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US History EOC Trends Freedom week © 2" Amendment: 5 Freedoms (Speech, Religion, Press, Assembly, Petition) 2° Amendment: Right t0 bear ens 4a amendment: No ilega search and seaure; government must have a warrant 13" Amendment: All people in America are FREE (Freed the slaves) 14 Amendment: Gtizenship rights (© 15" Amendment: All MALE ctizens can vote Gilded age © Political Machines: * Corrupt politicians who take money from the people + Gained power by helping immigrants and building infrastructure + Boss Tweed (Tammany Halll uncovered by cartoonist Thomas Nast © Settlement of Great Plains: + Happened faster because of new transportation (ralroads, steamboats) Happened faster because of Homestead Act and other land grant acts * Close ofthe frontier (© Government Support of Business + Happened because of laiser faire + Allowed some negatives to happen: child and women labor, monopolies, low wages and bad conditions + Progressive Era © W.E.B. DuBois . Booker T. Washington: * DuBois: Wanted fast integration of African Americans; Created NAACP + Similar to Malcolm x * Washington: Wanted slow integration; Created Tuskegee institute (vocation schoo!) ‘+ Similar to Martin Luther king, © 16th Amendment: + Established income tax + Greated because of Populist Party © 17" Amendment: + Direct election of senators + Created to allow citizens more influence over government © 18th Amendment: + Prohibition of alcohol + Created because of women’s temperance movement + Led to gangsters in 205 © 19" Amendment: + Women's suffrage * Created because of women’s rights programs (Seneca Falls; Susan B. Anthony) (© Initiative, Referendum, Recall + Local (state and city) laws Allows citizens to propose @ law, vote on a law, recall an elected official + _ Increases power of citizens over government officials © Sherman Anti-Trust Act and Interstate Commerce Act + Makes monopolies illegal and controls raliroad rates (Populist Party pushed for this) Imperialism © Panama Canal * Canal through Central Ameria that allows private ships and U.S. naval ships to quickly go from Pacific to Atlantic Oceans © Spanish American War + Causes Sinking of USS Maine; Yellow Journalism; Abuse of Spanish in Cuba + Territories Gained: Cuba, Puerta Rico, Philippines, Guam + America is now an empire and a world power World Wart 0 Causes * Zimmerman Telegram: Letter from Germany to Mexico asking them to invade America CARER ti RL or ty acu Ae id Yt“ gy —_— + Unrestricted Submarine Warfare: German submarines (u-boats) sank American ships (Lusitania) sending supplies to help England ©. Espionage and Sedition Acts + Government limits the 2” Amendment rights of Americans while at war ‘+ Fearof spies and people who speak poorly ofthe government © New Miltary Technology + Machine guns cause the need to build trenches '+ Trenches cause the need for poison ga, tanks (to go over trenches), and aleplanes for reconnaissance Roaring 205 © Effects of Innovations in Travel + The assembly line allows for the mass production of goods ata cheaper cost + Allows more people to buy items (consumerism) + People can now travel in automobiles at an affordable cost © Harlem Renaissance + Afrcan American cultural movement started in New York '+ Jazz (Louis armstrong) spreads from New Orleans through Great Migration + Poetry (Langston Hughes) Leads to an increased respect for African American culture Will nelp lead to Givi Rights Movement Great Depression © Franklin D. Roosevel’s New Deal + American government gets more involved in economy and now plays a role in helping people out in times of ecanamic hardship Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA): Builds dams to increase electricity Social Security Act (5A): Pension forthe elderly (due to Charles Coughlin’s complaints) ‘+ Federal Deposit insurance Corporation (FDIC): Insures people's money in banks incase of crash © Roosevelt's Court Packing Attempt ‘FDR attempts to add justices to supreme court because the court keeps calling his New Deal Agencies ‘unconstitutional + Congress rejects this attempt because the fear that hell have too much power (bad effects on separation of power) © 22" Amendment + Due to Roosevelt being elected 4 times, Congress limits president to 2 terms World Wart © Franklin D Roosevelt's Reason for Involvement in WWI America needs to stop the spread of totalitarian (total government control) nations + Mitlerand German: invades Sudetentand, Austria, Poland + Mussolini and italy: invades africa for cl © Tojo and Japan: Invades Manchuria (China) © Mobilization ‘= Women have increased opportunities and are recruited to work in factories or join the military (WACS and WAVES) ‘= Ration cards are dispensed to help people conserve food and supples (milk, meat, nyion, rubber, metal) needed by the troops + Victory Gardens are grown by people so thatthe military could use the food sold by grocery stores forthe troops + War bonds are sold by the government as a means to borrow money from the people to fund the war © Navajo Code Talkers Native Americans used to communicate coded messages In the Pacific. VERY successful © Tuskegee Airmen African American Fighter pilots who protect bombers inthe Atlantic, VERY successful ‘+ Help African Americans gain larger respect athome © Internment Camps + Mainly Japanese, but also Germans, were forced into Internment/relocation camps against thelr will + Went against these citizens’ 4 and 14” Amendment rights cold War © Space and Defense Programs - ‘American space initiatives (NASA) began as a response tothe Soviet Union's launch of Sputnik (2957-frst satellite in space) + These space programs have created technology which i still used today: helmets, better/stronger fabrics, dried foods, fire equipment, sun glasses, etc) ‘Math and science became the focus of schools in an effort to boost Americans ability to get to space © Berlin ait + After WWI, Germany was divided up between the allied powers. The Soviet Union attempted to block America’s access to West Berlin Berlin Blockade). America countered this blockade by dropping Supplies to the people of Berlin by airplane ‘© MeCarthyism and the House Un-American Committee (HUAC) ‘The Second Red Scare (fear of communism) happened in America during the 1950s ‘+ Asaresuit ofthe Second Red Scare, Joseph McCarthy and HUAC sought and persecuted suspected communists in America iby Boom, and 1950s Prosperity ‘+ After WW, American veterans (soldiers of the war) were given benefits {housing and education) under the GI Bill ‘+ After WWil, American veterans returned and established families ata rate never seen before in American history (Baby 800m) ‘+ With thetr new families and money, Americans maved outside of cities into the suburbs + G1Billand defense spending ied to more money in the hands of Americans which led to the economic prosperity of America during the 19505. (© Cuban Missile Crisis ‘+ Soviet Union under Premier Nikita