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Annotated Bibliography

AJ+. Two Spirits, One Dance For Native American Artist. Online video clip. YouTube.
YouTube, 25 Feb. 2016. Web. Mar. 2016.
Two Spirits, One Dance For Native American Artist is a video clip created by the company
AJ+. The video focuses on Native American hoop dancer Ty Defoe, who also is revealed to be
transgender. In the video, Ty discusses the meaning and purpose behind the Hoop Dance for
Native Americans. On a personal level, Ty forms connections between the meaning the Hoop
Dance holds for the Native American cultures and to the meaning the dance also pertains to
people who are transgender. I wanted to use this video, not only because of the background
information it provided, but because it displays the vital importance of dance in the lives of
Native Americans. The video shows that Native American dance is a form of personal expression
for each native, and not simply an art form used to remember the past.
Arirang. 100 Icons of Korean Culture Ep40 Mask Dance. Online video clip. YouTube.
YouTube, 24 Aug. 2013. Web. Mar. 2016.
100 Icons of Korean Culture is a series of educational videos that present information
about Korean culture created by Arirang. Each episode focuses on a new individual topic. In
episode 40, a narrator talks about the various masked dances of Korean culture. One of the
subgenres of masked dance discussed is Bongsan Talchum. The video provides a detailed history
of the dance, along with describing certain elements that pertain to the dance such as descriptions
of the masks and the movements. This video was helpful because it included information that I
would not be able to locate with other sources. Plus, having information presented in a video
format will allow viewers of my website to physically witness the practice of the dance instead
of imagining it.
Baber, Savannah. Personal Interview. 17 March 2016.
This is a personal interview that I conducted with my cousin, Savannah, via email. My
cousin is a quarter Chickahominy and half Lumbee and served as Miss Indian North Carolina for
the 2015-16 year term. I wanted to take the opportunity to personally dig into my culture and ask
questions to people active in the Native community. In addition to her service as a member of
two tribes, Savannah partakes in fancy dance during powwows, so I could personally ask what
the dance meant to her as a young native woman.
Browner, Tara. Heartbeat of the People: Music and Dance of the Northern Pow-wow. Chicago:
University of Illinois Press. Print.
In her book, Browner attempts to cover all of the characteristics that make up a powwow.
She discusses a range of topics from the histories behind the powwow to the formation of the
music and dance included in the event. Instead of the book focusing on one single element a
powwow, each chapter covers a different characteristic. Heartbeat of the People provided me a
majority of the background history on the dances that I included in my website (Fancy Dance
and Hoop Dance). Browners book served as a strong foundation for the information that went
on my website, because she delved into detail when it came to all of her areas of.
BuzzFeedYellow. Native Americans Try On Indian Halloween Costumes. Online video clip.
YouTube. YouTube, 18 Oct. 2015. Web. Mar. 2016.
Buzz Feed provides a video of Native Americans trying on stereotypical Halloween
costumes. Normally, one would watch this video out of pure entertainment; however, I wanted to

