How To Write A Rhetorical Analysis Paper Step by Step PDF

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How to Write a Rhetorical Analysis Paper

Step by Step

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Knowing how to write a rhetorical analysis paper step by step is critical in the delivery of a
unique and outstanding essay. In fact, the skills can further help you in writing other academic
papers as well. With the advice that we have issued herein, you will easily find out how to write
a rhetorical analysis paper step by step. Besides, we will also give examples to enable you get a
better understanding of how to go about writing rhetorical analysis assignments.
Most beginners often think that mastering the art of how to write a rhetorical analysis paper step
by step is quite challenging. However, that is not the case since rhetorical analysis essays are
simply like other academic papers.
A rhetorical analysis paper refers to an essay that explains the techniques of rhetoric as used by
an author in a given piece of work. For instance, you can be asked to write a rhetorical analysis

paper on a particular speech, article, film or even painting. The paper should have adequate
details to show that you have carefully studied and understood the piece of work that is being
The paper should vividly give the readers a picture of the various rhetoric techniques applied by
the author in delivering his or her message to the target audience. Rhetorical techniques can be
defined as words that are used with the aim of persuasion or creating an influence. These may
include ethos, logos and pathos. On the other hand, rhetoric elements can also be derived from
the tone, diction, details, imagery, syntax, figurative language among others. Rhetoric is used to
intentionally create an effect.

Tips on how to write a rhetorical analysis paper step by step

Writing a rhetorical analysis paper may take different approaches. However, the following points
will always offer you the best insights on how to write a rhetorical analysis paper step by step.
Carefully study or read the given piece of work
In a typical assignment, you will be asked to analyze the rhetoric techniques used by an author in
a particular piece of work. This means that you have to take time to understand the work, and
also the particular message that the author intended to convey to the audience through it.
Note the key concepts of the content
While going through the work to be analyzed, it is important that you take some notes on the
basic aspects of the paper. Such include information about the particular piece of work, for
instance its title, name of the author, where it was published or presented and also the purpose.
Besides, you should also note down its intended audience and the tone used by the author in
communicating the message.
It is also crucial that you note down the main rhetoric techniques used by the author in that
particular work. There may be a couple of them but is advisable that you only identify those that
make the work to stand out. Choose just a few techniques, like three or four to discuss in the
Create an outline
An outline is a presentation or layout of the points that you intend to explain in the essay. It
should also portray the way you plan to tackle them from one to another.

More guidelines on How to write a Rhetorical Analysis Paper Step by Step

With the above tips, you will already have acquired some ideas on the approach to take in
writing the analysis. The following guidelines are recommended to enable you find out how to
write a rhetorical analysis paper step by step.
Start with the title
To make your paper more appealing, it should have a title. This should be catchy and relevant to
the discussion in the paper. In some cases, you may be given the title to use in the assignment.
However, you may also be asked to write one of your own.
The title should be short and clear to the point. It can be in the form of a statement or a question.
In the case of a question, you may need to provide an answer in the body or conclusion of the
Write the introduction
The introduction is one of the parts of the essay that will indicate whether you know how to write
a rhetorical analysis paper step by step or not. It is the first section of the paper and should be
crafted in a way that can persuade readers to read on to other parts of the essay.
Your introduction should be brief but clearly identify the particular work that is being analyzed,
its author, purpose, audience and occasion of publication or presentation.
In the opening statements, you have to tell the readers what your analysis is about. Besides, you
also need to state the basis of your argument in the introduction. This is also known as the thesis
statement and should come at the end of the introduction.
Craft the body paragraphs
In the body of the paper, you will have to comprehensively discuss the various rhetoric
techniques as used by the author. It is advisable that you opt for the chronological format in
writing your paper. This implies that you will be discussing the identified techniques in the same
sequence that they are presented in the piece of work.
Pick the elements of rhetoric that you noted down as outstanding and explain each of them
extensively before moving on to another. It would be ideal if you used a different paragraph for
every technique. However, there must be cohesion between the body paragraphs.
When explaining a rhetoric technique, always make sure that you clearly give examples as they
appear in the text. Besides, you should also show how and why the author used those techniques
in that piece of work.
In the body paragraphs, you also need to talk about the impact of those techniques on the target
audience. The information should be written logically and present a compelling argument.
Conclude the paper

The conclusion of the paper should give the readers a reason to believe that reading the analysis
was worth their time. In order to achieve this, it is important that you briefly restate the thesis
statement, supported with detail.
In case there is need for further research or study on the subject of the paper, you should point it
out in the final statements.

Rhetorical Analysis Paper Examples

Looking at sample rhetorical analysis essays is also another way through which you can easily
master the art of how to write a rhetorical analysis paper step by step. The following will show
you how to properly write a good one.
Example 1
Sample Rhetorical Analysis Essay: The Death of the Moth, by Virginia Woolf
In her short essay, The Death of the Moth, English author Virginia Woolf changes a prosaic
experience into a deep philosophical meditation. Looking out through the window of her rural
home one day while reading, she develops her exertions of a moth flitting inside the window. As
she stares, the moth seems to lose its critical motivation, and eventually dies under her watch.
This motivated Woolf to write about how the struggle of the moth against death impacted her,
leading her to a deeper consideration of the nature of life and death. In doing so, the author
deliberately persuades the reader into her own view of existence, using strong emotional appeals
expressed in her language to portray a sense of sympathy and identification to the readers
Read the whole essay here.
Example 2
Advertisement Rhetorical Analysis; The Definition of G
In the past few decades, there has been a dramatic transformation in the way that the public
watches TV. The advertising industry has been consistent in significantly influencing the
products that people buy. However, it has recently appeared that innovative commercials stick in
the minds of viewers consciously and unconsciously, thereby shaping culture and society in
various ways. In order to achieve this, companies continue to evolve or recreate their images to
remain relevant and fresh in the minds of the public. The latest set of Gatorade commercials has
accomplished this through the Whats G? advert. The company has incorporated diversity,
music and religion for the promotion of more than just a sports drink but an actual lifestyle that
has been successfully adopted by consumers
You can find this sample here.

Example 3
Professional at Persuasion
The article by Malcolm Gladwell; Small Change: Why the Revolution Will Not Be Tweeted
is a rhetorically effective assertion that shows why social media is not an adequately effective
tool in the organization of social and political activism. Published in the New Yorker on October
4, 2010, the article was aimed at convincing the general population that social media is not as
hazardous to the status quo as many people would be made to believe
Click here to read the entire sample paper.

We hope the above guidelines will help you know how to write a rhetorical analysis paper step
by step. However, if you still find it a challenge get in touch with us for help. You can also visit
our homepage to find out more on the online academic writing services that we offer.

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