, and hopefully a primary source (someone involved with the
organization). We hope to find someone within the Panthers that would
be willing to allow us to quickly interview them to get a better insight
into the organization. Our final presentation will be creative and will
successfully present the information we have learned about the
Carolina Panthers in our research throughout the semester.
The Carolina Panthers are a very important part of the Charlotte
area. They bring in a lot of revenue to the area and create a lot of
excitement for the fans and citizens of the Carolinas. We chose this
topic because each of us share a common interest in, not only just
sports, but the Panthers specifically. We feel as if our previous and
learned knowledge on this topic will teach our audience about the
importance of this sports organization. Our media aspect will be very
creative and interesting, capturing the audiences attention while
informing them about our topic.
Each of our group members looks forward to working with each
other and creating a successful project. We feel as if we will work
together very well, cooperating successfully. We all plan on researching
information about our topic. Alex has taken the responsibility of
emailing and attempting to research a reliable primary source. He has

thought about possible interviewees and composed a few drafts of

possible emails. Dexter and Majed will find other resources and
information about the Panthers. They will research the history and
impact of the Panthers. Caleb will help with the research as well as
creating the PowerPoint presentation. While each of us have a specified
role in the group, we are a team and will work together to create a
successful, well thought out project to present to our peers.
To begin our semester long project, we will create a plan or a
timeline on when we hope to get each aspect of our project completed.
With a project like this, it is important to be on top of dates to ensure
that you have enough time to get everything done to the best of your
ability. We will begin by specifying our sub topics and deciding on what
we will focus on. Then, we will begin the research position of our
project. Each of us will have a topic and find relevant, interesting
information to include in our presentation. After we have the
information we need, we will begin the creation of the presentation. We
hope to create a creative and interesting PowerPoint to keep the
audience engaged and interested.
Our group looks forward to creating an interesting project, while
informing our audience about the importance of the Panthers
organization, as well as the history and future of the team. This will be
a great learning experience for all of us and we hope to successfully
inform our audience of our findings.

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