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Miss Iossis

3 Grade
Why do students
need to learn
Science encourages and
enhances students problemsolving skills. Problemsolving skills are not just
used in the classroom or
during the school day.
Problem-solving skills can
lead students to advocate for
themselves and for others.
Science lays the groundwork
for students. Students will be
using science skills and
knowledge all the way
through college and beyond.
Having a background and
understanding in science
students make sound
decisions in their future
regarding science issues.
Science is not a just about
learning content but also
skills and knowledge they
can use through life.

Welcome Students & Parents!

Dear 3rd Grade Families,
My name is Miss Iossi and I will be teaching your
son or daughter this year. I am very excited for this
school year! On page 4 you will find a little background
about myself, as I am new to Hayes.
Each month I will be posting our classroom
newsletter on our class website and sending them home
in backpacks. In each newsletter I will be highlighting a
different content area and what your students are
learning about in that area. I will also include different
classroom and school events that will be coming up.
Parents and guardian are always welcome to come to our
classroom, classroom events, and school events.
This month I am focusing the newsletter on
science. You will find a variety of topics related to what
student will be learning about and why science is
Again, welcome to our 3rd grade classroom and I
am so excited for what I have planned to do with your
students this year!


Lorem Ipsum Dolor

[Issue] :: [Date]


21 Century Skills
What are they, why are they important, and where will you see them?
What are the y?

Where will you see them?

The Iowa Legislature established our 21st

century skills as civic literacy,
employability skills, financial literacy,
health literacy, and technology literacy. In
science we will focus on employability
skills, health literacy, and technology

Students will demonstrate employability

skills through working collaboratively
with other classmates in group settings
and by taking initiative for leadership
roles and take on responsibility. Students
will often be using the classroom iPads
and the apps on the iPads. They will be
using these resources to present
information to the class, using the iPads
as microscopes, and recording data.

Why are they important?

The Iowa Core Curriculum states 21st
century skills bridge the knowledge, skills,
and disposition of students from the core
academic areas to real life. These skills
not only help students prepare for
the future workforce but also life
skills that help them succeed.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Issue [#] :: [Date]

What will students be doing

in my science classroom?
In my science classroom, students will be participating in
and conducting a variety of hands-on experiments and
activities. Students will use critical thinking skills and
will collaborate with their peers to solve real-world
scenarios. Student will also be compiling data to test
hypothesis and answer research questions.

Next Generation
Science Standards
Inquiry Basics
Teaching Tips for
Elementary Science
A New Vision for
Science Education
Why Teach Science in
Elementary School?
Iowa Core 21st Century

Here are some examples of activities that we will be doing

in our science classroom this year that cover the topics of
motion, engineering, Earths
systems, and ecosystems:
Rockin Roller
Coaster: Students will
be learning about motion
and gravity. They will be
experimenting with
different marbles to see
how the size and weight
of the marble affect the motion of the rollercoaster.
Airmobiles: Students will use a simple
engineering design process and SCAMPER to
design and modify airmobiles that will travel the
farthest with a fan.
Into Thin Air: Students will be trying to complete
various task to learn
about the
evaporation process
of water. They will
form a claim about
which items being
tested in the
activities will make
the water evaporate.
The students will
support their claim with evidence.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

[Issue] :: [Date]

How do students best learn

Science encourages students to ask question.
Students are naturally curious, so through
science they will develop questions and
investigate to answer these questions. When I
prompt students with open-ended questions,
students are thinking critically to answer the
questions. To create inquiry-based learning,
which encourages students take control of their
learning, I will create opportunities for your
students to engage in experiments that they
design and create. Science also encourages a
meaningful way to incorporate technology. With
the technology we have here at Hayes, I will
encourage students creativity and student
creativity. Students will see these ideas in our
classroom with the use of iPads, open-ended
questioning, and student centered learning
through student lead investigations.

About Miss Iossi

I grew up here in
Davenport and have been
invested in the community
as well as the Davenport
Community School District
for a number of years. I
graduated from Davenport
North and was actively
involved in athletics and
student organizations.
I attended the
University of Northern
Iowa majoring in
Elementary Education and
minoring in Mathematics
and Special Education. I
was also actively involved
at UNI with Relay For Life
and Kappa Delta Pi. My
ultimate goal and plan is
to purse my masters in
Special Education.
I have a wonderful
family that I love to spend
my free time with. I also
enjoy spending my free
time watching athletics,
staying active, being
outside, and traveling.

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