Port Task 1

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Pre-Acceptance 6 Ps

Community Assignment Project #3

Place: A private College in NC. The college is approximately an
hour and a half from my home. The meeting will take place in a
building across campus but within walking distance about 6
minutes from the building I report to daily. The building is the
community center for campus and may have serval events taking
Participants: The participants in this setting are all members of
the strategic priority committee. The group will include the
president of the college and her assistant. Faculty members, staff
members, alum and current students of the college. This group
will range in age, ethnicity and educational level.
Perspective- The students are higher classman and feel
privileged to be a part of the group that can help improve the
college experience for incoming students. They feel their
perspectives are important as they are current students and have
on the ground knowledge of what the students need and want.
Their insights represents the student body voices for this college.
The other members all have specific responsibilities on how the
college should be viewed by students. They are looking for ways
to make the college more accessible and diversified. Each
member represents a different aspect of the college. For example
admissions, arts and liberal science major instructor, and
executive team member. The president leads this meeting and
her perspective is to organize a group of people who have
different viewpoints but can help improve the college during her
term. In addition she is there to listen to ideas, discuss those
ideas and decide if they should move forward with those ideas as
priorities or not.
Point- To discuss ways to improve the college from all
perspectives of the college campus.

Purpose- To president has renewed her contract and looking to

bring, more diversity to the school and make ground breaking
changes at a private college despite all of the negativity
surrounding North Carolina.
Personal- A little nervous this is another large meeting and a
meeting Ive never attended. Im hoping there isnt a lot of back
and forth and overlapping between participants as there was at
the last meeting.

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