Khrushchev placed missiles in Cuba (under communist dictator Fidel Castro} + American president John F Kennedy responded to this crisis by creating a blockade (blocked Soviet ships from entering Cuba) around Cuba, This successfully dfused the situation © Korean War ‘+ Harrys. Truman intervened in the war between North Korea (communist) and South Korea (semi-capitalst) due to “America’s policy of containment (don't let communism spread) and the domino theory {ear that if one country becomes communist, others around it will as well) = Vietnam war (© Reasons for U.S. Involvement in Vietnam ‘+ Smita to our involvement in Korea, America became involved inthe Vietnam War to stop the spread of communism (domino theory) due to our policy of containment, © Opposition to the Vietnam War + The media played a LARGE role in displaying the events ofthe Vietnam War. When Americans began to see the atrocities and losses associated withthe war, they began to grow weary/disilusioned and eventually protested * The anti-war movement was largely led by college-aged students (Kent State, hipuies, etc.) © Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the War Powers Act ‘+ The Gul of Tonkin Resolution was passed after the USS Maddox was “shot” at by the North Vietnamese. This allowed the president (Lyndon 8 Johnson) the power to declare and continue the Vietnam War The War Powers Aet was passed by congress due tothe presidents’ (Johnson and Richard Nixon) decision to continue the Vietnam War despite congress's and the people’s desire to end it ~ Civil Rights Movement © Responsibilities of EVERY Citizen The fundamental responsibilties/ights of American citizens inlude voting (Vor president), lobbying (asking congressmen to helo/change), and peaceful protests © Martin uther king, Jr vs. Malcolm X and the Black Panthers * Martin Luther king, + Peaceful protest and civil disobedience + Marches + Malcolm x and the Black Panthers + "Radiat" approach; willing to use violence when necessary + Mateoim x= Muslin © Chl Rights Act of 1964 + Ends employment discrimination (© Voting Rights Act and the 24" Amendment * Both the Voting Rights Act {ended literacy tests for voting) and the 24" Amendment (ended poll taxes) ended voting restrictions and led to more minorities voting ©The Hispanic Cvl Rights Movement: Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta a + The Hispanic Civil Rights Movement led by Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta (United Farm Workers) focused on assisting migrant farmers through boycotts and rallies © Brown v. Board of Education ‘In 1954, the Supreme Court decided that segregation in pubic schools was illegal + Thurgood Marshall (lawyer for the NAACP) ed the way for this victory End ofthe Cold War and the Modern Era © Richard Nixon's Détente + Richard Nixon established a détente (ease of Cold War tensions) withthe Soviet Union and China (through Ping Pong. Diplomacy). This would lead to a more open relationship between these countries as well as SALT (Imitation of nuclear missiles) © September 11, 2001 Terrorist Attacks Terrorist (al qaeda and Osama bin Laden) on New York Cty and Washington B.C led to America (under President George W Bush} and the United Nations declaring a Global War on Terrorism which focused on terrorists Ing in Afghanistan and iraq © Bill Gates + Created the most widely used computer operating system (Windows) © Environment Protection and Conservation . + American congressmen and scientists have recognized the need to keep the environment and animals safe (from global warming and deforestation) ‘+ Scientists and the government (especially under President Obama) have also led the way to find cleaner enerey resources other than coal and oll couture © Culture in the United States + Due to America’s acceptance of large numbers of immigrants, America has become very ethnical diverse + Food (Chinese, Italian, Mexican, etc), clothing, languages © US. Culture Spreads to the World + Due to America’s presence throughout the world, our culture has spread ‘= Musi: Rock n Rollin the 50s; Hip Hop ‘© Clothing: Denim Jeans, Leather Jackets, ete + Food: Hamburgers, etc. Elections 0 a Parties + 3 partes (political parties that are neither Republican nor Democrat) take supporters fram one of the other big, parties, which leads to that party losing an election + 3° Parties ul also cause one ofthe bigger parties to address the issues that make the third party popular to people, S0 that they won't lose support Technology (© Space Exploration Leads to New Technology + The use of satellites has led to cell phones, GPS, and ether forms of telecommunication Vaccines (© Polio and Jonas Salk *+ Jonas Salk created a vaccine (medicine which stops the spread of contaglous diseases) which prevents people from eetting polio Protection of American Manufacturers (©The United States Government often attempts to help American manufacturers {companies who build products) by eliminating foreign competition or helping them out when they need money in order to keep jobs in America GILDED AGE 1. During the nineteenth century, one way political bosses gained voter support was by — F campaigning for women’s suffrage G advocating the use of poll taxes H making improvements in urban infrastructure 4 providing public assistance for former slaves 2. What was one reason for the expansion of machine politics in the late nineteenth century? F The rapid influx of immigrants made it difficult for local governments to provide basic services. G Federal restrictions prevented voters from influencing government decisions at the local level H The economy was too tightly regulated to allow urban growth Settlement houses failed to help immigrants adjust to life in the city. 3. Which diagram shows how the completion of the transcontinental railroad contributed to the closing of the western frontier? 4. Which of the following was the main reason for the rapid settlement of the Great Plains during the late 1800s? F Congress passed a law requiring all public lands to be sold at auction. G Congress passed a law allowing people to claim public land and convert it to private property through homesteading, H Speculators bought large parcels of land and then built factory towns to attract new immigrants. 