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Problem 1: Design & preunatic system having a cylinder flow control valves, pressure relat ies, FRL. nit ets. for perating the elnder once bt 100 seconds ath a duel ne of 15 seconds ‘the revadel as wel as extended extremes Solution: (Refer Figure 831) Fo! satisfying the conditions given in thie above problem, non ‘return flow control valves (1. and 1.02) and time delay valves (1.2 ané 1.3) are used in the citi, Iv this cteui compressed air from source & sent t0 2/2 solenoid operated DC valve thvough an FRL unit, When the solerok! of 2/2 DC valve energized, the valve opens abe the [pressurized fluid Le,, air is sent to rest of the system. Limit switches (3/2 DC valves) 14 anid 1.5 fru placed at OB excemes BF cylinder: Limit switches aro achated automaticaly 2 BE pion rod moves between two extieme positions and pilot signals Xand ¥ are sentaltermativey vi time delay valves. Limit switch (1.5) and time delay valve (13) are responsible for tackward cylinder and limit switch (1) and time delay valve (12) are responsible for forwad stcke of pilton. Time delay valves are for time delay A 15 ecords, Further fw control vals 1.01 idl 142 are provided so that forward and backward movement § obtained in 100 seconds, cureurrs 191 | Fig. 831 Fig. 831 Problem 2:4 se! dab i installed ion Autor. This dour may opened or closed by ON Auld OFF toes operated ether rom oxtside er site as shown in Figure 832, Design a phewmatic Gircat sd explain ts working. chose < + opm 4 Fig. 8292 Solution: Refer Figure 8.33). In this problem fwo switches have to be provided far opening. the door and two for closing the door ie., one ON and one OFF switch on both sides of wall. For this wo OR gates/ shutte valves (1.01, LQ) are used, Valve 1.01 f connected with two 3/2 push button DC valves 1.9 and 1.5). These two valves perform the Function of manually operated OFF switches Similarly valve L(2 is connected with two 3/2 pus button DC valves (12 and 1) and these valves perform the function of manually operated ON stitches. ‘There will be one shutle valve for each set oF ON switches aid other foreach set f OFF switches. The whele door assembly surmounted on a through md double acing cylinder with fived rod (10). In this typeof cylinder, rod is fixed between to ends and the cylinder body i fee © moet MEET HE EN by sting MI ccating compretsed a Hl ends alternately. The double actrg cylinders driven by means ofcompressed air nd 4/3 cose center DC valve (1.1) is used ih the system to control direction of fluid. The two shuttle valves (1.01, 1.02) tsdixussad alove ove he plot sil (leerding on which sich is pres) 4/9 DC valve (11) afd the door will move ft that particular direction. pete I T aT TY . 1, ie | ‘Y ‘a of on ow om FF “tp é Fig. 833 Problem 3: Comporents are to be supplied from a gravity magazive to workstation by using @ double acting cylinder as shonin Figure 8.34. Feeding stars when push button i pressed The piston returns ‘automaticaly ts start the process again. Desig a prcuaatic cicui for He abooe problem and explain its cansiruction and working Circuits 193 aT Solution: As shown in Figure 8.5 Kewl an byekiNardl motion Of eylinder is obtained by hanging the postin of 1/2 DC valve (1.1. The system starts by operating 12 DC valve: When inna push button of 1.2 DC valve is pressed, the supply of compressed air is vent plot sal Xo controlelement 11, which resttsin forward motion of cylinder 1.0. On reaching the extreme ‘outwardend, the piston rod pushes roller switch opersted (3/2) DC valve (13) and due to which the piston retums auiomaticaly Proumaic 0 cinder Solution: As shown ik Figure 835 abwaht Al kiikd motion Sif ylinde obtained by changing the poston oi 4/2 DC valve (1. The system starts by operating 12 DC valve. When rarual push bution of 12 DC valve pressed the suppl of compressed as sent to pilot signal Xofcontrel ekment 11, hich results forward modem dt cyinder 10. On reaching he extreme outward end, the piston rod pushes roller switch operated (3/2) DC valve (13) snd dio to which the pison retunts automaticaly. ae 2 } 5 835 Fig. 835 lem Xs Designo hydric circuit to conto the motion of éoutle acting cline i suc & ony ‘at if pat rot cen pai wi he ifr pede ie than nora speed) tke pstorcenes back with ts normal speed. The piston con be steppe at any postin Beacen oo extreme poritions se. Solution: (Refer Figure 836), Fuid is made to poss through hydinuic iter aid check valve {04/3 DC valve (closed center). sind Bare the working ports of control valve (11). Wocking port ‘Ais conneste to a hycaulic subsystem consisted of theee 2/2 DC valves (1.0, 1.02 1.08), all fof them having a separate variable flow contrl valve (1.05, 1.06, 1.07) which is responsible for 198 Tupusrarat AutomsTioN aNo Ronories changing vedi deol particular set ieve fr ich id designed. Alo there check valve 1.) in the Ke whogeFuncion fo by pass the discharged fluid from cylinder to reservoir (RAEI etre Mh [Thi ouput from this subsystem depends on valves 1.01, 1.02 aid 1.03 Ht are solenoid erated The teed spe cine Dy emerging nd deenergzng de respective stench rvs 6.51, 1.02 MN iy, NG coces WOME Re cy sods artnpersent proved eee mci et 9 pn cre wth rsd oe to sh on stopping the piston of double acting cylinder at any position between two extremes, we use 4/3 closed center DC valve. It satisfies the above-mentioned condition. » ol So ah “fe a “Es « “ey % Fig. 836 Problem 5: Int some wanufacturing operation it is required tha! the movement of ram of a machine aol shiva bs fast but sometimes it should be slaw both during forneard ond backsiard stroke. In case of lotic fiers the reciprocating moi of rae beans fee and option can be nei ot wena Design hyde ccut teping We above condone Bnd (Note: A constant speed pump is used ih this system) Solution: (Refer Figuee 8.37). 4/3 fleat-entered valve (1.1) 8 used 19 contol the motion of double acing cylinder. The working ports A and B are connected to exhaust port T in neutral position that discharges al the ful tank ard piston is fee to move in the cylinder. Creurrs 195 Two nor-retuen flow central valves (1.0L aid 1.(2) are used to slow down the speed. of teyinder but when Its not sequiced to slowdown the speed; the Huld Isby passed diecly from 2/2 DC valver samy 1.003 and D4 by simply enorgizing the elestremagnets of valves 1.03 and) 1.04. This wil diecly flush the discharged fluid to tank, hence causing no restriction to forwaral 16k RANGE HOPRBEA GA DH. Thee ot snc cetuen How control valve ised because EE preferred with constant speed pumps, ig. 8.37

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