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Trace is the Place to Be

Grade Level:
Counseling K-5
AQTS Standards


1: Content Knowledge 1.0

Content is accurate and current


Yes the standard was placed

under the activity! The bulletin
board was clear and definitely
showed the standard.

The bulletin board directly

relates to the standard
The project is interactive and is
pleasant to look at. The fonts
match the words that they say,
and I think this helps show the
students what these words

Project content and standard are aligned

2: Teaching and Learning


Project is standards based

Standard chosen is visibly displayed

3:Literacy 3.0

Written work is grammatically and

mechanically correct

There are no errors

4: Diversity 4.0

Project is interactive and/or engaging

for ALL learners

Students can write any trait that

they feel is important. This is
very good for students of all
ages to share what is important
to them and then see what is
important to others.

EL students can participate as

well using words that they do

5: Professionalism 5.0

Project is professional in appearance

Project is visually neat and attractive

This bulletin board is for

counseling, so it shows the
students how they should act
and behave at Trace. They see
the positive behavior qualities
that they should try to possess.
The bulletin board is simple, but
it has great character qualities
for the students! It focuses on
the content and does not get
overshadowed by too much on
the board.

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