Minutes 2015-10-06

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Glenshire Commons and Lake Association Board Meeting

October 6, 2015
Present: Clark Ahlden, Stephanie Brown, Paul Terrio, Judy Seyb, Sharon
Hecht, Susan Drozdz
Recording: Judy Seyb
Call to Order: Clark called the meeting to order at 6:36 pm.
Minutes: Minutes from the September 8 and September 14, 2015 meeting
were read. Stephanie moved to accept the minutes from September 8 and
14, Susan seconded. The motion passed.
Election of Officers: Susan moved to have Clark as president, Stephanie
as vice-president, Paul as treasurer, Judy as secretary. Sharon seconded. The
motion passed.
Treasurers Report: Treasurers report was presented at the annual
Landscaping and Commons: there are several stumps that need to be
removed. Paul will determine how many stumps and Clark will ask Little
Guy Landscaping about grinding out the stumps. Clark reports removing
the bed at 4010 Danbury and rebuilding the bed at 4014 Danbury should be
done by October 16. Pete was not present to report on staining of the docks.
Pond Control: Clark reports new fish were added last week.
Neighbors: No new neighbors.
Scouts: no report.
Website: Stephanie will upload minutes.
Budget for 2015-2016: Paul motioned to leave the yearly assessment at
$220.00. Stephanie seconded the motion. The motion passed. A new budget
was proposed, Susan motioned to accept the 2016 budget, Stephanie
seconded. The motion passed.
Next meeting: Clark will send emails when the trial beds are done, so we
can have a short meeting to discuss the work done on the beds. The next
regular meeting date will be decided in the spring of 2016.

Adjournment: Clark adjourned the meeting at 7:30 pm.

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