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91922887022 SScrun-201a 14:44 From: y Weatherford June 12, 2014 ‘Aminex Petroloum Egypt 436, Farouk Amer St Sheraton Heliopolis Cairo, 11373, Eeyet Fax: 2268 7000 Attention Eng. Magdi All- Oriling Manger subject services Required In Aminex Concession, Dring, Testing and Completion for Two Wells bear Sir, ah eclerence to the abovermentioned subject, and YOu" ox request dated June 10th 2014 Inviting Us 10 vreteipate inthe Wel Serwces for deifig, testing & comerete ‘of South Malak-2 Well and another options! part ye hereby confirm our acceptance to asign the follow ttontracts to your esteemed company based seem raves, corms and conltions excent ocherwise sted. ‘The valldity of farm out agreement will DE til the expiry date of the original contracts CONTRACT “TYPE OF SERVICE FARM OUT | CONTRACT NO- valid Til FROM TL easing / Tubing Running Services | Gems? 03/2009 a ew Fahing Toots Services Wrage {rarsareooe [May 7 2036 ‘aud Logging Services ages | ee00002202 “| Aveust ¢ 2035. Zainpletion Equipment & Down 5 i el aera pewrosian [or-rezoizo | August 242015 | Fo Tf easing Accessories Boralls sa GPROR TORE | Noveriber SS W014 | |: ne ieee South Dabae | y c2n4/2009 august a4en 2015 | . ‘Drilling Tools Uarring & Shock ‘Garun and OPC-3A (13) October 312015 | \ ‘Suos and Seablizes) Khalda wer 32/2005__| August 31" 206 _} {(e[ Mochine snap Tretrobel [[ae00002043 February 2272016) in the meantime, Weatherford agreed w0 open > cert TE ‘amninex in the amount of USD 250,000, In the wns pat Amine disputes an inwoice or park thereof, AY veithinold payment of that part and pay the non Seputed amounts. Aminex must routy Weatherford sa ating of ts reasons within 25 days from receiving Se sreotce, Where we disayree with the specification: We Shall so notify the COMPANY within 25 days veo" ave gr the came. Upon resolution ofa disputed Inve, ‘COMPANY must pay the agreed amount within rece gave if on the completion of 35 days from date COMPANY recelved an invoice, there has Deen wo query raised, the voice will be deemed aye epuable and be sent forward for payment in the specified time as per this Clause. inthe event Company fas t pay in full any uncputed NEEL within sinty (60) days after cecenpt, Coneractor aatibe entitled to Immediately terminate the A8°e= 767 ve rout liability fo Company. 1 such case, COMPENY sear defend, indemnify, release and old Contacto rvs against any and al tals arising out of frat acrer's termination, Including, but act fited ro alms ‘by Company's co-ventures Si aarberod sence Frozes BR Svan Ene seal ZO a onmaasmacon sean om ‘ows ca fo haat zi0410 fet Weatherford we trast the above meets Aminex requirements, assuring you that Weatherford will carry out your upcoming activities in a professional and timely manner during the contracted periods. We look forward to receiving your pproval and rclavant Farm in agreements enabling us to meet your operational requirements timely. Should you have any further Information please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours faithfully, Branch of Weatherford Services Free Zone S. de R.L. ‘Anmed Ateya Group Operations Manager ‘each oars Svies Foe Gre S de Java nad aire Zane Te on207 2518605 wm wnatotrdcom See ee Fa boar 216410 Fishing Tools Services Form of Contract, Fishing Tools Services Contract ‘This Contract is entered into as of 8 day 0! March 2007, between Khalda Petroleum Company, an Egyptian corporations authorized under law No. 9 of 1981 of ARE., South Umbarka Petroleum Company (SUMPETCO), an Egyptian corporations authorized under law No, 97 of 1987 of ARE., North ‘Alamain Petroleum Company, an Egyptian corporations authorized under law No. 73 of 1996 of ARE, Ras Manays Petroleum Company, an Beyptian corporations authorized under law No. 15 of 1989 of ARE., Ras El-Hekma Petroleum Company an Egyptian corporations authorized under law No. 8 of 1996 of AR.E., UMBARKA PETROLEUM COMPANY, an Eyyptian corporation authorized under Law No. 87 of 2003 of A.R-E. and Matrouh