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Ethan Parker Professor Raymond UWRT 1102-014 23 Mar 2016 Realize and Revise. ‘One of my favorite parts about writing is learning to revise, Writing the first time can lead for mistakes because we are all human. Although, a rough draft may be ninety nine percent Perfect, the error would never be found without revision. Even through further revision we still ‘miss initial mistakes that we have made. Luckily, peer revision is often used so another set of €yes gets to touch the work and look for any more mistakes. Revision specifically for me is very useful because I can be scattered with how I write initially. Sometimes I have a plethora of great ideas to use in writing, but I cannot seem to find appropriate places for them. These include Ainique ways on how to start or end a sentence, paragraph, or I have a good idea to include a advanced word...but no where to put it. With this being said all these well written pieces of work do not always fit together. Through revision I can see that these things don't fit regardless of how good they sound. I can see my effort to revise my own works when I check my rough drafts and ‘Usee many entrances to paragraphs. To break up my thoughts while writing I notice I just take the subject as if 'm going to write a whole paragraph about it. This brainstorming process allows me 10 allocate info on the specific topic I’m currently writing about and from there I decide if i incorporate it in it’s own paragraph or not. With that being said revision is necessary as we are human and nobody writes perfect.

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