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Goal Setting Project


Lacey Hall

What I Want
(Make a list of at least ten goals, one in each area of life)
Goal/Area of life

Date Completed

Aesthetic (#3) Expand my connection to music by determining likes and dislikes


Control (#5) Spend a week re-gaining control of my schoolwork


Creativity (#3) Find different routes to work daily for a week


Family (#2) Reflect on my family and the inspiration stemmed from them


Humanity (#4) Befriend my elderly co-worker Dean


Physical (#5) Three week plan to become more rested and relaxed


Renown (#5) Recognize an ideal person and work to be more like them


Social (#2) Meet 5 people in my neighborhood and acknowledge them by name


Spirituality (#5) Find a spiritual experience and reflect on it


Wealth (#5) Acknowledge the benefits of being financially independent




3. Listen to at least four different types of music and write down what you like and dislike about
each and why?
What this means to me: Expanding my connection to music by determining likes and dislikes.

Completion or Progress Check Date:

Check Date: 02/15/16 - Incomplete

Planned Completion By Date: 03/01/16 Completed by
Actual Completion Date: 02/27/16 Completed
Planned Continuation: Yes

Acknowledge meaning beyond background noise
Concentrating on the emotions I feel while listening to music
Allowing myself the time to sit down and do it
People, Groups and/or Organizations:
This particular goal is going to majority be myself being the sole person involved
Musical Groups Ed Sheeran, The Weeknd, Purity Ring, and Caravan Palace
What Do I Need to Know?

What songs I will be listening to

Where can I listen to these songs that will allow me to give it my full concentration
An understanding of music and what it can provide someone with if allowed

First I need to determine which artists I will be listening to for the completion of this goal. Then I
need to find a quite place to complete this task. Once the music and location is determined I need
to be in a relaxed state of mind. I will go to the place in which I have determined will be quite
when in a relaxed state of mind prior to the date of 03/01/16 and listen to at least 15 minutes
worth of music for each artist totaling an hour of listening time. While listening to each artist
within different genres I will write down what about the music genres appeal to me and what
does not appeal to me. While doing this, I need to also focus on not only the lyrics, but also the
emotion in the actual music itself. After I have done this, I need to reflect upon my feelings to
expand my connection to music. Furthermore, I would like to continue doing this practice in the
What's In It For Me (Rewards):
At the end of completion I am going to purchase the full album of the artist I find most relaxing
on iTunes.
Description of My Experience:

R&B The Weeknd

When listening to this type of music I feel relaxed and passionate about life.
There is a melodic undertone that has a continuous beat often times which
almost allows me to go into a zoned out state of mind. If I listen to the lyrics I
feel inspired about my own life. I can sense the artists passion and in turn
feel my own. I dont really like how some of this genre is so sexually driven
though, I feel like it takes away from the actual instrumental calm that this
genre can create for a listener.
Indie Rock Ed Sheeran
When listening to indie rock I often feel sad and contemplative about my life.
The music is typically calm and easy on the ears, yet the lyrics are often sad
in nature and force me to reflect on things that I can relate to within the
words. I actually enjoy this aspect of this genre of music, when reflecting; I
get to experience both good and bad nostalgic feelings. The good is often
worth the bad. But Id prefer to avoid the negative emotions, so with such
powerful lyrics it is both a blessing and a curse.
EDM Purity Ring
The repetitive nature of this genre of music can be trance like and almost
feels meditational. The beats are in a major chord set up which automatically
sound happy, thus creating its listen a sense of happiness. I love this genre
due to its ability to uplift the listener. Nothing beats having a long difficult
day and turning on a song that automatically puts you at ease and in a
positive mindset; although, at times I often find myself getting bored of the
repetitive and often meaningless lyrics.
Electro Swing Caravan Palace
This is legitimately the happiest music I have ever listened to. It has a bit of
50s big band, modern techno/electronic, and some blues. This particular
band is so unique from majority of what is popular these days. Yet, I love it
for this reason. I literally cant listen to this without feeling happy and
dancing around to it. I appreciate the different sounds than I have ever heard
and the ability to make me move even when Im feeling drained. It is exciting
and a bit in your face though. It certainly isnt something I could listen to all
of the time; but only because it is rather intense and slightly distracting.



5. Pick an area of your life where you feel you could have more control if you paid more
attention to it. Describe the area you have chosen. Spend a week trying to be more attentive to
the area and write down how you were able to gain more control. If you were not able to gain
more control, write down why you think you were not successful in gaining control.
What this means to me: Spend a week re-gaining control of my schoolwork.
Completion or Progress Check Date:

Check Date: 03/15/16 - Incomplete

Planned Completion By Date: 04/01/16 Almost Completed By

Actual Completion Date: 03/27/16 04/02/16 Completed
Planned Continuation: Yes

Finding the time and putting the declaration into practice
Not allowing my fear to scare me from doing it
Fully understanding the materials
Paying the Internet on time to assure I have access
People, Groups and/or Organizations:
Salt Lake Community College Professors
Salt Lake Community College Library staff (if needed)
Salt Lake Community College Tutoring Center staff (if needed)
Fellow students attending my same classes (if needed)
What Do I Need to Know?