4 Native Americans sold most of their tribal lands directly to rallroad companies, 5. Which of the following contributed most to increased settlement of the Great Plains? A The availability of buffalo B The discovery of precious metals. CA series of federal land grants DA decrease in agricultural production 6. During the Gilded Age there was a notable increase in federal support for — ‘Atthe growth of big business B involvement in foreign wars C the acquisition of foreign territories D increased temperance regulations PROGRESSIVE ERA, 7. During the early 1900s, Booker T. Washington supported a moderate strategy for attaining clvl rights for African Americans, while W. E. B. Du Bois called for a more aggressive approach. During the 1960s, a similar difference emerged between — [A Medgar Evers and Thurgood Marshall B Barbara Jordan and Alice Walker (CRosa Parks and Marcus Garvey D Martin Luther King, Jr, and Malcolm x 8. A student learning about U.S. history is instructed to write a paper about W. E. 8. Du Bois and race relations in the United States. ‘Which of the following facts would be most relevant to the student's assignment? ‘A The Selma-to-Montgomery protest marches helped secure voting rights for minority citizens, B The NAACP was organized to help secure full legal equality for minority citizens, (The Civil Rights Act of 1968 outlawed many forms of discrimination in the housing market, D The March on Washington helped rally nationwide support for the Civil Rights movement. NOTICE! 8. How did the person named in this 1909 handbill work to improve the lives of African Americans? F By organizing voter-registration drives for African Americans G By supporting the formation of labor unions by African American workers H By promoting vocational training for African Americans 41 By organizing boycotts of businesses that refused service to African Americans After winning the right to participate in the American experiment of self- ‘government, African Americans were systematically and ruthlessly excluded from it: From 1901 to 1929, there were no blacks in the federal legislature, ="Black Americans in Congress: An Introduction,” Historical Essays ‘on the Black Americans in Congress, www. (accessed March 29, 2011) 10, How did W. €. 8, Du Bois combat prejudice like that described in the excerpt? ‘A He demanded the passage of women’s suffrage, B He established an early civil rights group. C He advocated making political compromises with segregationists sa D He sought court orders to protect the rights of voters, —_ 7 ih 25 era SR GIY nae tar A ‘The opponents of .. recall, however they may phrase the opposition, in realy believe the people can not be trusted. On be other hand, those of us who expouse these ‘measures do s0 because of our deep-rooted beet in popular government, a pot ony in {he right of the people to gover, but in thelr ally to govern; and tn leas us loglaly to the beliet that ifthe people have the righ, the alt, and the inteligence to elect, they have as well the rant, ait, and inteligence to reject oto real, = Calvornia governor Hiram Johnson, inaugural address, 1911 121. The reform discussed by Governor Johnson in this excerpt — ‘A required elected officials to communicate regularly with the publle B provided citizens with more resources to run for office C made elected officials more directly accountable to their constituents D created new eligibility requirements for candidates for public office ‘The right of ctzens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on’account of sex — 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 12, What was one way the constitutional amendment excerpted above helped advance the cause af gender equality? F it gave women a greater opportunity to influence government G It gave women new economic rights, such as property ownership. H It established the idea that women should contribute to all sectars of the economy. 4 1tcontributed to a long-term decline in the number of men voting in elections. 13. Which of these contributed to the ratification of the Eighteenth Amendment? ‘A Veteran soldiers protesting to obtain benefits B The growing politcal influence of women € Politicians campaigning for education reform D The growing number of workers organizing into labor unions Founded in 1913 as the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage (CU), the National Woman’s Party (NWP) was instrumental in raising public awareness of the women's suffrage campaign. . . . The NWP effectively commanded the attention of politicians and the public through its aggressive agitation, Felentiess lobbying, clever publicity stunts, and creative examples of civil Gisobedience and nonviolent confrontation. Library of Congress 14, The political activism of the group described in the excerpt contributed directly to — F the elimination of poll taxes G the repeal of the 18th Amendment, H the outlawing of child labor 4 the ratification of the 19th Amendment 15. The creation of initiative, referendum, and recall procedures during the Progressive Era resulted in — ‘Aa system of separate schools for new immigrants B the expansion of citizens’ direct participation in the democratic process Ca redistribution of the tax burden among citizens D more sources of revenue for state governments Resolved, that it is the duty of the women of this country to secure to themselves their sacred right to the elective franchise. Resolution from Seneca Falls Convention, July 1848 16. The goal of this resolution was eventually achieved with the A signing of the Civil Rights Act B passage of Prohibition laws C ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment D creation of the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps Reasons for Economic Problems of the Gllded Age + Rapid growth of trusts and monopolies + Ruthless business tactics of robber barons + Use of unfair practices by the raliroads such as rebates, pools, and citerential rates 17. One way the U.S. government responded to the problems caused by the conditions in this ist was by — F passing the Interstate Commerce Act G implementing the silver standard for currency H creating a federal jobs program for the unemployed establishing a new tax on capital gains 18, Which of the following occurred as a result of the Sherman Antitrust Act? F Workers secured a greater share of company profits G The influence of labor unions on factory owners was reduced, H The federal government could dissolve business monopolies, 4 Businesses were required to pay fees to open overseas locations, IMPERIALISM No single great material work which remains to be undertaken on this, Continent is of such consequence to the American people as the building of a canal across the Isthmus connecting North and South America. Its importance to the Nation is by no means limited merely to its material effects upon our business prosperity. . President Theodore Roosevelt 19. The policy outlined in the excerpt was directly influenced by problems that the U.S. Navy had recently confronted during — ‘Athe Cuban Revolution B the Mexican War (World War | D the Spanish-American War Voyage of the USS Oregon 20. Which outcome was an important effect of the 1898 event illustrated by this map? Alncreased U.S. foreign aid to the developing countries in South America B Increased U.S, public support for the construction of a canal through Central America € Decreased U.S. economic influence in the Western Hemisphere D Decreased U.S. naval presence in the Caribbean Sea Statement 1: The U.S. oll industry boomed due tool deposits found in conquered territories, ‘Statement 2: Rebuilding ts devastated army cost the Unites States an ‘enormous amount of money. ‘Statement 3: The acquisition of new territories allowed forthe expansion of US. commercial ade, ‘Statement 4: Territorial losses foread the United States to purchase expensive natural resourees from other countries. 