Petroleum Company an Egyptian corporations authorized under law No. 7 of 1989 of ARE., with offices located at Road 290, New Maadi, Cairo, ARE., (hereinafter referred collectively to as “COMPANY”}, and WEATHERFORD Services Free zone a corporation organized and existing under the law of A.RE with office located at Zahraa El Maad, Industrial Zone Sector "5",Cairo, Egypt (hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR. Whereas COMPANY is desirous that Fishing Tools Services to be provided as more particularly described hereinafter, and Whereas CONTRACTOR represents that it possesses the skills, organization, personnel and equipment necessary to carry out such work diligently and in accordance with the current standards and practices of industry. Whereas CONTRACTOR agrees to provide COMPANY on call out basis with certain Fishing Tools Services as COMPANY may specify hereinafter, in accordance with COMPANY's program in the Western desert, Arab Republic of Egypt (hereinafter “A.R.E.’, or the “Country of Operations’). Now, therefore, it is hereby mutually agreed between the parties hereto as follows: Performance under this contract shall commence effective as of March 8% , 2007 and subject to clause 12 of exhibit “3” hereof, and Shall continue for a period of two years i page 1 of? ‘Rishing Tools Services fe form of contract ‘This contract shall consist of this document for the parties, signatures, and the following: Exhibit “1” (‘Scope of work’), Exhibit “2” (* Compensation), Exhibit “3” ("The General Terms And Conditions”) attached hereto and made a part hereof. In the event of any conflict between the Exhibits to the contract, the documents shall take precedence in the order listed above. In consideration of the CONTRACTOR performing the services set forth in ‘The Scope of Work contained in Exhibit “1” hereof, and of fully performing its obligations under the contract, COMPANY shall pay to CONTRACTOR Compensation as set forth in Exhibit “2”, all in accordance with the provisions of Exhibit “3” The General Terms and Conditions of this contract. This Contract supersedes and replaces any prior oral or written communication between the parties relating to Fishing Tools Services as aforesaid, Unless specifically incorporated herein. In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this contract to be executed by their duly authorized representatives on the day, month and year first written above. For! Khalda, 8. Umbarka, N. Alamein, For : WEATHERFORD R. ElHekma, R. Kanayes,Umbaraka & Matrouh Petroleum Companies By: alaler By: Ke Warren Ford ee Mohamed Hemeda General Manager General Manager wr Eng. Sayed Salem Chairman paged of 2 EXHIBIT “1” SCOPE OF WORK “The Scope of Work covered by this contract includes, but not limited to, the following: @ @ @ @ &) CONTRACTOR will provide COMPANY on “24 hours per Day / 7 days a Week” call out basis with Fishing Tool Services as per COMPANY requirements, in accordance with this Contract. CONTRACTOR will operate, run the equipment and give all assistance and cooperation both in the field and in the Khalda office in New Maadi, Cairo as necessary to perform the Fishing Tool Services as required by COMPANY in the most professional manner. CONTRACTOR’s crew will consist of one (1) Fishing Service personne! to perform the required fishing tools services at each rig site / operation with a minimum of ten (10) years experience in the field. Porsonnol must be fluent in the English language in both oral and written communications. The quantity of equipment and the number of personnel to bo furnished by CONTRACTOR under this Gontract may be increased or decreased subject to COMPANY’s requirements. CONTRACTOR will be required at any given time, if deemed necessary by COMPANY, to provide an oxporionced Fishing Service person and an assortmont of first run { 1. should overshot, grapples, bumper jar, oll jars ) for standard COMPANY program. TI include, but not be limited to: © 2-9/8", 2-718", 9-112” and 4-1/2" tubing inside 5-1/2", 7” and 