What homework needs to be done

What reading needs to be done to complete homework
What materials need to be studied to grasp homework
What my educational resources are if needed
What is expected of me
A schedule to complete all required work

First I need to find my motivation to make sure I get this accomplished. Once this has been done
I need to apply myself to a weeklong schedule to improve my academic standing. Day one,
creates a study plan and recognizes its importance. Day two, put the study plan into action.
Review syllabuses, read through assignments, gain better understanding of what needs to be
accomplished, and acknowledge any areas where I may need assistance. Once this has been
done, find the resources available to me that will offer assistance in the areas I need if I need
them. Day three, review and apply. Read all required texts to complete assignments. Day four,
establish understanding of concepts, assignments, and projects for my courses that are
incomplete. Let go of any guilt or shame associated with letting my studies fall to the wayside.

Day five, now that the prep work has been completed actually begin to complete assignments as
possible. Day six, dedicate entire day to schoolwork and complete a minimum of 5 assignments.
Day seven, take the online test associate with completed assignments with confidence. Continue
these practices till all schoolwork is caught up in all of my courses. Apply these lessons in future
What's In It For Me (Rewards):
Continuing forward with my 4.0 G.P.A. thus allowing me to obtain higher scholarships for my
future college courses.
Description of My Experience:
The area I picked was school. I have been very distracted from my studies over the last
two months and for the first time in my entire life have fell behind in my schooling. Ive always
been a 4.0 student and needed to take the control of my own personal academic success back into
my own hands. I made this conscious effort to start achieving more and applying myself again on
my birthday, which was and Easter Sunday, March 27th of this year. Below are the results:
-March 27th I recognized the need for control and created a study plan that would allow
me to catch up in the courses in which I was struggling to keep up in.
-March 28th I put that plan into action, I started by reviewing the syllabuses of my
classes and reading through the assignments I had yet to complete to gain a better
understanding of them.
-March 29th I reviewed my previous assignments and started reading the text needed to
complete several assignments.
-March 30th- Not only did I start reading the assignments needed; I started to achieve a
better understanding of myself. I accepted the things I couldnt change and let go of the
guilt associated with slacking.
-March 31st I began to complete overdue assignments and felt the success of
-April 1st- I spent the entire day dedicated to homework and completed over 10
assignments for one class.
-April 2nd I took an online test and did well. I am finally caught up in one of my classes.
In changing my mindset and creating a plan, I was able to execute a goal in which I had
been procrastinating and allowing to build up. Once I was able to do this, I went into it with a
positive attitude and continuing to tell myself my affirmations, it ended up being much more
successful than I originally thought it would be. I feel empowered by taking control back for my
academic career. I will succeed.



3. Drive to and from work by a different route each day, trying to not retrace any portion of your
route. What did you learn about creativity?
What this means to me: Find different routes to work daily for a week.

Completion or Progress Check Date:

Check Date: 03/15/16 - Incomplete

Planned Completion By Date: 04/01/16 Completed By
Actual Completion Date: 04/01/16 Completed
Planned Continuation: No

Leaving early enough to be to work on time
Coming up with five different routes to a my centrally located office
Not getting frustrated by the time it will take to get to work
People, Groups and/or Organizations:
My father (for help on determining routes)
My boss (her understanding of what I am doing if it causes me to be late)
Google Maps (for help on determining routes)
What Do I Need to Know?

What routes to take

How long each route will take me
The surrounding area to my work
Where construction is taking place
How traffic patterns are in that area during that time

First step is to familiarize myself with the area both with my fathers assistance and with the help
of Google Maps. After I have become more familiar with the roads and facilities around my
workplace I can start to establish a plan to take different routes to work for one weeks time.
Also, inform employer of this venture and the possibility of being tardy if things dont go as
planned. Monday, Day 1, drive regular route to work and reflect on my experience. Tuesday, Day
2, drive a new route to work using the freeway and reflect on my experience. Wednesday, Day 3,
drive back roads to work and reflect on my experience. Thursday, Day 4, use a different set of
back roads to work and reflect on my experience. Friday, Day 5, take scenic route to work and
reflect upon my experience. Remain calm throughout this time frame and recognize that it is a
learning experience. Reflect on how this goal helped stimulate creative problem solving.

What's In It For Me (Rewards):

