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The Three Branches of Government

Grade Level:
5th grade
AQTS Standards


1: Content Knowledge 1.0

Content is accurate and current


The standard was posted on the

bulletin board

The board was appealing with a

tree. It also was interactive to
draw students to use the board.
The board focused specifically on
the branches of government,
which was a part of the standard.
The students were able to interact
with the board. There were
examples of each of the duties the
branches had. Along with the
examples, the students could see
the non examples for the
branches to know that the
examples of one branch were the
nonexamples of another branch.

Project content and standard are aligned

2: Teaching and Learning


Project is standards based

Standard chosen is visibly displayed

3:Literacy 3.0

Written work is grammatically and

mechanically correct

There were no errors

4: Diversity 4.0

Project is interactive and/or engaging for

ALL learners

Students can engage by placing

the birds with specific duties of
each branch in the nest on those


5: Professionalism 5.0

Project is professional in appearance

The board allows students to see

the description of each branch of
government, who is in each
branch of government, and the
duties and powers of these
branches. It covers the standard
and allows students to see how
the branches cover all aspects of
the government. The specific
parts in each branch are not
necessarily required, but it gives
students a better understanding of
the total picture of the three
branches of government.

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