9-5/8" casing «2-718 DP, 3-1/2" DP, 44112" DP, 5” DP, 4-3/4” DC, 6-4/2” DC and 8” DC inside 5-1/2", 7°, 8-5/8”, 9-5/8” and 13-318" casing strings & 6", 7-1/2", & 412", 10-518” , 12-114” and 17-112” open hole. Various rope spears for fishing ESP cables. ‘These personnel and basic tools will be kept within a COMPANY provided service area of Salam Base on a 24 hour a day / 7 days a week call out basis. CONTRACTOR will provide accommodations and area preperation. CONTRACTOR will provide transportation for sorvice personnel. tof? (©) CONTRACTOR wil management, service personnel, support, etc. along with respective complete resumes of those who will be directly involved in operations. This should include names, contact provide COMPANY with a organizational chart; including numbers, locations, etc. (7) CONTRACTOR must identify both their local ( Egyptian ) and international operational support locales. This should include length of time that the facilities within Egypt have been fully operational. (Contractor must provide COMPANY with a recommended list of tools, equipment and ‘consummables relative to this Contract and available on a call out basis. CONTRACTOR to provide COMPANY with a full inventory of fishing tools relative to this Contract and available in Egypt. Should any of these tools be third party, j.e. not the proporty of CONTRACTOR, they must be identified as such. {9) _Alltoots must be supported by inspection reports. An inspection will be done by an AP! certified inspection company approved by COMPANY with ISO 9001 accreditation up to DS-1, Level 4 Standard, CONTRACTOR will furnish COMPANY with proof of inspection upon request. (10) All equipment in need of repair before or after the completion of the job must be clone by ‘an API/ ISO 9002 accreditation repair facility(s). COMPANY reserves the right to inspect | audit the repair facility(s) before or at any timo during the term of this contract. 20f2 EXHIBIT “2" COMPENSATION ‘The Compensation covered by this contract includes, but not limited to, the following: (0) CONTRACTOR shall be paid for the performance of the required hereunder in accordance with the price list attached in Appendix "A". (2) Any additional services performed by the CONTRACTOR rot included herein shall be charged as per CONTRACTOR attached price list 2008, excluding any general terms and conditions included herein. 3) _ All spare parts, ro-dressing, cost of inspection, maintenance and repairs will be paid by COMPANY at actual cost in accordance with third party invoices. (4) Mf CONTRACTOR at any stage can not cope with COMPANY'S activity, othor CONTRACTOR will be called-out and CONTRACTOR shall bear any extra cost, (8) _ All transportation of CONTRACTOR's personnel, equipment, parts and supplies from CONTRACTOR’s to worksite(s) & visa versa and betwen worksite(s) shall be for CONTRACTOR's account. (6) The daily rental rates for equipmont and porsonnel will commence from the date of arrival at COMPANY’s worksite(s) and will continue until the completion date of the assigned job at the COMPANY’s Worksite(s). (1) All sorvices and / or materials requested by CONTRACTOR and furnished by COMPANY shall be paid by CONTRACTOR at cost plus fifteen percent (15 %) for services and twenty-five percent ( 25 %) for materials. (8) CONTRACTOR will submit a cost per day for an experienced Fishing Service person and cost per day for the assortment of first run ( 2. overshot, grapples, bumper jar, oil Jars ) for standard COMPANY program as mentioned in Exhibit “1” Scope of Work, (9) CONTRACTOR shall be paid forty percent (40%) of its U.S. Dollars invoices in equivalent Egyptian Pounds. The Egyptian Pounds equivalent of USD shall be calculated at the rate tof? Doe Ss of exchange applicable to the Petroleum Sector in effect of the month in which payment is made by COMPANY. This rate currently shall be based on the National Bank of Egypt's rate. (10) CONTRACTOR will submit an irrevocable Letter of Guarantee to COMPANY, for the ‘amount of US $30,000,00 as performance