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jAND DEEDS REGISTRATION ADMINISTRATION (Zand Registration Commission) : PROVINCE OF NEGROES. OCCIPITAL REGISTRY OF DEEDS FOR THE ie Gransfer Certificate of Title No Femara, Tv JS HEREDY CERTIFIED that certain land situated in the ....0: Soudted pat Hy..of. Murata, ~-Pevirined pe -togroo-Soosdontar. bounded and described as follows: 4 poxces oy load (Let Noy 152 of thb Cadastral Ourvey of thweda) soitmatod a tho thuielpality of taeda, Neunded on the KB, by Let “o. 993 on the sB, by J tho Thogub Croels on the Gi) by the Ducolod#imreia Roads on the. a 131, Doghmla; at a point rorked "1" on plan being 8. O7 dog. 274. AWyDal!, Nos G5 thence fy 77 dogs Fits, IPs66 ye -to point 2% then Mey 05079 Fete point 53. thenec Ss 76 deg. hO'T.,00.(4 m,to point 4: + G2 dor. ST, 422620 moto point 5%, thonee 5. 0 do y 29M. ,11.47 nto ut 62 thongo ty lk dogs 10.00 rato point 74 thouco fs 7 deoxy D4 30, 7 ib Faisal cK BREE Hn Te GOD o7 HA rdntlg RRA? DEEL ine ihe SR OM Hie WU LE UA Ts gmarbted to Hlorla Reyooy GTA Ry VELLMALVA, Harrod conevag HOPED) Ny VILLIIEYA, muvried to Uleutoria tdzarong MDSHA fy VIANA, mvedod to Uduordo Th, VAlJauiowas RAGINY LAN Ios 4 diner thereof in Jee. sibyple, subject to such of the ‘encumbrances mentioned. in ‘Secilon 44. of said Decree as may be subsisting, and 10 Ir is rurTHER CERTIFIED that sald land was originally registered on the Of montayygaes cewsnny i the year nineteen hundred aind uc Registration Book ofthe Office ofthe Register of Deets of Hogs abe. page...VP as Original Certificate of Tiile No. 42M. pursuant to Decree No, . issued in L R.C....£2./:4i5A... Record No. in the name of. This certificate is a wansfer from .2RaiiecR... Certificate of Tille No. is cancelled by virtue hereof n so far as the above-described land is concerned. ved ap BaOolory Hogro0 Emered a Philippines, onthe SEE day of on. eae. in the year nineteen hundred and. CAeRer seve Racoled City, Phito, (Owners postal ares) ‘Slate the civil status, name of spouse if married, age if & minot, registered owner. If the owner is a married woman, state also the citizenship of her: husband, If the land is registered in the name of the conjugal partnership, stale the citizenship ofboth spouses. 5

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