International Relations PDF

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International Relations

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International relations refer to the associations created between nations. For the past three years,
there has been an increase in the global economic integration. The role played by sovereign
states, intergovernmental organizations, and non-governmental organizations together with
multinationals in the formation of international relations has greatly enhanced my thinking on
teamwork. The reason for this is because international relations analyze the foreign policies of
particular countries to review the impact on global economic politics.
However, this has also enabled me to view leadership as a factor that demands planning and the
right decisions. The impacts of integration are international security, nationalism and state
sovereignty for economic development across the globe. I am of the understanding that global
finance is based on human security and the protection of human rights through effective
leadership. This paper gives an highlight on the effects of recent economic integration on what I
think about intuitive and leadership.
Relational leadership is a process that entails the bringing together, of policies of various nations
through collective supervision. My opinion is that one party must have the initiative of
controlling the operations towards integration for guaranteed success. Therefore, leadership
revolves around cost and risk reduction to enhance productivity. My opinion is that quality
leadership must be exercised through the making of informed decisions to prevent biasness.

The continued use of this procedure has impacted the way I look at international relations, such
that I consider them as a liberal activity that is focused on enhancing the global economy. This is
why enhanced regional integration result into better international dealings, thereby promoting
coherence. Free trade that is characterized by free competition promises idealistic options for
national development and enterprise.
The initiative of advancing economic integration is enhanced with good leadership styles. This is
conducted through industrial performance and political functions. Separate economies are
brought together to form larger economic regions in order to ensure effective formulation of
policies, their execution and pursuance of business. Increased productivity that is inspired by
regional integration encourages international political deals. My judgment on competition has
been influenced by regional integration since it forms the basis of quality services.
States that are found in the same region undertake an evaluation of their potentialities and
weaknesses in order to control production based on their competitive advantage. For this to take
place, one country has to approach another for a chance to merge their policies. The initiative of
looking upon a good country to integrate with should lie in the hands of economic experts
working alongside political leaders for success. I hold the view that cultural aspects between
nations must be assessed to provide an assurance of future contact. This is significant due to the
financial crisis that is presented by failed integration to the world economy.
Therefore, integration has great effects on state leadership and security. The self interest of a
nation in good regional relations is inspired by the need for survival. Hence, leadership entails
the enforcement of quality management skills and practices in both local and international field
for the accomplishment of personal goals along with those of the organization.
The success of integration is based upon cooperation between countries whereby individual
states try to maximize their own interests. The political realism is of the conception that politics
is controlled by purpose laws, which originates from human activities and nature. This is similar
to the rule of the general society whereby it is important to understand the legal framework in
order to enhance social welfare.
The leaders in society should therefore, strive towards putting in place effective laws controlled
by public interests and political based projects. I am of the opinion that operational laws that are
inflexible can only be challenged at the risk of failure. For example, Japan External Trade
Organization could be thought to be the organization that reviews the need for enhancing
international relations through economic integration in East Asia. Thus, it is clear that
international relations must come from a particular point then extend to other regions.
With regards to this, leadership is based on who has the power of influencing change as well as
forcing action in other parties. Many would say that this has greatly inspired the Japan-Indonesia
economic relations. For the promotion of good governance, experts from either region have to
join hands, evaluate and give recommendations on the need for merging policies towards mutual
benefit. I believe that the negative effects of integration should be highlighted in order to account
for the present and future of the condition.

Leadership is a very broad platform with various strategic and group perspectives. My interest in
securing a job with international organizations is agitated by the need to promote development as
well as integration between East Asian nations. This may be realized through the joining of
several aspects, like market associations. The importance of such a unity is to foster correlation
of the views of a single country to those of an entire region for increased productivity and
improved relations.
Therefore, group leadership lays a good foundation for the development of this objective since
various nations have different ideologies. For change to be initiated, apt utilization of state
powers is critical because it determines the level of support from the international community in
attaining the set objectives. Hence, it is important that policy makers should undertake
assessment of the vulnerability of a nation to international threats even as they make efforts
towards promoting regional relations. This is why regional and local integration will impact the
international relations from different angles both politically and economically.
Therefore, my understanding on initiative and leadership is pegged onto the performance of
international relations through the power of the state, sovereignty, power blocks, national
interests and the inter-dependency level. I hold the belief that leadership is a key player in
improves stat affairs.
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