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Raj kaur (18) loves to do whatever makes her family

happy; she is a loving, funny and bubbly girl. Although she
gets along with her family who is more traditional, she
sometimes does not see eye to eye with them. This is
because her parents believe in her following the norms
and values that have been brought from the older
generations, they do not want their reputation to go down
the drain due to their daughters behaviour. Relationship
within the family is a family breaking point due to the fact
that Raj gets into a relationship who is outside their
Raj has been in a relationship with Zaid Khan (19) who is
from a Pakistani background, for almost 3 years until she
decides to tell her parents about it as she feels like it will
be a serious relationship. Due to cultural differences telling
her parents did not down so well and she runs away, Zaid
calls Raj up knowing that she was going to tell her parent
but she avoids his calls and gets on the bus. Zaid runs to
her house and sees Raj get on the bus, but does not catch
up to her.
He rings her multiple times but Raj doesnt pick, she sits
at the back of the bus and stares out the window. Rajs
emotions are all over the place and her only wish is for her
parents to understand how she is feeling, Zaid runs along
the road trying to catch up to Raj and fails to catch up to
her. Rajs phone rings and its a call from her brother, she
ends the call and receives a message saying she has a
voicemail, she puts her phone away in her bag.
Raj gets off the bus and walks towards the canal bank, she
drags her bag alongside her and her phone continues to
rings in her bag. Zaid remembers the one spot that they
both love to go to, as he reaches there he sees Raj in the
far distance and calls out to her. However, she doesnt
hear him amongst the crowd and continues to head
towards the canal bank.

As Raj gets there, she places her bag on the side and sits
aside staring blankly ahead, she thinks about everything
and listens to the voicemails she received from Zaid and
her brother, she deletes them all and puts her phone back
in the bag. After a few minutes, Zaid arrives the places
beside the canal bank where he and Raj come, but he
doesnt see her and sees her bag placed alongside of the
canal bank with her scarf flowing in the water. Zaid breaks
down and falls to the fall.

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