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Project W.R.E.

MD, Basir, Alex, Starlynn

A final research paper submitted

In full fulfillment of the requirements for the
APES final project

Earth Sustainability Project

Lithia Springs High School

Ms. Cooke
Table Of Contents
Pg. 3........ Purpose Statement
Pg. 3......Position

Pg. 4.......History of the problem

Pg. 7...Causes of the problem
Pg. 8....Consequences of the problem
Pg. 8...Proposed solutions for the problem
Pg. 9 The position of those who oppose you
Pg. 10... Tables, Charts, Graphs, Pictures, Diagrams
Pg. 11.. Work cited page

Purpose Statement
Animals abuse is a growing problem in the world and with that, people often forget that the
animals we mistreat and abuse will affect the community we live in. Project W.R.E.P is looking
towards a better future that we, humans and animals, can live as one and make the place we call
home a more luscious place in the environment.

Title: Project W.R.E.P Rehabilitate

We, as an organization, try to show people across the world that we have to start caring for the
animals that are with us now. Sooner or later the animals that we call friends or even family will
eventually leave us for how destructive/ how violent man kind is. Without animals in the world,
the balance of the planet is out of order. If we let one species die the others would be out of
balance. Some may grow and others would fall because the simple fact that the specie died off.
We as an organization try to spread the knowledge of the consequences of what we are doing to
the animals that inhabit earth, and we try to help/ rescue the ones that are being misused,
mistreated, and that has gotten injured in the environment. We want what's best for the
environment we live in so we can continue to prosper throughout the years ahead of us.

History Of the Problem

Throughout the years that our society expanded and grew, we had to make more homes
and jobs for the people. We destroyed the animals habitat by bulldozing their ground and cutting
down the trees for us to make more space for us, and using the resources. A common thing that's
happening around each habitat that we touch without thinking of consequences is Habitat

Much of the remaining terrestrial wildlife habitat in the U.S. has been cut up into
fragments by roads and development. Aquatic species habitat has been fragmented by dams
and water diversions. These fragments of habitat may not be large or connected enough to
support species that need a large territory in which to find mates and food. The loss and
fragmentation of habitat make it difficult for migratory species to find places to rest and feed
along their migration routes. ( 2009-2015)

This quote is very accurate in many ways we still continue to hurt animals, and their
homes/ migration patterns. WWF global wrote an article talking about how much forest areas we
lost and that if we continue we are endangering half of earth's species.
The net loss in global forest area during the 1990s was about 94 million ha (equivalent to
2.4% of total forests). It is estimated that in the 1990s, almost 70% of deforested areas were
converted to agricultural land. Around half of the world's original forests have disappeared, and they
are still being removed at a rate 10x higher than any possible level of regrowth. As tropical forests
contain at least half the Earth's species, the clearance of some 17 million hectares each year is a
dramatic loss.

Not only that but we affect the marine life as well.

Human impact on terrestrial and marine natural resources results in marine and
coastal degradation. Population growth, urbanization, industrialization and tourism are all
factors. In 1994, it was estimated that 37% of the global population lived within 60 km of the
coast. Poverty, consumption and land-use patterns contribute to the degradation of marine
habitats and to the destruction of the species that rely on them to survive.

It was never really discovered we knew about it, but we really did not do anything about
it until mid 1900 hundred. A law was placed in 1973 to prevent the continuous extinction of

animals called the Endangered Species Act. The main purpose was to stop hunting of the animals
and killing them for personal reasons. Hunters would go to their habitat and try to cause as much
destruction as possible so the animal they would hunt would come out/ run away from the
trouble caused in their habitat.

Other parties such as Defenders of Wildlife, Sparks Ark, Wildlife Waystationmake

continuously do petitions, they help an animal that is injured and try to nurture them back to their
fully functional self. They try to get donations so they can continue their cause on helping the
animals and trying to protect their environment or at least try to create a new one for the ones
that lost their homes.

Some relevant Laws and treaties are..

Endangered Species Act

An endangered species is one that is in danger of

becoming extinct throughout all or a significant portion of its range. The ESA
also protects species that are threatened with extinction within the foreseeable
future. Legally, there is no practical difference between endangered and
threatened species.

