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Peer Evaluation by Hailey Pierson

Title/theme: Branches of Government Grade Level: 5th/ Social Studies

AQTS Standards


1: Content Knowledge

Content is accurate and current

Project content and standard are

2: Teaching and
Learning 2.0

Project is standards based

Standard chosen is visibly

3:Literacy 3.0

Written work is grammatically

and mechanically correct

4: Diversity 4.0

Project is interactive and/or

engaging for ALL learners

5: Professionalism 5.0

Project is professional in
Project is visually neat and


The content is accurate and

current. The standard and
content are aligned.

The project is standards

based and the standard
chosen is visibly displayed
on the board.

The work is grammatically

and mechanically correct.
The project is interactive
and engaging for all
learners. I love the decor.
The project is professional
in appearance. The project
is visually neat and

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