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enesee County Ci vit Court Fulferten 200 Saginaw St. #201 Flint, Mica 48502 Judge Fullerton, My ame is Sheree Miller, 276122. T am housed at Nomett Correctional Facility. You ere my judee when T was convigte 22, 2000. T received LIFF for Conspir to Commit Murder and 84 to 4 Tn 2008 T won my 2009. August 2012 7 lost and came back to pri left, however T know that with th years for Second Negree Murd ppeal and went home in on. T have a 4500 Motion letter that will be gone as well. For many years I blamed you for my coming to prison. Tt was easier that way. Cr so T thought. T want to tell the truth now. T know that it may make little difference to you whether T tell the truth or not, but to ay husbands family or Jerry Cassaday's family it might mean something. Something pened fn: of me when T had to come back to pri son after three years of freedom. You see my daughter and grand daughter were living vith me, Although J begged my daughter NOT to come with me when ay me back off at this prison, MMMMvould not listen. She aad to come with us. Vhen T was walking through those sliding doors, looking back at my daughter, she was crying so hard. Ner hends were roomate droppe stretched out with her little seven week old baby girl in then. T remember hearing her scream, "NO MOM, NO, DONT LEAVE.” My roomate had to pick her up and carry her out the door while BBM still tried to get ¢ me. After that moment, Judge Fu lecton, the FILL impact of what T had done to Pruce, nis friends and family, Jerry and his friends and Family, hit me full force. They will NFVFR get te see them again. My daughter will be able to come see me. Pruce's children will never get to hug their Twill still be able to feel my children's arms around me. dad agai Fruce's brother will never be able to sit down and have a conversation with hin again, but my brothers can still come see me. T manipulated a man into killing another man. T have lived in denial for so long that T believed my lie, ‘I didn't do it.‘ Judge Fullerton, T did it. *lmost the way the prosecutor said T did. When T went to the parole board, and was asked did T have time to stop it? T answered honestly. 1 had sixteen and a half hours to stop it. And T didn't. T knew it was going to happen and T allowed it. T allowed a man to kill anotaer man based on my lies and manipulation. T tried to tel] the parole hoard that it wae because of my childhood. T was stil trying to blame someone or something else for my actions. T was molested and abused hy my step father for many years. That would explain the hipner sexual behavior T had. Tt would explain why T was such a Jiar and a secret holder, PUT it does not explain how T set someone up to be killed. T knew right from wrong, "CO MATTFR WHAT HAPPENEN TO MF AS A CHILD. I knew what T was doing was wrong. T was living two lives and T got caught up and did not want to get caught so 7 planned a murder and went torough with it. Tnstead of my family or Pruce's family finding out what T really was, T thougnt T could cover it up by having Rruce mucdered. T cannot deny this anymore. Not even to try to win a 500 Motion when you retire, like my PATD attorney keeps telling me Throughout these 16 years T have asked three different attorney's to let me tell them the truth. They did not want to know it. This last one T paid $90,000.00 for him to get started on my 6500 motion. T asked him at our first meeting if T could tel] him the truth about what T had done. He said "no". T cannot do it anymore. T have to tell the truth. Tf my attorney doesn't want to hear it J am sure Bruce's and Jerry's family will. When T went home T went on DATFLNE where once again J tried to sugar coat things. Pruce's Prother and sister-in-law went on and Judy said, “If she is really sorry for what she done how come she hasn't tried to tell us?” Well T can't, that is against the rules. But you can. T don't know if this will give them closure of any kind. T don't know if you will, but somehow T would like to answer their auestions, honestly. I am not sure if you would help in this or not. T keep goine through my life trying to make up for what T have done Put Judge Fullerton there is NOTHING T can do to make up for TWO lives. No matter how hard T try T cannot make sense of why T thought that was okay. I don't deserve freedom. When T think of those 16 hours of waiting until Pence was in the right place and the right time to end his life, 7 cannot stand to live with nyself sometimes. T don't want to fight in the court anynore. don't want Peuce's or Jerry's family have to suffer anymore. They bave waited 16 years to hear me say T am guilty, I did it and it sounds so weightless, but T am sorry. T am so so sorty. Ne was a great man. Ye never hurt me or my children in anyway. 411 he did was love us. He wanted to adoot my children. Ve just wanted @ family. The only man who loved me for me and T had him killed. Fe never raised Ris voice to me, He gave me anything T ever wanted. T didn't have to work for anything, his love was free. Tn prison if you are here for killing your husband you are wel liked. BUT if you are in for ‘illing a child you are well hated. T have tried to make since of this. Rruce was sonebodies child. T don't care if he was in his 40's, he was his mothers child. T see no difference. T am as bad as a child killer. %0 KTLLFR is eood, child or adult T have to thank you Judge Fullerton. You saved my children from a horrible mother. They had a great life once T came here. My mother nade sure that they were all well taken care of. 4nd even though T was a horrible mother and @ murderer she brought them to see me weekly, something Pruce's children didn't have with their father this past 16 years. When T was at home they suffered. They vere introduced to many men, T drank all the time. Smoked weed and took pills. They suffered a lot because of me. They were sexually and physically abused by my second husband, hecause of me. So my coming to prison saved their lives. They were innocent in all this. They had to battle in school because of the media that T continued to go to. Tt didn’t dawn on me, the pain that T had caused them until that moment T had to come back, seeing into my daugh ter's pain filled eyes. Going home for those 3 years J thought was my blessing from God. No my daughter needed me, my sons needed me. Tt wasn't about me, it was about them. T hurt a lot of people. T destroyed a lot of lives. It is time to end the lies and tell the truth. T know that they already know the truth 4nd T know that you already know the truth, Put maybe hearing it from me would help Bruce's family somehow. J don't know, T don't know how all this works. 1] T know is that T was drawn to write you. Thank you for eee not letting me in any way get avay with nucder Judge Fullerton. And T an sorry for wasting so many hours, day's, week's and month's of your tine T knew T was wrong and T thougnt I could get away with it. Today, now, T am glad that T did not get away with it. Fven behind these walls my Jife is so much better now thet T can tell the truth, T am going to continue to try to make Pruce’s life a legacy by doing all th: s name. T would like to begin with saying T am sorry to his entire family and friends. T understand that Michigan does t T can in not have a Restorative Justice program. T have researched other states that allow it and the outcomes for the victims family has been very positive. With al] the bad that is going on in the world today would you please let me do something good for my victims family and friends? T know I do not deserve to ask for anything. Put Judge Fullerton inside me T feel this urgent pull to end all this with no more lies. I cannot offer anything else but the truth. Thank you for your time reading this letter. T am addressing @ copy of this letter to Prosesuter Navid Layton. Sincerely, ~~" Shavee Miller 326122 201 Pemis 2d. Ypsilanti, Michi 49107 Womens ~lluron (alley Cortictiong\ Yaewty an

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