22. Which statement would most likely be found in a history of the economic impact of the Spanish-American War on the United States? F Statement 1 G Statement 2 H Statement 3 JStatement 4 The USS Maine 5 Sinks in Havara [-»{"PEUS.Conaress]_ | the treaty of Harbor, ares war. is Is signed. 22. How did these events affect the United States? F They increased public support for cuts in U.S. defense spending, G They prompted the end of Dollar Diplomacy in Latin America, H They set @ precedent of including territorial acquisitions in settlements, J They helped establish the United States as an imperial power similar to European nations. Puerto Rico . 2 + Residents granted U.S. citizenship in 1917 ‘+ Governors have been elected by popular vote since 1948 + Adopted both a constitution and commonwealth status in 1952 23. Which of the following best replaces the question mark inthis list of information about Puerto Rico? F Became a US. state during the Reconstruction era Was ceded to the United States as a result of the Spanish-American War H Signed an annexation treaty with the United States after World War | J Was promised U.S, military protection as part of Woodrow Wilson's Fourteen Points Chronic wrongdoing, . . . which results in a general loosening of the ties of civilized Society, may in America, 35 elsewhere, ultimately require intervention by seme Guikzed hatin, andiin the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United States to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, howover reluctantly, in flagrant casas of such wrongdoing... tothe exercise of an international police power. —Fresident Theodore Roosevelt, 1904 24. President Roosevelt issued this statement in response to — A the construction of a canal in Panama B the threat of European intervention in Latin America Spanish efforts to suppress a rebellion in Cuba D public outcry regarding war between Russia and Japan TH PU) 25. Which sentence provides information needed to complete both the cause and effect portions of this diagram? F The 1898 Spanish-American War led to world power status for the United States. G The 1914 opening of the Panama Canal encouraged international trade, H The 1919 Treaty of Versailles contributed to the start of World War I! in Europe. J The 1929 stock-market crash set off the Great Depression in the United States. WORLD WAR! 26. Why did the United States decide to enter World War I? F The United States had suffered economically from European sanctions, GA European nation had taken aggressive actions against the United States. H The US. president was obligated to fulfill election campaign promises. 4.Communist activities among U.S. immigrants were threatening the country brought honest critics to his side. submarine menace. While the international situation Germany's enmity is now clearly revealed Militant Americanism was dominant in Washington today—in those quarters, of the capital where action counts in this perilous time. By one bold strike President Wilson had emboldened the timid, scattered his enemies, and The exposure of the German Government's attempt to line up Japan and Mexico with Germany in 2 war against the United States caused hesitating Senators and Representatives to come out in the open with declarations of support of the President and his method of dealing with the German atmosphere has been cleared of doubt and misunderstanding, "and New York Times, March 2, 1917 Is more critical, the 27. What was one result of the events reported in the excerpt above? F Germany financed the Mexican army’s attempted invasion of the United States. G The US. government abandoned its official policy of neutrality H Germany's navy blockaded several Mexican seaports. J The U.S. government boycotted goods imported from Europe. 28, How did the Zimmermann telegram influence U.S, entry into World War !? F it announced the czar’s overthrow in Russia, G It revealed a proposed military alliance between Mexico and Germany. H It contained orders for German U-boats to destroy British passenger ships. Jit described Romania's plan to abandon neutrality snot tetas Da 29. This 1917 illustration was published as a commentary on a proposed piece of legis question mark in the illustration? F Sundry Civi Bill G Dyer Anti-Lynching Bill H Standard Time Act J Espionage Act lation. Which of the following best replaces the Whoever, when the United States Is at war, shall wilfully... utter, print, wit, or publish any disloyal, profane, scurtlous, or abusive language about the form of govemment of the United States :.. shall be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 oF imprisonment for nat more ‘han twenty years, oF both. « Espionage Act, May 1916 30. This law demonstrates that at one time the federal government was willing to — A suspend habeas corpus B confiscate privately owned weapons C force people into internment camps D suspend freedom of speech Warfare uring the First World War 2 Nee 31, Which action completes this diagram? {A Submarines attacked unarmed ships. B Armored tanks crossed fortified lines C The use of machine guns resulted in massive casualties, D Airplanes conducted reconnaissance missions 32, How did the military innovation shown in this photograph affect the course of World War I? A It helped transport large numbers of troops to the battlefield B It helped break the stalemate of trench warfare Cit made communications with officers on the front lines possible. D It made the use of land mines obsolete. It was at first impossible for ary one to realize what had actually happened. The smoke and fumes hid everything from sight, and hundreds of men were thrown into a comatose or dying condition, and within an hour the Whole position had to be abandoned, together with about fy guns. —Bsitish Field Marshat Sir John French, report on the second battle of Ypres, 1915 33. What caused the scene described in this excerpt? AA tank attacking soldiers on a battlefield B An aerial bombing of an infantry unit CA poison gas attack on soldiers in the trenches DA submarine attacking a docked ship ROARING 205 34, During the 1920s, what was one result of innovations in US. transportation technology? F Commercial airplanes replaced ocean liners as the primary means of travel to Europe G Mass-produced automobiles made travel more affordable for many people, H Cable cars provided a comfortable means of quick travel to any eity within a state. 