guarantee for the execution of the services assigned to CONTRACTOR by virtue to this Contract. Said guarantee will be returned to CONTRACTOR after terminate this Contract. If the CONTRACTOR does not fulfil any of his obligations mentioned herein, the COMPANY has the right to deduct any amounts from the guarantee, without the need of notification, warning or judicial procedure, The CONTRACTOR shall repay any amount deducted from his cash deposit for any reason whatsoever during the performance of works charged to him by the COMPANY within ten days from date of his being advised accordingly. In case of a delay in payment, the COMPANY shall have the right to deduct it immediately from his entitlements without need to warning or notice. COMPANY has the right to liquidate the above irrevocable letter of guarantee in case of bad performance of the mentioned services. 20f2 wo ea : x 7 era Commerce nwt ZF = x soz oMAWGAH cS cry © aan sLMior & wane niasvs G Sd¥L YBdVL * Teo a so iad oo sats eno pae Cae apie as L— sane ae salva ed “aNNOSHad TGS] esse |) esse = ews owensoss0 Bent vamosaa || /sovwisoy]| ssaiosu |] a7Ove | Rua ONS! | ouuvaaso ‘USCNSL SSOIANTS ONIHSIS ANVdWO9 WN310N12d VOTWHY “ed 002 ann 90 cl monn i 2)! SUBZITISVIS ‘WALLIN SMBLLNO ‘ONISVO. swaae Nowansossq aa ‘ona ave. ‘anwosuse | |/a10H M1807 aun farva scones ewlvuado —_—_ ed siaoe sone anne 80 va ao mo ae ae size Nowsmuosza Bat sannosuse | [raion nriso7 mua0 ace Bune v0 acl ‘womans moe a. ‘ae = tt | ane * ” i ae ffaeee a | ud es a) I" o4, 3108 Nac 1-1) NRW 8 NoILoas suOsTTaM er “WwuaNngo — saga Nowaniosaa Ban zoniarws || saouvio Zawoswad [jrronmason]] seesaw |] amiove [awe seanvas Mowsin09- mos e309 = dl a} a caveman || amen | oreo Sars lees pee SEE somave || saommo mi e ane sannosusa || rmonntisor| | sesuecy aroiova | ava xeanvis|| 2 smiza Nowaniosz0 Baa a “Wowawno- mos abou Bisel a | fs] 8 002 anne 90 wayons HSI4 OL SLOHSHIAO Toy ES | ee cores | eer oe Saaoae leases r aaa stizo Nousniossa BaAL rowonan [Jarmite|| SB |] oom |fivwanewel| a ee fs08 mxannie — Yoy ny THN YayOveE fl eG aw eo me Si exsdvios pe tos aera] | STOOL Suesney 0 9hes ONISHBATY -“ =e dN aNvS - Taetoome]] Mt NY = wer orm [eon Se | ee ae ea =a ce} z or rowinoese ff ag Lemons Taian, |P game | emae deeane aan mown “mos Gurznseisos || zonievonr || _somancor | [sarrenaaccn | [sn rewsaison || nore wsasso0 Tome ae aa a me sme nousxosaa ant wana s20uH9 i Tannosusa —|[rsonwisor]] seavoas |] Smee | NTO) omnaso * siz001 voozannrre 4 we m 5 =H ee H i a z aera aoaaswe || szewo ay ave ‘anwosuae — | fnowntusor] | ssauosu |] “mere AsraNviS| | owuzd ‘18 (ag) de, f\ ae a) =e Pad =a =a swage owanosa0 Ba aoniaanvs || zou anv yrowwisey]] seuaan |] ave | fuVNAeONS] | oivusao We ‘wrowannoo- nos a 8 aw smase ‘rannomuae | |raommtusor|| ssmiosa |] sore [MTOM ona vo wawoss0 Vee \ eu ge Ih, BOSS: uaa ‘ONIHSI4 donsecrracn. [TONIGNL NYHL go Tunevaaisos |] soawnan || someon _| [sanveunaasoo | [suoewasasoo || serve wseiseo| So MSZ saga aonisaws |] szowveo asl, ee ‘annosuad | ]rrionmiusor| | ssauosy |] snore | pIAroWAS!| omnivasao nowaisosaa sant 94 ove anor 8 sviouaienoa “mos y saon ~ 4 + * mf] : cr vomint |e oD - potia toes Lsmumneal | tong | ‘ste | | ann " ” ‘aree || asioentnsing | sates || Swen es om 3 ait oe ec | eo Co = a ao es Se “a = jomaaws || ssoeio owe _| [inva arcane ‘anwomwas || avonneuson|| ssuoau |] 47?" nnivesgo IL Val -wousios- Mos 4 th2051 soe sune mene ee al Baars a swmisa owenioe3a Ban ‘eunosuaw | |/sionneison| | sssucsu || 2% | me rrowtsl | oyiviaao wl -yovanmoo: mos 209 Dy " oo me me me om oe m= 3 = we Toronea ene = = = a me er. song tts we = = iit ons G 5 ” conto a 7 = 2 = = ee | soma |) sam — smasa owarosaa mraoewad | |/anniaeen|| sesuoan || ave | pawxrowvisl| omuvsna0 928 ‘oz aunr 70 Bua Pah EXHIBIT "3" GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.THE SERVICES ‘The Services in support of COMPANY's activities, which CONTRACTOR shall perform, are those specifically defined in Exhibit "I" attached hereto. The Services willbe performed diligently