Finding faster and alternative routes to work thus insuring if a road is closed or construction is on
my normal route I have other options to ensure I am punctual to my job and ensuring punctuality
will ensure job stability. Thus allowing me to continue living life with its necessities.
Description of My Experience:
This particular portion has been both refreshing and frustrating. On the first day I went
my typical route, a straight shot down 33rd south from my house to my office. I spent most of my
drive thinking about other ways I could travel. This was fine and was what I am typically used
to. Day two I decided to hop onto the freeway at 33rd and take Cheyenne, exiting at 1300 east. I
had to backtrack a bit, however, I was extremely surprised how it took about 7 minutes off of
travel time. This could prove to be both financially beneficial, not to mention if Im in a hurry to
get to work or running late, I like being aware of my options. Day three, I really had to get
creative, I decided to take 45th down to highland drive and head north to my office. This was both
time consuming and frustrating with traffic to be backtracking. Day 4, I took Redwood north to
2700 south and backtracked by going south once I hit highland. The beginning portion of this
drive was nice, seemingly there was less traffic and I didnt mind the extra time. Unfortunately,
as soon as I hit sugarhouse the traffic was sufficiently more and left me anxious that I wasnt
going to be on time. However, I only ended up being a couple minutes late and thankfully my
boss was aware of this assignment, so she understood. Day 5 at this point, I felt as though Id
exhausted all of my options. So I left 40 minutes early and took my time. I drove down 33rd and
headed north on State St. till I hit 2100 south, the traffic in sugarhouse was hectic again, but
because I had allowed myself enough time it didnt bother me. I drove up to 2300 east on 21st
and headed south through the neighborhoods to get to the office. I love the atmosphere of the
neighborhoods in sugarhouse, with their overgrown trees and quaint houses. It was really
refreshing to just be able to mosey my way through the area and become acquainted with an area
that Im not familiar with.
In regards to what this activity taught me about creativity, I was able to see that there are
many different ways to solve a problem. One may be faster or slower, more relaxing or stressful,
and that regardless of how I did it, I still made it to work every day. Thus showing me their isnt
necessarily a right way to solve a problem and being creative and innovative will teach you that
there are other strategies or solutions. This activity actually inspired me to make an adjustment to
the way we were handling something at work and allowed me to find a different method of
tracking our progress on something (despite it being a particular way for years) that people liked
a lot better than the old way.



2. Write down a favorite story about your family, which is humorous and/or inspires you to be a
better person.
What this means to me: Reflect on my family and the inspiration stemmed from them.
Completion or Progress Check Date:

Check Date: 04/01/16 Already Completed

Planned Completion By Date: 05/01/16 Completed By
Actual Completion Date: 03/05/16 Completed
Planned Continuation: Yes

Determining which family memory to reflect upon
Determining which family member is most inspirational
Finding the time to sit and reflect
People, Groups and/or Organizations:
My family (to help remember things)
What Do I Need to Know?

Which memories stand out the most to me

Which memories make me laugh
Which memories inspire me
What about these memories make me react a certain why
Why did I pick these particular memories

First I need to determine who I will be reflecting upon for my inspiration and which funny
memory I will also be reflecting on. After I have done this I need to find a place to reflect. After
determining who, what, and where I will spend some time communicating with my family about
funny and inspirational moments in our pasts to be reminded of the feelings associated with
them. Once this has been done I will need to reevaluate the memories of my choosing and find
the time to reflect prior to 05/01/16. When I find the time I will go to the predetermined place
and reflect upon the memories I have picked and why they stand out to me. Determine why I find
inspiration from these particular memories and what my reaction is to them exactly. Id like to
continue to practice this in the future to refrain from forgetting how much my family has done
for me and how much happiness has been created by having them in my life.
What's In It For Me (Rewards):
Once this goal is complete, I am going to go out to dinner and a movie with my sister to show
her my appreciation.
Description of My Experience:

I want to share two separate stories here; one that is funny, the other inspirational.
When I was at the age of about 5, my parents had separated and I had just started
attending Challenger Private School for Kindergarten. It was my first day and my father had my
sister and I. My sister did my hair and my father helped me get into my uniform. However, my
father had absolutely no idea as to how to put on little girls tights. That job had been reserved for
my mother on all previous occasions. He came up with the idea that he would hold them open
over the bed and that I was to hold on to both of his wrists and hoist my legs into my tights. This
theory I believe was based on gravity and my dads opinion that the tights would easily stretch.
He was in fact correct on both counts. However, he didnt anticipate that once I was in the tights
that I would begin to laugh and swing my legs about excitedly. My sister, my father, and myself
laughed as I kicked my little legs around and he was still holding on to my tights. Unfortunately,
I ended up kicking my father right in the groin. In response, he dropped me on the bed as he hit
the ground and rolled around in pain. My sister and I couldnt stop laughing. To this day my
father and sister giggle when we talk about the time my dad learned how not to put on a little
girls tights.
My inspirational tidbit is less of a story of a certain circumstance and more of a
description of what growing up with my sister was like. My sister is a 27-year-old college
graduate with an endearing and courageous persona. She unfortunately, was born deaf and with
many ailments and illnesss. She has undergone 25 major surgeries ranging from brain surgery to
the reconstruction of her lower legs. Growing up with her was at times difficult. I remember
feeling neglected, as a child because so much focus was put on her due to her medical needs and
requirements. My parents even have said when I was a small girl I would sometimes ask why I
couldnt be sick to spend more time with mommy and daddy. As an adult, Im so thankful for the
time they dedicated to my sister. If it werent for their attentiveness, my sister probably wouldnt
be here today. Not to mention, my sister always kept a smile on her face and played with me
when she was capable throughout our childhood. Her strength has been an ever present force of
inspiration my entire life and Im thankful to have her.