4 Container ships delivered agricultural goods to ports along the Pacific coast, Selected Events in the History of Ford Motor Company 1908 =f Ford begins manuracturing the Model 1913 -Jh- Ford invoduces the frst moving automate assembiy tne. 1914 BL The Fors Motor Company doubles worker Pay to $5.00 a day and cuts the length of 2 shi from nae hours 9 eight 1921 fl The Ford Motor Company accounts for $5 percent ofthe automotive Ingusty’s tot production 35. How did the events on this time line affect U.S. businesses? {A Profit sharing became a standard practice for industrial corporations. 'B Monopolistic practices were abolished by federal legislation. ‘C Mass-manufacturing techniques were adopted to maximize production. D Retirement plans were guaranteed to factory workers. 36. Which of the following was a major contribution of the Harlem Renaissance to US. culture? At led to the increased popularity of vaudeville stage performers. B It brought the most significant beat poets together, Cit established jazz as a prominent musical form, D It focused attention on the antiwar literary genre. GREAT DEPRESSION 37. What is one ongoing result of the New Deal? F The federal government funds a space-exploration program. G state governments deny residency to persons working in ather states. H State governments use property taxes to fund social security programs. 41 People can rely more on the federal government during times of economic distress 38. In response to the national crisis posed by the Great Depression, the U.S. government — A abandoned deficit spending as a remedy for economic downturns. B dismantled financial regulatory agencies C assumed a principal role in protecting economic stability D decreased the number of federal entitlement programs 39. Why did the federal government create this program in 1933? To establish industrial centers in the region 8 To promote organic farming practices CTo offset the effects of urbanization and rapid population growth, D To provide jobs and improve the regional standard of living For the purpose of enabling each State to furnish financial assistance, as far as practicable under the conditions in such State, to aged needy individuals, there Is hereby ‘authorized to be appropriated . . . for each fiscal year a sum sufficient to carry Out the Purposes of this ute. Social Secunty Act of 1935, Tite 1, Section 1 40. How did the legislation excerpted above affect the relationship between the U.S. government and its citizens? A It allowed the government to tax investment income. B It allowed people to have more direct input in government decisions. Ct made most people distrust the power of the government. D It made the government more responsible for the people's economic welfare, In January 1932 Congress approved the formation of an independent government agency callod the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC). ‘The RFC was funded by the U.S. Treasury and was authorized to make loans to banks, raliroads, life insurance companies, and other large businesses devastated by the Great Depression. President Herbert Hoover believed that funds disbursed through the RFC would eventually beneft the average citizen through job growth, higher wages, and the protection of bank ‘accounts and insurance policies, 41, The Reconstruction Finance Corporation is similar to later New Deal legislation in that both — ‘A protected the economy through government intervention in private business B gave direct relief payments to unemployed citizens C provided more efficient services through public utility regulation D borrowed money from foreign banks to reduce the national debt Hoover Dam 42. What was the main reason the federal government built this dam? A To provide resources for a growing population B To facilitate the transportation of goods in the region To increase tourism in the region D To prevent the Colorado River from drying up 43, What does the sticker in this illustration represent to patrons of this bank? A Restrictions on the federal government's ability to set prime interest rates 8B The power of the federal government to privatize the bank in order to stimulate economic growth Limitations on the role of the federal government in providing home loans The federal government's assurance of protection on individual bank deposits ‘Speaker 1: The plan interferes with the Senate's power to ratiy treaties, Speaker 2: The plan threatens the principle of popular sovereignty. Speaker 3: The plan takes too much power away from the states: ‘Speaker 4: The plan gives the executive branch too much power. 44. Which speaker expresses the main argument against President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s pian to increase the number of justices on the Supreme Court? |A Speaker 2 B Speaker 2 € Speaker 3 D Speaker 4 45. The creator ofthis political cartoon was expressing his concerns about — AA the Senate confirmation hearings of Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas B the U.S. declaration of war on Japan after the bombing of Pearl Harbor C the expansion of executive power during the Great Depression D the involvement of U.S. government officials in the Iran-Contra scandal ast Thursday I described the American form of Government as 2 three horse team Provided by the Constitution to the American people so that their leld might be plowed. The three horses are, of course, the three branches of government—the Congress, the Executive and the Courts, Two of the horses are pulling in unison today; the third is not —President Franklin D. Roosevelt, 1937 46. Many members of Congress disagreed with President Roosevelt's proposed solution to the problem described above because — {A the Constitution required hearings to confirm judicial appointments B Supreme Court justices were subject to term limits C the power of the executive branch would increase D the time required for judicial proceedings would increase 47. The Twenty-second Amendment was passed in response to which event? ‘A The election of Franklin D. Roosevelt to a fourth presidential term B Herbert Hoover's reelection defeat Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial D The resignation of Richard Nixon after Watergate Rare Books and Spec Source: Department 448, This satirical cartoon expresses a sentiment that eventually contributed to — ‘A the passage of a federal statute prohibiting foreign companies fram contributing to presidential campaigns 8 the issuance of a Supreme Court ruling declaring it unconstitutional for members of the same political party to serve consecutive terms as president C the establishment of a congressional committee to investigate private presidential conduct D the ratification of a constitutional amendment establishing term limits for presidents WORLD WAR IL ‘The conflict is still sharpening throughout the world between two political systems. The fone system represents government by freedom of choice exercised by the individual citizens. In the other, and opposing system, individual freedom and initiative are all made subordinate to the totalitarian state. President Frankiin D. Roosevelt, 1938 49, What was the ultimate result of the situation President