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DIY blogging

this info will be relevant to MLE

(managed learning environment)!!!
login at
google account details:
username: nosewipers
password: shazzer123
(don't click on create a blog!)
click on Edit posts under primary lesson plan resources (this will
get you to the year grouping page) 
New post will put in a 'diary style' entry not stored under the
year group categories
Select edit pages to add to year group categories
click on edit for the relevant year group: in this
case I'll do Nursery as i have plans for that
Don't panic. This is 'Edit HTML' view, which is useful for embedding youtube
videos/ documents. You want 'Compose' (see red arrow).
Details about embedding with HTML is in a later part of tutorial.
'Compose' works pretty much like a word processor, what you type is what you
will see. You can copy & paste text, insert links, insert pictures, do
bold/italic/underlined text with the buttons above. I will copy this text and
paste it in below the other posts on this page.
Once finished typing, copy/pasting, adding photographs, links etc, click
on "publish page". Alternatively save as draft... it will be saved but not
visible on the blog to visitors. You can come back and finish this later.
Now you can click on 'View page' to see what visitors
will see when they navigate to the 'Nursery' page. I'm
going to click on edit page to show you how to embed
youtube videos in the 'Edit HTML' mode.....;-D
get the embed code by clicking it on green arrow, and the code will come up at the red arrow.
please note that this is nosewipers youtube channel, where you can upload videos to and put
subtitles on them.
copy and paste the code and go to the 'Edit HTML' on the blog page (next slide)
Here I pasted the embed code from youtube (highlighted blue). There are also embeds from which enables you to embed pdfs, powerpoints and word documents ( see earlier
lesson plans: they were uploaded onto, and a similar code in this 'edit html' mode does
the same job. Click on publish page to finish.
Here is what that looks like on the actual blog, as seen
by visitors who are not signed in.
Next slide shows where to upload documents so they
can be embedded. (
here is the login page for where you can upload your .pdfs, .docs and .ppts so they can be seen on
the website as opposed to just being a download.
Same user name: nosewipers
same password: shazzer123
You can use this account or start up your own... it's up to you.
click on the red arrow on the welcome screen to view the
nosewipers archive
click on my documents in the dropdown menu
as you can see there no documents here- click on
upload to do this....

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