4. Pick a person in your neighborhood that seems to be outside of the normal circle and make an
effort to make them into a friend. Try different ways to brighten their day and to make them feel
they are important to you. Write up what you did and the responses you received from the
What this means to me: Befriend my elderly co-worker Dean.
Completion or Progress Check Date:

Check Date: 03/15/16 Making Progress

Planned Completion By Date: 05/01/16 Completed By
Actual Completion Date: 03/01/16 03/18/16 Completed
Planned Continuation: Yes


Find opportunities to interact with Dean

Deans lack of responsiveness to conversation and niceties
Not coming across in a bad or overbearing manner
People, Groups and/or Organizations:
My co-workers (advice on how to go about doing this)
My boss (to know what I am attempting to do)
Dean (the elderly co-worker Im attempting to befriend)
What Do I Need to Know?

What my boss thinks of this

What my coworkers suggest
Good ways to approach the non-approachable
How to interact with someone with such a difference in age
What appropriate conversation topics are

First I need decide the type of person I would like to befriend. Then I need to determine whom I
will be befriending. After this person has been decided I need to initiate conversation and
friendly exchange through initial pleasantries, i.e. smile and greet them when I see them, say
goodbye to them at the end of the day, ask them if they need anything when applicable, etc. After
initial contact has been made, I will ask for their assistance or offer my own when needed or they
need it to instigate room for more conversation. Once this has been done I will try to engage
further by getting to know this person throughout several different occasions, i.e. what they like
to do, about their family, their history, etc. In addition to this, I will share about myself if asked.
After this has been done and some time has passed, I will instigate that we get lunch to get to
know one another better and continue on nurturing this new friendship.
What's In It For Me (Rewards):
The reward of this goal is gaining a new friend.
Description of My Experience:
I did my own variation of this, I didnt pick a neighbor, and I instead picked an older man
that I work with. His name is Dean. Dean is in his early 70s, is hard of hearing, he can barely
see his computer screen, is technologically behind the times, and wears stained shirts to work on


a daily basis. He is very kind though and always makes an effort in his work. However, I often
find people in the office get frustrated with him from time to time because he isnt as efficient as
some of the other employees. I too have sometimes struggled with this when working directly
with Dean. When reading this assignment, this particular one stuck out to me. As I was reading
it, I had an overwhelming urge to make Dean my friend.
This took longer than I had originally planned. I started by simply making an effort to
acknowledge him every time I saw him. Be it walking past each other in the parking lot or
passing his desk in the office. I started by simply saying hello and asking how his day was. He
didnt really seem to like this though. He would respond with niceties but never smiled. I
continued to do this for several days, still to no avail. So four days into it, I was on my way to
work and stopped to get myself a coffee. I purchased him one too, I had also noticed earlier in
the week that I often find him reading city weekly on his breaks. So with the coffee I grabbed a
city weekly magazine and when I got into work I handed these things to Dean. He smiled, but
seemed shocked and perhaps even uncomfortable. By week two I had at least gotten Dean to
smile back when I greeted him. But engaging in conversation further seemed to be impossible.
This continued for several days. Finally though at the end of week two, Dean needed assistant
with updating software on his computer. I immediately jumped at the opportunity to assist him.
While waiting for the updates to install, I started simply asking him about his life. I asked about
his wife, children, previous jobs, what he liked to do, etc. He was responsive, FINALLY! I even
got him to really smile multiple times. It was endearing to see how he lit up talking about his
After this, going into week three, Deans smiles and greetings seemed less like a required
response and more genuine. Weve eaten lunch three times together now in the break room and
every time I walk away with a smile. Furthermore, he seems to becoming less technologically
inept. He is very intelligent, just had yet to have someone with the patience to show him how to
do things. He reaches out to me now when he is experiencing difficulty in regards to technology
and I am happy to help when I can. It actually has made me cry on multiple occasions now, that
people dont give him the patience he deserves. I really hope I set an example, because, well
Dean is great.



5. Develop a plan where you will get the rest, relaxation, and sleep you need. Follow the plan for
three weeks. List the benefits you received by following your plan. How has it helped you be a
more physically healthy person?
What this means to me: Three week plan to become more rested and relaxed
Completion or Progress Check Date:

Check Date: 04/15/16 Making Progress

Planned Completion By Date: 05/01/16 Completed By
Actual Completion Date: 04/01/16 - 04/21/16 Completed
Planned Continuation: Yes


Finding ways to calm my overthinking mind
Sticking to my plan and schedule for three weeks
Following through with my plan even on weekend nights
People, Groups and/or Organizations:
Internet resources (to assist me in coming up with ways to meditate or relax)
My doctor (if needed)
What Do I Need to Know?