Roosevelt refers to in this excerpt? ‘A Assurge of social unrest in South America B The outbreak of World War Ii A shift in favor of the policy of appeasement The overthrow of the monarchy in Russia 1s a sliarity and interdependence abou the modern world... which ‘makes iimpossiie for any nation completely to isle lea rem Sconomic and polkieal-upheavat in tne rest of the worl, especialy when such Upheavals appear to be spreaging and not decning. -- Internetonal Share destroys every Toundaton for peace. Ie Jeopardzes the future security of every nation, large or smal Ii, therefore, 9 mater of wital interest and concur tothe poopte of the United States that the sant of International trestles andthe maintenance of international moray be restore. President Francin D. Roosevel, 1937 50, President Roosevelt later used similar reasoning as one justification for — A the implementation of the Marshall Plan B dropping atomic bombs on Japan - CUS. involvement in World War I D USS. participation in the League of Nations 51, What was a primary purpose of the program being promoted by this poster? F To encourage women to join the workforce 6 To reduce health problems among working women H To promote the purchase of organically grown produce Jo increase the food supply during a farm-tabar shortage 52, The government issued ration books during World War I! in order to — F provide financial security for uninsured citizens G safeguard the profits of struggling businesses H ensure the fair distribution of scarce goods J allow consumers to buy imported goods at discounted rates 53, The skill and courage of the Tuskegee Airmen served to — F give the United States an advantage in military encryption G encourage immigrant enlistment in the U.S. Army during World War I H decrease opposition to integrating the armed forces increase the number of women joining the U.S. military during World War I Dive-bomber Fighter plane | Da-he-tih-ni Hummingbird Ne-he-Mah Germany Besh-be-cha-he Tron hat Ke-yah-da-na-Ihe_| Floating land 54, How were the Navajo words in this table used during World War 1? F As propaganda to improve morale among Allied soldiers G Asa secret code for communicating battle plans between Allied units HAs signal words for Allied spies posing as civilians 41s a language of diplomacy for exchanges with enemy forces 55. Navajo soldiers made an important contribution to the Allied war effort during World War Il by — ‘A designing radar technology for submarines B flying bombing missions into enemy territory encoding military communications for secure transmission providing intelligence on enemy positions '56. The rights of citizens under the Fourth and Fourteenth Amendments of the Constitution were violated by the U.S. government when it authorized the establishment of — F internment camps for Japanese Americans G the Office of War Mobilization H nuclear test sites in Nevada J the Office of Price Administration Questions Asked of Japanese Americans in 1943 No. 27. Are you willing t serve in the armed forces of the United States on ‘combat duty, wherever ordered? ‘No, 28, Will you swear unqualified allegiance to the United States of America and feltnfully defend the Unitad States from any or all attack by foreign oF omestic forces, and foreswear any form of allegiance or obedience to the Japanese emperor, oF any other forelgn government, power, or organization? 57. Japanese Americans were required to answer these questions before they were — A given a dishonorable discharge from the military B allowed to contest deportation orders to return to Japan C released from relocation centers D allowed to apply for repatriation to Japan COLD WAR, 58, Which of the following was a direct result of the 1957 launch of Sputnik 1? [A The United States began a period of technology sharing with the Soviet Union. B The US. government founded a federal agency dedicated to space exploration, The Soviet Union was unable to collect images of the United States from space D The Soviet government collapsed because of economic competition. Special fabrics that Keep he wearer |_ rapace at tock harmful ukrovilt rye Tigh- sent cexles made Tor Beton vests fr aw enforcement ‘conyers Soest Sensors to detec DogieaT wanes on |__| Devices wo mentor We presance oF pone Conarattants mater ‘58. What is one way to describe the developments shown above? A Effects of programs to monitor national security 8 Conclusions from research conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency Program results of the Federal Civil Defense Administration Practical applications of technologies developed for spaceflight 60, During the 1950s the federal government funded educational initiatives in math and science in response to [A the development of the ENIAC computer B the announcement of international education guidelines CC the successful launch of the first artificial satelite D the discovery of new chemical elements 61. Jobs such as the ones described in this 1956 advertisement became available because — ‘A federal law required private businesses to recruit for the military B weak college programs had produced few scientists qualified for high-level research € Cold War defense programs had spurred technological innovation D most US. citizens opposed the development of atomic weapons @oO 162, Which factor links all of these madern innovations? F They are all products intially created for use in the U.S. communications industry. G They each include material that was first grown on U.S. experimental farms in the late nineteenth century, H They each include technology that was originally developed for use in the U.S. space exploration program A They are all special tools first created for U.S. transportation workers in the early twentieth century. 63. As a result of the Berlin Airlift, the United States was able to — A bypass a Soviet blockade without provoking a military conflict B transport Polish refugees to safety C prevent the Nazi Party from reorganizing D intimidate Soviet leaders by demonstrating superior military power 664, Senator Joseph McCarthy is best known for his involvement in — A the war effort of the 1940s B the Red Scare of the 1950s C the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s D the political scandals of the 1970s he 65, This is a cross-sectional diagram of a major operation ordered by President Harry S. Truman in 1948. The flight pattern illustrated in the diagram was designed to allow an airplane to land every three minutes. Why was this operation undertaken? ATo enable a rapid withdrawal of troops from a war-torn city B To deploy substantial invasion forces To provide supplies to a blockaded city To rescue thousands of stranded political refugees ‘The 1943 Hollywood movie Song of Russia was produced with the encouragement of the Office of War Information (OW). At the time the movie was made, the United ‘States and the Soviat Union were allies inthe fight against Nazi Germany. The