include this video in order to provide viewers with a Native American insight of stereotypical
representations of their culture. The Halloween costumes featured in the video appear to be based
off of traditional Native American regalia worn during powwows and other sacred ceremonies.
Since I discuss the importance of dance within Native American culture in my Global Portfolio, I
thought it would be beneficial to display the value of American Indian dress that is worn during
the dances. The video helps to show how the regalia are not costumes as they are worn during the
ceremonious dances that represent a historic people group.
Byoung-ok, Lee. Dance of Korea. Chapter 3. The Concept of Korean Folk Dance. 121-153.
Print. Mar. 2016.
Byoung-oks essay classifies different types of Korean folk dances. He starts off the chapter
by listing categories of folk dances and precedes to describe them. As he goes through the
chapter, he continues to break down the dances even further by listing the subgenres of the three
main categories. He characterizes each individual dance and proceeds to give background
information on each one including the creation of the dances, the regions they derive from, the
ritual practices involved with the dances, and so forth. I used this essay as a source because I
found the classifications of the several dances helpful in the differentiation of Bongsan Talchum
from other folk dances. It helped me to express in my website the qualities that make Bongsan
Talchum unique compared to other Korean dances.
Laubin, Reginald & Gladys. Indian Dances of North America: their Importance to Indian Life.
Norman: University of Oklahoma Press. Print.
Reginald and Gladys Laubin were American writers, dancers, and researchers of Native
American cultures and customs. Their book provided information on some forms of Native
American dance and classified them into separate sections. For example, in the beginning of the
work, the traditional forms of dance were listed while the fancy or modern dances were
presented towards the end. In this format, the authors were attempting to display the order of the
development of the Native dances. In addition to providing the history of the creation of the
dances, the authors provided information on the types of regalia that were (or are) worn during
the performances. Even though the Laubins were not Native American, I still find their research
valuable because they carefully researched the culture and took the time to participate in it.
National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum. The Native American Fancy Dance. Online
video clip. YouTube. YouTube. 11 Feb. 2015. Web. Mar. 2016.
This is a short informational video clip provided by the National Cowboy & Western
Heritage Museum. The video provides a short history on the creation and purpose of the Mens
Fancy War Dance. For visual reference, it shows Native American men performing the dance in
full regalia. In addition, an interview with a Native American man reveals the personal meaning
that the dance possesses to an individual Native compared to a whole culture.
Saeji, CedarBough Tam. "Transmission and Performance: Memory, Heritage, and Authenticity
in Korean Mask Dance Dramas." Order No. 3510271 University of California, Los Angeles,
2012. Ann Arbor: ProQuest. Web. 29 Mar. 2016.
This work is a dissertation written by CedarBough Tam Saeji who is a research scholar and
an assistant professor of Korean studies at the Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. In her
dissertation, her main purpose is to study the effects of the Republic of Koreas Property

Protection Law (1962). She focuses on how the government is fighting against the disinterest in
the traditional arts, among which is Bongsan Talchum. She conducted her own research for her
work between the years of 2004 and 2011. Not only does Saeji establish the background history
of Bongsan Talchum, but the interviews, research, and surveys conducted by her reveal the level
of importance of traditional arts to the culture. I utilized her research in my website by presenting
the results from her surveys and interviews that support the importance of Bongsan Talchum in
Sejong Cultural Society. Introduction to Bongsan Mask Dance Drama (in English). Online
video clip. YouTube. YouTube, 6 Jan. 2012. Web. Mar. 2016.
This video is a short, educational video created by the Sejong Cultural Society that briefly
describes Bongsan Talchum. The video informs viewers about the creation of Bongsan Talchum
and goes through the eight individual sections of the dances. While showing short snippets of the
eight dances, the narrator describes the action and purpose of each section. The narrator also
describes the personalities and physical qualities of each of the main characters in the dance. I
included the video on my website, because it provides an overview on the art form without
delving too deep into detail. It serves as a great introduction to my research on Bongsan Talchum
it provides the visitors of my site with a preview of what they will learn about in depth later on.
Suhr, Moon Ja Minn. A History of Korean Dance. Diss. Texas Womans University, 1988.
Eugene: Microform Publications, 1990. Print.
A History of Korean Dance is a dissertation written by Moon Ja Minn Suhr that provides
detailed descriptions on some forms of Korean dance. She includes information about the
history, music, costumes of individual types of dances. Underneath her category of traditional
Korean folk dances, Sur provides insight on various forms of masked dance including Bongsan
Talchum. not only included research from other works in her dissertation but also provided her
own observations and experiences. This source provided me with a wealth of information on
Bongsan Talchum, and her bibliography at the end of her work also led me to more sources.
The World of American Indian Dance. Dir. Dan Jones, Randy Martin. ELLIS
The World of American Indian Dance is a documentary produced and directed by artists
belonging to the Oneida Indian Nation and was aired on broadcast television. This documentary
explores the meanings and methodologies behind competition powwow dances. It describes the
controversy between the traditional and modern dances and how each dance came to be created.
The documentary utilizes narration to describe the dance history while being supported by
interviews of Native American competition dancers. This documentary served as the foundation
of my research but also provided the meanings of the dances to each competition dancer, which
the art form feel that much more personal.

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