What schedule my sleep should be on to get the appropriate amount of sleep

What herbal medications are options for me to assist myself with if needed
What meditation practices are recommended to promote relaxation
What things should I avoid eating or drinking to prevent me from falling asleep
What things can I do to tell my brain it is time to sleep
What should be done to assure I stay asleep
What should be done to assure I wake up on time

First I will educate myself on ways to be more efficient at rest and relaxation. I will do this
through the means of the Internet. Researching topics such as medication assistance, meditation
habits and practices, foods and drinks that both promote sleeping and the ones that prevent it,
techniques and practices that help initiate relaxation, etc. Once I have become more educated on
the subject I will need to put a plan in place. First by determining the best time to fall asleep for
my schedule to improve my chances of getting enough sleep in a night second how much time I
need to spend winding down prior to actually trying to sleep. Once this has been determined I
will attempt to put it into practice. Attempting for 1 hour of meditation or relaxation to promote
sleep and 7 to 8 hours of actual time spent sleeping. If I am unsuccessful in my first attempts I
will use the aid of medication or consult with my doctor on their suggestions. I will practice the
techniques learned through online resources to promote this practice. These healthy habits will
be developed and perfected over a three-week period of time. Every night for three weeks I will
make a conscious effort to make these healthy resting practices a habit. If effective, I will
continue this practice.
What's In It For Me (Rewards):


When this is completed I am going to purchase myself 4 new pillows, thus insuring my good rest
will continue with additional comfort.
Description of My Experience:
When reading through the physical goals, I noticed that I already have both a strict
workout regimen and a healthy diet. I have lost a lot of weight over the last two years and at this
point in time feel as though my focus elsewhere could glean more beneficial outcomes for me.
Ive always been a notorious insomniac. I am such a go, go, go, kind of person,
constantly putting too much on my plate. With this comes sleep deprivation. There are often not
enough hours in the day to accomplish all that I had set out to do. When I have tried in the past to
relax, take a night off, and go to bed early. I often simply lay there and think about all of the
things I could be getting done and stay up late anyways. Then I wake up the next morning sleep
deprived and start all over again. This is why I picked this particular goal.
My plan was to get my sleeping schedule in order and allow myself one hour a day to
rejuvenate my batteries alone, either reading or meditating. I started taking melatonin at 10:30
p.m. and either opening a book or sitting on my yoga mat listening to sounds of nature and
focusing on my breathing. By the time 11:30 rolled around I would lay in bed with the idea that
Id be asleep by midnight. This took a bit of time and initially involved more meditation than it
did reading. The meditation seemed to put me in such a state that I was able to clear my mind
and ignore my overthinking brain. The books had an adverse effect in the beginning. I would get
into the story, close my book at the end of my allotted hour, then lay in bed and think about the
book. Which, somehow, would connect my thoughts to my current situation and then there I was
again, wheels spinning, unable to concentrate on sleep. So the first two weeks or so, I really
primarily was meditating before bed.
I started falling asleep earlier and earlier, instead of my typically 2 to 4 in the morning.
Im finally falling asleep between the hours of 11 pm to 1 am. Which hasnt happened to me this
consecutively for years. I was able to start incorporating more reading in the last week, then
automatically slipping into a meditational mindset as soon as I finish a chapter. However,
regardless of if I am reading or meditating, I am now sleeping an average of 7 or so hours a
night, which is a substantial upgrade to the 5 or so hours I was averaging before with the
occasional nap. In doing this, I have felt more rejuvenated throughout my day, I am not so
heavily reliant on caffeine to stay awake, Im eating at more normal hours, I am experiencing
less headaches and fatigue, and I am seeing quicker results in my workout and diet regimen. If I
had any clue of just how much better my quality of life would be with more sleep, I would have
made this a priority years ago. I feel as though my life has been upgraded when I didnt even
realize it could be done to such a degree.



5. Who is a person that is your ideal person, but not well known by others. What traits in that
person make them ideal? Which of those traits do you share? What ones would you like to
What this means to me: Recognize an ideal person and work to be more like them.


Completion or Progress Check Date:

Check Date: 03/15/16 Not Complete

Planned Completion By Date: 04/01/16 Completed By
Actual Completion Date: 03/19/16 Completed
Planned Continuation: Yes

Recognizing traits I dont possess but wish I did
Determining who I consider to be an ideal person
Finding time to reflect and clear my head
People, Groups and/or Organizations:
My best friend Kate
Other friends and family members (if needed)
What Do I Need to Know?

What traits do I value in an individual

What traits am I lacking that I wish I possessed
How can I go about obtaining some of these traits
Who in my life possesses those traits in which I value
Why do I value those traits

First I need to determine what traits I value and whom I know that possesses them. Particularly
in reference to the traits in which I am lacking that I value. After determining these things, I need
to determine why I value these traits. After doing this I need to find a place in which I can reflect
upon these things in. Then, after all of these things have been decided I need to find the time
prior to 04/01/16. When the time comes, I need to go to the predetermined place and reflect upon
the individual in which I pick and why they are a person I idolize. Spend time thinking about
what personality traits they possess that I would like to have and how I can go about making
positive change in my life so that I feel, behave, and resemble more closely to these personality
traits. After doing so, make a list of things I can do to become a better person for me. Continue
this practice in the future.
What's In It For Me (Rewards):