movie tells the story of an American conductor who fas in love with a Russian pianist just before World War Il. Together they spend time in an idealized version of the Soviet Union. When the Nazis invade, Urey jin Soviet vilagers in the resistance 66. Which group later investigated the political ideology and actions of many people associated with this film? A The Senate Committee on Foreign Relations B The Bureau of Citizenship and immigration Services CThe House Un-American Activities Committee D The Motion Picture Association of America 67. Which of the following resulted from McCarthyism during the 1950s? ‘A Membership in the U.S. Communist Party increased. B USS. citizens were arrested for being suspected communists. Recruitment procedures for the U.S. military branches were reformed. U.S. diplomats began to express dissenting political viewpoints more freely, Trends of the 1950s + Expansion of the middle class + Development of the interstate highway system + Growth of suburbs 68. The trends in this list all occurred as @ result of — Aan increase in immigration after World War I B the creation of the Department of Housing and Urban Development reductions in peacetime defense spending D economic prosperity following World War II New Housing Units Started, Private Ownership, 1945-1962 69, The data presented on this graph illustrate an economic effect of — {A the rapid demobilization of US. defense industries after World War I B the federal domestic programs created as part of the Great Society incentives offered under the Bracero Program to temporary laborers D assistance offered by the GI Bill to soldiers returning from World War I 70, What is the best title for this cartoon? F Causes and Effects of Economic Prosperity in the 1950s G Strengths and Weaknesses of Government Economic Policy in the 1960s, 1H Reasons for Government Economic Planning in the 1970s 4J Major Sources of Consumer Debt in the 1980s You, Mr. President, are not deciaring a quarantine, but rather are setting forth an ultimatum and threatening that if we do not give in to your demands you will use force. ~Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev, letter to President John F. Kennedy, October 24, 1962 71. Which US. action is Khrushchev challenging in this excerpt? F Preventing Soviet advisors from meeting with revolutionaries in South America Establishing a naval blockade to stop the shipment of missiles to Cuba H Enforcing a ban on military aid to communist forces in North Vietnam J Conducting air shipments of vital supplies to East Berlin 72. President John F. Kennedy responded to reports that the Soviet Union was constructing missile sites in Cuba by — ‘A ordering a naval blockade of Cuba B asking Congress to declare war on Cuba C authorizing military strikes on strategic targets in Cuba D seeking United Nations approval for economic sanctions against Cuba 73. Which quotation from President Harry S. Truman offers a reason for U.S. involvement in the conflict Between North Korea and South Korea?’ F “The United Nations cannot ... fulfill adequately its own responsibilities until the peace settlements have been made. G “Above all else, we want to keep the United States prosperous and strong because we know that our prosperity is the best guarantee of peace.” H "Communism has passed beyond the use of subversion... and will now use armed invasion and war.” 4As.a result of these tragic conditions, a militant minority, exploiting human want and misery .. has made economic recovery impossible.” 74, What was the primary reason for U.S. involvement in East Asia during the early 1950s? F North Korean attempts to unify the peninsula challenged the U.S. policy of containment. G Communities in Korea needed humanitarian aid due to a famine. H International groups needed help investigating North Korean officials charged with corruption. 4}Democratic reformers sought help from the U.S. military to overthrow dictatorial regimes in Korea VIETNAM WAR 75. The primary reason given by U.S. leaders to justify military involvement in Vietnam was that it would — F promote reconstruction after World War I! G maintain the policy of détente H fulfil prior United Nations obligations Jkeep communism from spreading throughout the region 76. The domino theory, which provided the basis for US. entry into the Vietnam War, was the belief that intervention was necessary to prevent — F the expansion of communism across Southeast Asia G the inclusion of Tatwan in the Warsaw Pact, H the loss of UN military bases in Asia J the rise of China as a dominant economic power 77. During the mid-1960s, U.S. participation in the Vietnam War resulted in — ‘A public support for an expanded military draft B mandatory rationing of consumer goods mass demonstrations by groups protesting the war D national attention for a third-party presidential candidate ‘78. How did press coverage of events during the Vietnam War affect the United States? ‘A Film footage from the front lines increased congressional support for the war '8 Reporting on military setbacks contributed to public disillusionment with the war. C increased U.S. media presence overseas resulted in overwhelming international support for U.S. intervention, D Live presidential press conferences led to a decline in partisan politics in Congress, ‘The participants in this week's antidram demonstration ... are. .. students oF young men . .. who are working within a coalition . .. Which calls KSelf the Stop the Draft Week Commities. Douglas Robinson, New York Times, December §, 1967 79. The demonstration described in this article was most likely prompted by — F renewed diplomatic relations with communist China G escalated deployment of military forces to Vietnam H the signing of the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty J the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization 80. How did incidents like the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution and the secret bombing of Cambodia eventually affect the relationship, between the legislative and executive branches of government? ‘A Presidents began to seek congressional approval of any military action. B Congress attempted to limit the president's ability to act unilaterally The president relinquished to Congress the position of commander in chief, D Congress called for the impeachment of a president following military failures in Vietnam, 81. What prompted Congress to pass the War Powers Resolution? ‘A Rulings issued by the Supreme Court that banned deployment of U.S. combat forces without a declaration of war B Fears that renewed conflict in the Middle East would require the United States to defend Israel Decisions made by the executive branch during the Korean and Vietnam Wars, D Limits on the authority of the chief executive imposed by an international tribunal CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT 82, What prompted Congress to pass the War Powers Resolution? ‘A