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4.19.16 DW #19: Adding On

Working in a group can really benefit everybody if it is done

right. By that I mean if everyone is on the same page then a lot
can be done but if cant be done then itll hurt everyone in the
group. Accountability is very important because everyone in the
group needs to know what they are responsible for and what they
need to do in order to help make the project a complete success.

4.3.16 DW #17: Adding On; didnt finish

In the modern day, police officers wouldnt be seen as that

friendly, especially around kinds. Now-a-days you hear a lot about
how police officers abuse people for no reason, so one could think
that it wouldnt be seen. In addition, the picture would be in color
and the officer would be carrying a gun, which would be in clear
view in addition to a radio. To be honest, now-a-days you dont

see many police officers interacting with kids, or students for that

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