Once this action is completed I will have a better understanding of who I want to be.
Furthermore, I will go out to coffee with Kate to acknowledge her importance and influence in
my life.
Description of My Experience:
For this particular goal, I picked my best friend Kate. She doesnt have a large social
circle and she isnt the girl that knows someone everywhere we go. But she is by far one of the
most amazing human beings I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. She is easy going, great at
giving advice, listens better than most, remembers the little things, is compassionate towards
others, is loyal to the core, she is funnier than most people, she cares about the world and our
planet, she isnt judgmental, she is beautiful but doesnt really know it, she builds herself up
when she falls down, she can overreact at times but is accountable for it, she doesnt seem to care
what others think and marches to the beat of her own drum, and she has a light and energy about
her that inspires people to simply be happy in her presence.
Id like to think I share many of these traits with her, but Im fairly certain that isnt
exactly true. Im wound tight even if I keep my cool, I do believe Im good at giving advice
though, I could probably be a better listener, I do often remember the little things, and could
probably be more compassionate to those around me. I am loyal and pretty funny though.
Although, I do care about the world, Ive done little to show it in action. I can be judgmental at
times and I am aware that I am beautiful. I have difficulties building myself up when I fall down
and often rely solely on others for validation. I dont often overreact anymore but am
accountable for my actions. I definitely care too much about what others think and dont really
march to the beat of my own drum. As for the light and energy, I dont feel as though people
receive that from my presence.
I would love to become easier going when it comes to my personal endeavors and
become more engaged when listening to others. Perhaps less talking and more listening would
serve me well. This could also aid in the department of compassion, not to say I dont possess
compassion. However, I feel as though I could work on further developing this trait. I also would
like to become more involved in my concerns about or planet. Recycling, volunteering, and at
home gardening to name a few, I think could substantially help reduce my own personal carbon
footprint and help those who need it. I would also like to reduce the judgment I cast on others. I
dont really view myself as a judgmental individual; however, I would like to be less so than I
am currently. As for beauty, I would like to humble myself a bit and not be so concerned with my
appearance. I also would like to develop a strong self whom can build myself up, perhaps not
solely alone, but in addition to the assistance of my loved ones. I dont want to rely on others for
my validation I want to validate myself.
I would love to stop being concerned with what others say or think about me also. I place
too much weight on what people think. I believe if I were to work on these factors that the light
and energy Kate emanates would come naturally to me. I want to make people feel that way in
my presence. In developing these things, I hope to find my own inner light.





2. Learn the names of five people you dont know who live on your street or your floor. Make an
effort to call these people by name when you see them. How does it make you feel to call them
by name, and how do they respond when you do?
What this means to me: Meet 5 people in my neighborhood and acknowledge them by name.
Completion or Progress Check Date:

Check Date: 02/15/16 Already Completed

Planned Completion By Date: 03/01/16 Completed By
Actual Completion Date: 02/04/16 02/09/16 Completed
Planned Continuation: Yes

Getting over my fear of my neighbors not being responsive
Talking to someone who isnt receptive to my attempts
Being scared they will not appreciate my speaking with them and acknowledge them
People, Groups and/or Organizations:
My neighbors participation
What Do I Need to Know?

Positive ways to introduce myself

Techniques used to remember individuals names
Topics to instigate conversation between my neighbors and I
Acceptance that not all necessarily all people like being approached

First I need to determine which neighbors I see the most and at what times. After this has been
established, come up with a few ways to introduce myself. Once the opportunity presents itself, I
need to introduce myself to 5 separate individuals in my neighborhood. After introducing myself
find out their names and remember them. Get to know a bit about them on an individual basis.
After doing this, continue to acknowledge them every time I see them. Addressing them by name
each time. Continue to establish a relationship by getting to know more about them and sharing a
bit about myself. After doing this, reflect upon their reactions to your greetings and friendship.
Determine if it is wanted and if so once it is comfortable plan a barbeque and invite them all to it.
What's In It For Me (Rewards):


