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erties of Sound Station Lab \ Name ive, Lan _ , Station 1: Musical Tubes - hold one end of the tube and swing the plastic tube ina circle over your head 1. What happens to the pitch of the sound as you increase the speed of the orange corrugated tube? [ee crowded 2. Twirl the black tube over your head. How is the sound different from the orange one? 3. What do you think is vibrating to produce the sound? [the he | 4. Why do you think the two tubes sound different? Station Boom Whackers - Hit the tubes on your rubber soled shoe or your leg and listen to the sounds they make, 1. Do the tubes produce different sounds? 2, Rank them (by color) from highest to lowest pitch, 3, How do these work? What do you think is vibrating to produce the sound? 4, Write down the order of the tubes (by color) that you hit to play “Jingle Bells”, 4, What medium is the sound traveling through now? 5. What is meant by a “medium”? 2 acct thot a wae axle Avon 6. Through which medium do you think sound travels faster: AIR, SOLIDS, or LIQUIDS? EXPLAIN. Xrbugh Che ly JON Station 5: Talking Cups - Grab the red tape with your thumb and index finger. Run your thumbnail along the red tape and listen. 1, What causes the red tape to "talk"? 2, Now, use the tape attached to a cup. How is the sound different? = 3. What function does the cup have in making this work better? less eche. Leo ANE CUP CON alter the soured. : 4. Does the tape produce irregular or regular vibrations? How does that affect the sound that's produced? 4. Think again, what is vibrating to make the sound? Do you still think it’s the answer you had for #1? [ 5, Identify at least three musical instruments that use vibrating air columns to make sounds of different pitches: Station 8: Tuning Fork + Water = ? - Strike the tuning fork with the rubber mallet 41, Place the tuning fork into the dish of water. What happens to the water? What happens to the sound? 2. Strike the tuning fork with the rubber mallet and hold the piece of paper in the other hand. Bring the tuning fork up to the piece of paper. What happens to the paper? to the sound? 1 Grow 3, Explain how these simple demonstrations could be used to show that sound is a form of energy. 4, Please clean up this station before you leavel RIGHT Hold by stan only Station 9: Cardboard Box Guitar - Place a rubber band on the open box and play the cardboard box guitar 1. What is oscillating to create the sound? [the miter bara

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