Khutbat e Marifat e Allah

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Khutbat e Marifat e


Sermon of Ameerul
Momineen (asws)
regarding the
Recognition of Allah

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)
In Kitab ul Arshad Sheik Mufeed narrates from Salih bin Kesan that Moula Ali (as)

delivered this sermon about the marifat (recognition) of Allah.

“The first ibadat (act of worship) of Allah is marifat (recognition). The foundation

of marifat is tawheed. His system of His tawheed is far above the understanding and

comprehension of human intellect. All things which can be understood by the human

intellect is a creation. Creation itself is proof of Allah being a creator. The creation

recognizes the marifat of Allah through their intellect. Allah has declared His Hujjat

(proof) a creation that Allah revealed from Himself. Allah is only One and Wahid

(unique). There is none which is like Him. There is no “misal” like Him in His Oneness.

He is the opposite of those things that have an opposite. There is no one who can be

compared with Him. He has no similarities with others. His Signs are His proof and His

essence is His existance. His marifat is His tawheed. The meaning of tawheed is to

separate Him from His creation even though you must recognize Him through His

creation. Verily He is the creator. Allah is against whatever imaginings His creation may

have in regards to Him.

After this Moula Ali (as) said, “No one can recognize His Nafs_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ He is the

one who is blessed with His Marifat”.

Ahtejaj Tabrisi ref Najul Israr First Edition page no. 156-157

Spreading the true religion of Allah, Wilayat e Ali (asws)

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