Endangered Species Pesticide Protection Program

EPA has developed an Endangered Species Pesticide

Protection Program with the goal of reducing pesticide exposure to endangered

species. The new program ranks each endangered species according to its
status, recovery potential, vulnerability to pesticides, potential for exposure,
and apparent risks from pesticides. The USFWS will consider all of this
information and then issue a biological opinion as to whether the species could
be harmed by pesticide exposure. If a species is considered in jeopardy from
pesticide use, the EPA and USFWS will, in most cases, prepare a bulletin for
each county where the species is found. Bulletins include habitat maps and

descriptions, and pesticide use restrictions. Bulletins are available from local
county Extension offices and from pesticide dealers and distributors.

Clean Water Act and Wetlands Regulation

The Clean Water Act was the first federal legislation to

address pollution caused by storm water runoff from the landscape. Over half
of the water pollution in the U.S. is caused by non-point source pollution such
as agriculture, mining, urban and construction activities, and forestry. Contrary
to public perception, forestry is only a minor contributor to the total nonpoint
source pollution in the Southeast. The Act also identified the need to protect
wetlands from unwanted human disturbance.

Clean Air Act

EPA was directed to identify and publish a list of air
pollutants and to establish air quality standards for those pollutants in order to
protect public health. A table of National Ambient Air Quality Standards,
published by the EPA, identified primary and secondary pollutants and their
maximum acceptable concentrations in the atmosphere. States were then
directed, by the Act, to submit plans detailing how they intended to achieve
and maintain the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.

Coastal Zone Management Act

The definition of coastal zone includes not only those

counties that border the ocean, but can also include areas that extend several
counties inland from the ocean. The act requires that every state with a
federally-approved program develop a plan to control coastal zone non-point
source pollution according to guidelines set by the EPA.

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act

All pesticides must be registered with the EPA.
General-use pesticides are available to the
general public, while restricted-use pesticides are available only to
certified individuals.
Private applicators may use pesticides on their
own or leased property, and commercial applicators may apply
restricted-use pesticides for a fee. Both private and commercial
applicators must meet minimum standards of competency.
Misuse of pesticides

Causes of the problem

Some of the problems we face today is the fact that we are growing exponentially to fast.
Around 1900 we had 1.9 billion people on earth, but 2016 we have around 7.125 billion on earth,
and we have to account for that many people. Everyone and every family uses a certain amount
of resources to keep on going throughout their lives, and that puts a crucial effect on the
environment and the animals. More people will continue to be born and we will have to continue
to destroy habitats of animals, and possibly endanger them.
The problem is not that we are growing exponentially to fast, but the problem is that we
do not care for anyone but ourselves. If we actually and truly cared we would be greener but
we are not. If we cut down trees to build homes, we would have to plant seeds for the trees in
another area, but we do not. We just cut down the trees that belong to the animals and just use it
on our own. We are killing them off one by one and we do not see it we just see the fact that we
need to expand, and use more resources to keep our species alive. We just do not care for the
environment nor the animals.
Consequences of the problem

Hurting animals
Losing their homes
Becoming endangered
Requiring/ wanting more from the environment

Species will die off

No balance in the environment
Less oxygen
More pollution
The Group will have control over the few ( More people will not care)


Proposed Solutions for the problem

1.Action Steps
Cost around 50 dollars
Can go to downtown and hold a rally to spread

Research about what we can do
Make a club and be active in the community
Try to spread the word around the community
Try to make school donation
Unused animal toys and house. 5 dollars here and there in a
donation box
Money will be used to make home for the species

that got abused and medication for the animals

Make a website and put as much information in their
Make posters and hang them out
Service announcements
Try to team up with other organizations to combine the efforts and move forward
on helping the environment and animals
9 times out of 10 most people do not know nor care for animals or
the environment. Teach them, tell them what could and would happen if we do not
stop not caring. All we know we can live in the next fallout

The position of those who oppose you

Rebuttal to opposing position
They will say, that we are continuing to grow and advance throughout the years. That
sooner or later that we need more and more resources to help us continue and eventually we will
find an alternate resource that can be used for our daily life. What I want to mention is, what if
we don't find that resource that replaces all of the other resources. And you are right in the fact
we are growing and advancing, but we can't just forget about one another. Planting a seed for

animals is not as hard as destroying their homes. Just dig a hole, plant a seed, and protect that
area. It takes more energy to kill and destroy then just planting and protecting a seed.

Tables, Charts, Graphs, Pictures, Diagrams, And maps

Work cited page

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