In addition to making some new friends after getting to know my neighbors a bit better I am
going to have a backyard barbeque and invite them all to it. Thus creating more substantial
Description of My Experience:
This particular activity was easy for me to remember peoples names. Im lucky enough
to have a fairly decent memory. However, the difficulty lied with actually approaching
individuals that I have lived next to for years, yet never had a conversation with.
The first opportunity presented itself when I was taking out the trash; my next-door
neighbors were outside grilling some food. I approached them and simply stated, I see you guys
all of the time and have never bothered to introduce myself, Im Lacey. We shook hands and did
the routine pleasantries and found out that Maria and her husband Juan were expecting their firstborn child. It amazes me that I have lived next to these people for years and literally knew
nothing about them more than their appearance and what cars they drove. After my fairly
pleasant interaction with them, Ive frequently had the opportunity to call them by name and ask
them how they are doing. I had to remind Juan of my name a couple of times, but Maria has
always remembered mine.
Later that same day the neighbors across the street were getting out of their car as I was
walking to mine to leave for class. I followed the same script and came to find out that Leslie
was just occupying her aunts house for 10 months till shed be back in the country. I also got to
meet her cute lab Daffodil. But I didnt count the dog. I have addressed her by name since
meeting her, but I dont see her frequently.
A few days later, I met Dan; he lives kitty corner to my house and has a giant grey cat
that always greets me when our paths cross. I initiated conversation by making mention to his
friendly feline. He is a bit unsocial and seems to like his cat more than people. But was nice
enough all the same. I see him fairly often and always greet him by name; he waves back but
doesnt typically respond with spoken word.
Lastly, I met Ryan and Cindy who live next door on the opposite side to Maria and Juan.
They actually initiated conversation with me. I often sit on my porch in a bright colored magenta
robe and it seems as though Ive subconsciously timed this habit to be in sync with their comings
and goings. So the day after I met Dan, I was soaking up the sun in a pair of shorts and a loose tshirt while working on my computer when they came home and got out of their car. Cindy yelled
over that she didnt think shed ever seen me in anything but my bright robe and joked about
how she was getting concerned that I didnt own anything else. I got up and went over and
introduced myself. Her and Ryan had recently moved in and were by far the most sociable out of
my neighbors. They always make robe jokes and greet me by name now; I see them the most and
they have even invited me over for dinner.
What I learned from this is how crazy of a difference a bit of kindness can do. I feel as
though I am safer in my own neighborhood by recognizing and communicating with my
neighbors. Plus, there is now an odd sense of unity in my own tiny street. I didnt realize how
pleasant of a difference it is to come home and be greeted by everyone that is out. It actually kind
of brightens my day and for those who remember my name, it gives me a bit of a sense of
importance. I didnt really realize this was possible till it happened. I couldnt be happier about it
actually. They in turn appear to have a similar response. Well except for Dan, Dan seems as


though hed prefer I didnt acknowledge him. But everyone else seems to enjoy the friendly
interaction as much as I do.



5. Describe a recent spiritual experience. Why was it spiritual for you? Were others involved
and did they also see it as a spiritual experience. What differences were there in the perceptions
of the event? Why was it perceived differently by each person? If there was no one else involved,
how do you think others would view the experience? Why?
What this means to me: Find a spiritual experience and reflect on it.
Completion or Progress Check Date:

Check Date: 03/01/16 Already Completed

Planned Completion By Date: 04/01/16 Completed By
Actual Completion Date: 02/29/16 Completed
Planned Continuation: Yes

Connecting to something higher than myself
Allowing myself to feel something spiritual
Finding a place that provides the inner calm I am seeking
People, Groups and/or Organizations:
Internet Resources (assist in coming up with ideas for connecting to ones spirituality)
What Do I Need to Know?

What can I do to feel more spiritual

Where can I go to feel that spirituality
What does spirituality mean to me
Who can assist me in the journey of discovering this part of myself

First determine what spirituality means to me, possibly with the assistance of researching the
concept of spirituality and speaking to my loved ones about their own personal spirituality. Once
this has been determined. Come up with a list of places in which I could potentially feel spiritual.


After this has been completed. Go visit these places. When in these places try to connect to
something more than myself. Notice my surroundings, appreciate the beauty, submerge into the
feeling I get in these places, and allow myself to feel a connection to something larger than
myself. Once this is done reflect upon my experience and continue practicing this goal.
What's In It For Me (Rewards):
A better understanding of spirituality and what that means to me, also the ability to find and
create that spirituality for myself when wanted or needed.
Description of My Experience:
This particular portion was exceedingly difficult for me. I am not a religious person, so
first off I had to determine what spirituality meant to me. This took days. I determined that
spirituality to me was simply the act of participating in something bigger than yourself, this to
me ended up being nature.
With this in mind, I actively had to seek out an opportunity to have a spiritual
experience. I went to the lower portion of Bells canyon and hiked up to the lake with my friend
Connor. It didnt really strike me as spiritual. So I tried again alone and had more success. I
drove up big cottonwood canyon alone one night in hopes that some sort of spiritual encounter
would occur. I got up to Brighton Ski Resort and just sat in my car, in the dark, looking up at the
stars. Here I meditated a bit and simply focused on my surroundings.
Thats when it finally hit, I started allowing my surroundings and the silence in nature to
suck me in. I stopped concerning myself with how to be spiritual and how will I know and
all of the other silly questions I was overanalyzing in my head. I simply was for lack of a better
term present. I cleared my head and absorbed my surroundings on what almost felt like an
energetic level. I thought about how the mountains were created by lake Bonneville, the
creatures that lived here, the ecosystems that maintained themselves, the plants that thrived in
this area, and the beauty of it all.
Simply in doing that, I felt revived, relaxed, and an overwhelming sense of clarity and
calmness. I am but a single being on this planet, there is so much around me that is taken for
granted, and I want to do everything I can to preserve this beautiful place called earth that we are
lucky enough to call home. I felt connected to nature and at ease in my daily stresses.
If that isnt spirituality, I dont know what is. Ive never quite experienced something like
it before, but Ive never sought it out before either. I feel as though if I were with other people,
they may have taken something different away from it. However, I truly dont know if someone
else would have found it spiritual or not, Id like to say if they went into it with the same mindset
I did that it would be impossible for them not to have. However, they might have viewed it as a
cheesy thing to do. I know previous versions of myself certainly would have.



