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HDF 190:


Juliana Mora
Fall 2016


Opening Statement
Section 1: Self Leadership
Section 2: Leadership Theories
Section 3: Inclusive Leadership
Section 4: Critical Thinking
Section 5: Interpersonal/Organizational Leadership


*If you do not have one outcome from each area of the Inventory completed,
you may opt to choose 2 from one of the sections.

Signature Strengths

Values in Action Strengths

Appreciation of Beauty
Social Intelligence

At URI I chose to get involved with the Leadership Program after I
went to the Leadership Institute. I had such a wonderful experience
at Leadership Institute learning about leadership and making
friends. In Spring 2016 I took HDF 190- FLITE, where I learned in
this class many theories of leadership as well as myself as a
person. My strengths are communicator, woo, arranger, positivity,
and futuristic.

OUTCOME 12: Student will show evidence of goals and objectives that were planned & achieved
After I attended the Leadership institute as an incoming freshman I knew that I wanted to continue and become a
peer leader. Because of the amazing experiences within institute I really wanted to give the same experience to
other students as well. My peer leaders for institute inspired me to be like them, and spread the same positivity I
received from them. I knew that everyone was applying to be a peer leader and that I needed to stand out from the
rest of the applicants in order to be a step above the other candidates. I was pretty involved with clubs that werent
related to leadership, which made me have doubts of getting the position. I decided that I was going to go into the
interview with all my values as an individual. I looked over some example questions that were given to prepare for
the interview and really put myself into the perspective of an incoming freshman. Whenever I facilitate something
or involved with a younger crowd, I try to bring myself back to how I felt in their position. I wrote down how I felt as
an incoming freshman and all my concerns. I decide that during my interview I would express my values. My main
goal was to show that I truly wanted to be a role model to these incoming freshmen and make them feel
comfortable and feel like I can answer all their questions. Volunteering at the multicultural night I knew I would be
able to get a little taste of working with some of the possible students that could be at institute. As I continued in
the organization as the semester progressed, I learned more about how to relate to different students and how
that could be applied to the Leadership Institute. In HDF 190, I learned about my strengths, which allowed me to
have more confidence in myself and see my purpose on a possible leadership institute team. When the interview
came I went with confidence in myself with my values in beliefs. I felt I was being genuine and not throwing myself
into things or claiming things that I didnt stand by as an individual. I later was called for a second interview even
more prepared than I was before, and I finally received an email that said I had accomplished my goal and I was
accepted as a peer leader for the leadership institute

Outcome 27: Student will describe personal application

of the above theory (Greenleaf)
In class we were required to give a speech on Servant Leadership and how it applies to our major.
Within the speech I said that Servant leadership was essentially the first step in becoming an
effective leader. Wanting to serve others is something natural that us leaders will feel. Although you
are serving others youre actually gaining so much in return. Servant leaders lead with their heart
and true passion, its something that isnt forced. One of the characteristics I have as a servant leader
is listening. It also connects with me being a communications major. I have to listen to others as a
com major because the component of communicating and working with people is listening.
Communication is also my top strength so that shows how not only do I converse with people but I
need to hear them out as well. Its how I am able to form long-lasting and important relationships
with others. During our servant leadership project we actively use knowledge of Servant
Leadership theory of leadership and applied it to the real world, by going to Brookdale assisted
living we learned that volunteering was the first step in being a leader. We were able to use our
connectedness and empathy to really connect with the senior citizens. Our goal was to understand
what stressed them out, and hopefully we were able to release some stress for them as well as numb
the pain and stress they normally feel from day to day. These are both ways that I apply servant

Outcome 46: Student will show knowledge of the

Social Change Model of Leadership
Development by Astin et al
Social change addresses the root cause of a problem and collaborative between all parties. Although this can be a very challenging
process, social change has the ability to make lasting and positive impacts on those who are involved within the process. Those who
are involved usually have a personal deep connection with the problem, really wanting them to make a difference. This model is
specifically built to encourage positive change in society. Its based off of the three levels of leadership development: individual,
group, and society. These three levels create a feedback loop showing how one level directly impacts the other. Each level has a
certain elements of the 7 Cs of social change. Individual level these is consciousness of self, congruence, and commitment.
Consciousness of self means valuing not only yourself but also others, and being able to reflect on action and experiences.
Congruence is being able to match your values to your actions. Commitment is dedicating ones self to a change or common issue
and being motivated to do so. In-group there is an emphasis on collaboration, common purpose, and controversy with civility. All of
these elements are just being able to work in-group settings and work effectively with others. Collaboration is the awareness of
oneself and others and being able to use everyones strengths to create a social change. Common purpose is being able to find
something that brings the group together and create an inclusive atmosphere where everyone is working towards something their
passionate towards. In every group, there will be controversy with civility because everyone has different views and biases on the
world. Working past these differences makes the group strong. The final section is society, which is all about citizenship. Its all about
community building, personal responsibilities and values, and acceptance of others. All of these elements combined can have a
community or group of people learn to work effectively to create social change over their lifetime. Social change should be reached
on an individual level, a group level, and a societal level.

Outcome 81:Student will show knowledge of effective leadership as it relates to

change agency

Effective leadership relates to change agency as an individual level and group

level. Someone will become an agent of change when they realize that they
have the potential and the knowledge to be a good leader. This allows the leader
to become self-assured in their abilities and is able to make things happen. Selfefficacy later becomes group efficacy, which allows a leader to make others feel
as empowered and confident in their skills. When the group leader has found
their own ability, they can make the group aware of their owns. Together the
group can accomplish their task with ease.

Outcome 100: Student will describe examples of using active listening skills

In HDF 190 we were all required to give speeches on servant leadership. Even
though the entire class had to give a speech on the same thing we all had to be
good listeners and listen to each speech. When members of my group went up, I
practiced another way to be an active listener. I wrote down points that they
made as well as comments on their presentation skills and diction. Not only did
I listen with my ears but I also highlighted and noted key facts that showed my
intention that I was truly listening and could give feedback on their topic.

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