in accordance with the timetable set forth in Exhibit "I" 2, CONTRACTOR'S UNDERSTANDING OF THE SERVICES Consistent with Clause 10 hereof, CONTRACTOR shall render its Services efficiently, diligently, and in the best workmanlike manner in accordance with the timetable sot forth in Exhibit "1". When applicable, CONTRACTOR will exercise its best efforts to fumish COMPANY with accurate information and CONTRACTOR's ‘est judgement, recommendations, and interpretations on the basis of the information at hand and CONTRACTOR's “expertise. CONTRACTOR and COMPANY understand that any interpretations or recommendations if any provided by CONTRACTOR may be rejected by COMPANY. 3, RELATION OF PARTIES CONTRACTOR shall exercise the control, management, and direction of the Services to be carried out and shall have the status of an independent CONTRACTOR. The presence of a COMPANY representative or inspector, to insure that CONTRACTOR’: Services meet the standards set by COMPANY, shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from any of its responsibilities or obligations hereunder. Innno event shall the relationship of the parties be construed to be that of prineipal and agent or master and servant. 34 9Gl6 ‘4, LAWS, REGULATIONS AND BY-LAWS CONTRACTOR shall be subject to, and shall require its subcontractors if any, to be subject to, the applicable laws, directives, judicial decisions, regulations and by-laws of the Country of Operations, and any other country or entity with jurisdiction over COMPANY (as defined in Clause 15(g)), CONTRACTOR, the Serviess, equipment and personnel provided hereunder, or the drilling operations f0 which the Services are being applied. 5. CONTRACTOR'S PERSONNEL Subject to Clause 7 hereof, and subject to the requirements set forth in Exhibit "I", CONTRACTOR shall engage, for CONTRACTOR'S account, all personnel necessary to cary out the Services. All such personnel (hereinafter called "CONTRACTOR'S Personnel") shall be employees of, agents of, oF directly under subcontract 0, CONTRACTOR and, notwithstanding any indemnities provided herein, CONTRACTOR shall be responsible forthe payment of wages, salaries and all other remuneration or benefits ue to CONTRACTOR'S Personnel, fo their safety and their observance of safety measures, for payment of compensation in respect of accident or injury or occupational disease and for payment of any and al ‘contributions to the tax or other . governmental, authorities in respect of CONTRACTOR'S; . and CONTRACTOR shall defend, hold harmless and reimburse COMPANY for any expense which COMPANY may incur as a result of CONTRACTOR's failure to comply with such responsibilities. CONTRACTOR shall assign to perform the Services only such Personnel as are skilled and experienced in their several trades and callings. Without prejudice to CONTRACTOR'S responsibilty for the proper execution of the Services, COMPANY shall have the right fo request CONTRACTOR t0 removs ‘from the Services any member of CONTRACTOR'S Personnel sho, in COMPANY's opinion, is incompetent inthe performance of his duties otis guilty of misconduct (which may include general incompatibility with any other personnel working ‘with COMPANY) If CONTRACTOR refuses to abide by COMPANY'S request, COMPANY may teeminate this Contract forthwith, Any costs associated with such removal ot with the provision by CONTRACTOR of suitable replacement Personnel will be paid by 32 2On 8) hy i dD Consuming, storing, dispensing, or otherwise making available intoxicating liquors or controlled substances to anyone on facilities operated by or in the employ of COMPANY jin connection with COMPANY’s operations or CONTRACTOR'S Services is forbidden. No one shall by his misconduct cause a breach of peace or public disturbance or otherwise deport himself in a manner detrimental to the best interest of the Country of Operations or of COMPANY. COMPANY will provide fuel, lubricants and oil for CONTRACTOR's equipment at the rig ste (3) Fuel, Lubricants and Oil costs shall be at CONTRACTOR'S