2 Marks May 2015

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what is faraday rotation?

ANS: rotation of a beam of polarized microwaves traversing an isotropic medium

along the
lines of force of a magnetic field.
6. A two cavity klystron operates at 5GHZ with a dc beam voltage of 10KV and
cavity grid gap of 1.0mm. calculate the dc beam speed and the gap transit time at
the buncher cavity.
ANS: The dc beam speed=0.593*10^6*(10000)^(1/2)
=5.93*10^7 m/s
Transit time=(d/dc beam speed)
=1.686*10^-11 s
7. A reflex klystron is operating at 10GHZ with a 600v beam voltage. if the repeller
voltage is 250v,determine the optimum repeller space for 1 3/4 mode.
ANS: optimum repeller space L is related to

V0 and Vr as

V0)/(Vr+V0)^2 = [(e/m)/8L^2]*[(n+3/4)^2/f^2]

L^2=[(e/m)/8f^2]*[(n+3/4)^2]*[( Vr+V0)^2/V0]

L= [(1.76*10^11)^(1/2)]/[(2*1.414)*10*10^9] *1.75*34.5612
8. write the expression for travelling wave tube gain parameter.


9. what are slow wave structures?

ANS: 1.helical line

2.folded back line

3.zig zag line
4.corrugated wave guide
5.inter digital line
10.write the hull cutoff magnetic equation for a magnetron.

B0=[(8V0(m/e))^1/2] /[b(1-(a^2/b^2))]

11.what is meant by gun effect?

ANS: Gun effect was first observed by GUNN in n_type GaAs bulk diode. According
to GUNN, above some critical voltage corresponding to an electric field of 20004000v/cm, the current in every specimen became a fluctuating fuction of time. The
frequency of oscillation was determined mainly by the specimen and not by the
external circuit.
14. Mention some advantages of tunnel diode?
ANS:Very high speed: The high speed of operation means that the tunnel
diode can be used for microwave RF applications.


Studies have been undertaken of the tunnel diode and its

performance has been shown to remain stable over long periods of time, where
other semiconductor devices may have degraded.
16. what are the basic materials used in the fabrication of MMIC?
ANS: substrate materials,conductor materials,dielectric materials,resistive
17.what is molecular beam epitaxy?
ANS: reaction of one (or)more beam of atoms(or) molecules with crystalline surface
under ultra vaccum conditin.
18.mention some of the fabrication procedures involved in MMIC?
ANS:1.diffusion and ion implantation
2.oxidation and film deposition
3.epitaxial growth

5.etching and photo resists

19. draw the block diagram for low vswr measurement?

20. write the expression for measuring attenuation in db?

ANS: D=10log(


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