5. List the benefits of being financially independent (having enough income to have what you
want and not have to work to keep it). What would you do if you were in that situation? Would
you continue to work, even if you didnt need the money?

What this means to me: Acknowledge the benefits of being financially independent.
Completion or Progress Check Date:

Check Date: 04/01/16 - Incomplete

Planned Completion By Date: 04/15/16 Not Completed By
Actual Completion Date: 04/24/16 Completed
Planned Continuation: Yes

Acknowledging the importance of something that currently holds minimal value to me
Recognizing the negative consequences if things dont go well in this aspect of life
People, Groups and/or Organizations:
My family (for financial advice)
What Do I Need to Know?

What financial resources are available to me

What type of life do I want to live
What will the type of life I want to live cost me
How will I go about obtaining that kind of income
What expenses I should take into consideration when budgeting
What retirement funds are available
Who I can rely on to assist me in financial advice

First talk to my elders about financial stability and what their personal experiences with wealth
or lack there of has been. After this has been done determine the type of life I want to live and
what that type of life will cost me over time. After doing this create a budget that will assist me
in future financial decisions. Research retirement funds and pick the one that is right for me.
Answer the questions in regards to wealth that was provided to us with the types of goals
literature. After this find a time and place to reflect upon the benefits of being financially
independent. Write down your thoughts. Continue this practice.
What's In It For Me (Rewards):
A more proficient understanding of finances and what I need to do to positively impact my
future financial needs.


Description of My Experience:
Benefits of being financially independent would include: no debt, ability to travel, ability
to have a retirement, less stress, ability to take time off when needed, ability to deal with
unplanned costs without stress (i.e. medical issues, car problems, etc.), ability to provide and
assist loved ones and charitable causes, and freedom to live without concern for lacking anything
If I were in that circumstance I would travel, save, and assist others. I would love the
freedom to be able to accomplish those things without the concern of if Ill be able to afford
groceries or checking the calendar to see when I will be paid next. I wouldnt live in a big house
or drive a crazy expensive car. But I would have a moderate household with a safe and sturdy
If I didnt need the money, I would probably travel a lot. However, I cant travel
constantly. I would get homesick and miss my loved ones and without a job I think I would get
extremely bored. I can see myself still continuing to work, however, I would probably go into a
field of study that didnt exactly pay well, but one that I could give back. Such as a school
counselor, or a womans support group leader.
My responses to the questions we were requested to as follows:
1. How much money would it take for you to consider yourself to be
financially wealthy?
I dont really have a specific number in mind. However, I have a circumstance. I would like
to not live paycheck to paycheck, be able to easily cover my monthly bills, be able to create a
personal retirement fund, and always have a nice cushion in my savings account, somewhere
around $10,000.00. That to me is financially wealthy, simply not being in constant need for
more funds and being capable to satisfy your financial needs with ease.
2. What would be your ideal career? Why?
I want to be a Digital Marketing Manager. The primary reasons being, I enjoy the creative
aspects, the constant challenge to be innovative and meet deadlines, I have always been a
leader and would enjoy fulfilling that role in a work setting, I feel as though I would be
successful in this line of work, and it is lucrative enough to maintain a middle class lifestyle.
I dont dream of riches, I dream of personal achievements.
3. If you had all the money you wanted, what is the first purchase you
would make and why?
The first thing I would purchase would be a home for my sister that facilitated her medical
needs. She struggles so much with her day-to-day life and anything I could do to alleviate
some of the stresses involved in her life would be worth every single penny.
4. To which charities would you donate to if money were no object? Why?
Primary Childrens Hospital would be the first place. My sister is alive thanks to them.
Secondly, I would want to contribute to charities and organizations that promoted saving our
planet. I feel as though things such as money wont matter if our planet cant sustain us.
Third, Id like to donate to schools that are in lower income areas. Often times people dont
get sufficient enough educations due to circumstance.


5. What changes would you make in your life and your surroundings if
you were suddenly a multi-millionaire?
Well the biggest would be making sure all of my loved ones were taken care of. I dont
necessarily believe in a lavish lifestyle. But a three-bedroom home with lasting amenities and
appliances for each of my loved ones would be ideal. The same goes for myself. A nice
middle class home in a safe area of town for those I care about and myself would be my
primary change. Secondly, I probably would travel more. Id love to see the world and
become more culturally educated.

Goals Accomplished
(List 3-5 goals you have already accomplished including the area of life and
date achieved. Add additional goals as you achieve them.)
Goals Accomplished/Area of Life/Date Accomplished
Social (#2) Meet 5 people in my neighborhood and acknowledge them by name


Aesthetic (#3) Expand my connection to music by determining likes and dislikes


Spirituality (#5) Find a spiritual experience and reflect on it


Family (#2) Reflect on my family and the inspiration stemmed from them


Humanity (#4) Befriend my elderly co-worker Dean


Renown (#5) Recognize an ideal person and work to be more like them


Creativity (#3) Find different routes to work daily for a week


Control (#5) Spend a week re-gaining control of my schoolwork


Physical (#5) Three week plan to become more rested and relaxed


Wealth (#5) Acknowledge the benefits of being financially independent



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