account Company will provide water -at its expense- for waterplasting services only. 7, ASSIGNMENT AND SUBCONTRACTING CONTRACTOR shall not, without the express prior written consent of COMPANY, assign or subcontract the whole or any part of this Contract; and any assignment or subcontract to which COMPANY gives its consent shall not relieve CONTRACTOR from any of its responsibilities or obligations under this Contract. Any assignment or subcontract made by CONTRACTOR shall include a statement that CONTRACTOR is acting for itself as principal and not in any way jointly with, or as an agent for, COMPANY. COMPANY shall have the ight to withhold approval of any faubcontractor, and shall not be’ required to give a reason for withholding such approval 8. SAFETY CONTRACTOR shall familiarize itself with the locations where the Services shall be performed and the hazards, which might be encountered and shall take due precautions as may be necessary to protect CONTRACTOR's Drivers and any other persons who are at any time directly or indirectly affected by the Services. CONTRACTOR shall at its expense provide CONTRACTOR'S Drivers and/or Personnel with any protective clothing required at each location where the Services are being performed, including, at « minimum, hard hat! Non-slip safety boots, ‘overalls, gloves, and ear and eye protectors, CONTRACTOR shall cooperate fully with, and shall comply with, any requests or Soseao ex Poge 22 RESBIERY RETRIEVING SPEAR 2 9°00 9923.50 ER ne INSIDE 78" AND LARGER CASING 81 —_EFS0P RemRIEWN SPEAR? W200 95075 &0 82 HEMOPIRETRENNG SPEAR sz 00 1145.00 NOTE A) HILL PRICES ARE LOCATED UNDER PACKAILLS, 1B) SPEAR EXTENSIONS PRICES ARE (5: EXTENSIONS) FA aus ma 278° 00 i040 We TR" PAC TOOL. Toroue arf GRADE E S075 PERET, a2 PGRADE X65 ST ISPERFT. 8 sane 347-00 13.908 wr 12" APYIF TOOL ATS. at GRADEE 25 PER ET 22 GRADES 050 PER FT 23.0 REEEHen-weur 5° OD. RANGE 2, HEV - WEIGHT 15508/ JT. WS XTRA HOLE Si 00x31 ‘29400 FT 1B, MU, TORQUE 1041425 PER IT eS RTE SRESBRR 1 171.000" 00) 2028, c-75 weHYORE. CS 24.4 RERHEDSCOMN 1027-00 x 1.218" 10 600 FT-LB MU. TORQUE 425 PER FT. 2.8" 0D 696%, L80W/HYDRIL PH. CONN 2.08 00 X 1805" 2200 FT.LB. MU, TORQUE 5050 PER FT. 2 18 00 870, 1-80 WI HYDRILL PH-6COMN aac |heaisy 3200" 00 x 2200" 0 9000 FT. LB. MU, TORQUE 7075 PERET. SESE s v=" on 125 0 wr HvORILL PH-8 CONN 24.0 Ri ggez «sts 00x 2687-10 5600 FT-18, MU, TORQUE 02.75 PERT. ma ALLOY STEEL TUBING, MACHINED TUBE As ERBHE|s woo, tans PER FT. 42 Bag ace 15050 PER FT 43 Erepe0) 4300. {0.28 PERF. Aa Ft gegn 4 2-00. 186.25 PERFT AS Frees urop, 165.25 PERFT. as Piss. saurop. 18200 PER FT Ear 600 18200 PERF. Ao Fran) 83000. ersrenrt 49 Fhaoay!) 7367 00. i ‘to Fraeag 7 SH Ob, ‘798 Pea Fr Page? an an ae ae aA at 42 as 82 a3 EES von. ‘Biseat 8 ae on Faas 5 Be foot Fig seo S20, FLaesa 13.46 09 AAS a Tm SaSSONy TARY" 0D THRU 8 a5" oD THRU toa OD. THRU 1134 0D, TUBING & DRILL PPE "(AT THE LARGEST 0D) casing 6 uz a SMALLER 7 868 “(AT THELARGEST OD) EAR DRILL PIPE ALL GRADES Se 7 8 SMALLER I Sie a SMALLER REAMERS ROLLER 3 PONT STRING OR NEAR BIT ‘AND © POINT STRING OR NEAR BIT BEREZEs 12" ov n00y "A. K CUTTERS (3 OF) B Locks (60m) (CREAMER mS OF) Dacurrens 3 oF ‘REBT we op Booy ‘A.KCUTTERS 3 OF) BLOCKS 6 OF) 6. REAMER PINS (20F) B.acuTTERS (3 OF) RENT 17 ux op eooy ‘A. KCUTTERS @ OF) B BLocKs (ear) (CREAMER PIS (9 0F) D.acurreRs@ on Pages 25575 PERET. 25050 PER FT. 31875 PERF 371.00 PERFT 43400 PER ET 58.00 PERT 18200 PER FT 25725 PER FY 571.00 PER FT. 49575 PER FT, 501.80 PER OD INCH) 50750 PER OD INCH) 50750 PER OD INCH 01.80 PER 00. INCH () £0780 PER OD INH $0750 PEROD INCH} 2391498 €A BIBT AE, 372883 EA. 407775 Ex, Seea0 ca 7900.25 EA za8sa00 £A, ‘442780 PER SET ‘sro PER SET To40s PER Ser ‘303488 PER SET 3864685 cA 887313 PER SET {538000 PER SET 1588.18 PER Ser 806075 PER SET 4990098 EA, tama7.19 PER ser 1397315 PER SET 10450 Per Set 745838 PER SET 28.0 RIERBETE26" ov BODY enezze7 EA A KGUTTERS OR 2078690 PER Ser 8. 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