Rulings issued by the Supreme Court that banned deployment of U.S. combat forces without a declaration of war 8 Fears that renewed conflict in the Middle East would require the United States to defend Israel € Decisions made by the executive branch during the Korean and Vietnam Wars D Limits on the authority of the chief executive imposed by an international tribunal 83. Which civic action demonstrates the most fundamental responsibility of citizens in a democracy? ‘A Volunteering at a community food bank 8 Signing a petition on a college campus Registering with the Selective Service Voting in a presidential election 84, During the Civil Rights movement, the Black Panther Party’s tactics differed from those of Dr. Martin Luther King,Jr, because the Black Panthers called for — F the use of the court system to gain equality G respecting government authority H the use of armed resistance if necessary J enduring injustice through religious faith Political Views of ? + Gui disobedience + Expressions of violence + Nonviolent resistance | + Political compromises + Desegregation + Racial separatism 85. The name of which civil rights leader best completes the title of the graphic? F Booker T. Washington G Martin Luther King, J. H Stokely Carmichael J Malcolm x 86. During the early 1900s, Booker T. Washington supported a moderate strategy for attaining civil rights for African Americans, while W. E. B. Du Bois called for a more aggressive approach. During the 1960s, a similar difference emerged between — ‘A Medgar Evers and Thurgood Marshall 8 Barbara Jordan and Alice Walker Rosa Parks and Marcus Garvey D Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm x 87. Which government posters direc related tothe Civil Rights Act of 19642 88. The federal government responded to which issue by passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964? {A Unfair lending practices by banks B Unequal representation in local legislatures = C inadequate medical services in urban areas D Discrimination by emplayers “= Poll taxes + Gerrymandering + Voter intimidation 89. The passage of legislation to end these practices resulted in F an increase in politcal participation by minorities G the adoption of electronic ballots in federal elections Ha reduced number of congressional districts J the implementation of limits on lobbying 90. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 eliminated — F barriers to voting for women G literacy tests as prerequisites for voting H proof of residency as a condition for voting 4 age discrimination in state voting laws 91. This 1972 poster depicts an organization originally formed to advocate — ‘A publicly funded health care for children B better economic treatment of migrant workers, Ca retirement system for farm laborers D equal employment opportunities for women With few material possessions, but guided by his parents’ steady example, his Catholic fath, the lessons of Gandhi, and an unshakable belief in justice, Cesar Chavez brought about much needed change in our country. Medal of Freedom citation awarded posthumously to Cesar Chavez, ‘August 1994 92. How did Chavez accomplish the change referred to in this excerpt? By promoting military service as an opportunity for minority youths 8B By filing legal cases to overturn segregation in public facilities By orgar ing an economic boycott to improve working conditions for migrant farmers By protesting fines imposed on employers for hiring illegal immigrants In these days, It is doubtful that any child may reasonably be expected to succeed In life if he is denied the opportunity of an education. Such an opportunity, where the state has undertaken to provide it, isa right which must be made available to all on equal terms, —Chiet Justice Earl Warren, 1954 ‘93. Which action occurred as @ result of the Supreme Court decision excerpted above? {A The requirement of equal access to school facilities for disabled students 8 The expansion of science in school curricula € The implementation of requirements for federal certification of private-school teachers D The desegregation of public schools. + Daily Star Seqreanon a Public Stools Outlawed 94, Who was most instrumental in the event described in this headline? ‘A Rosa Parks B Ella Baker Thurgood Marshall D Medgar Evers END OF THE COLD WAR/MODERN ERA 95. One action that influenced the U.S.-Soviet signing of the SALT | treaty in 1972 was President Richard Nixon’s — F opening of diplomatic relations with China G involvement in the Watergate scandal H support of Israel during the Yom Kippur War J withdrawal of military forces from Vietnam 96. Which headline dese es an event that resulted from the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001? F “Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations Resume” G “Debt Crisis Shakes European Union” H “Russia Increases Petroleum Exports” 41"Troops Deployed to Afghanistan” Wie have known for a long time that what happens beyond our borders affects our security and our economy, and that we ignore turmoil abroad 3t ‘our own peril... If not checked, the impact of climate change wil be try ‘alobal,albet Fain dtterant ways, Threats to freedom and universal human Fights anywhere stain our collective conscience, Terrorism and transnational crime pay no heed to national borders; pandemic disease requires. no Passport to move quickly from one country to the next. We know that Conflict and instabilty, even when is half 2 world away, can unleash these fang other dangers. Esther Brimmer, U.S. State Department official, September 1, 2011 97. In which organization do the United States and other member nations confront the problems mentioned in this excerpt? F The Commonwealth of Nations G The European Union H The United Nations J The International Red Cross We are on a mission to make sure that freedom is enduring. We're on 2 mission to say to the rest of the world, come with us—come with us, stand by our side to defeat the evikdoers who would like to rid the world of freedom as we know it President George W. Bush, September 26, 2001 98. How did President Bush attempt to complete the mission described above? F By overthrowing a dictator in North Korea G By fighting a global war on terrorism 1 By offering assistance to refugees escaping genocide 41By supporting the Arab Spring movement 199. after the attacks on September 11, 2001, how did U.S. foreign policy change? ‘A The administration authorized preemptive strikes against nations sponsoring terrorism, BA program to reduce military bases and personnel in Europe was announced. CC Military aid to Pakistan and Afghanistan was immediately cut off. D Diplomatic efforts to negotiate peace between Israel and Palestine were abandoned 100. Who is most closely associated with the development of computer operating systems? F Robert L. Johnson G Ralph Nader HAI Gore J Bill Gates 101. Which statement best describes a major impact Bill Gates has had on U.S. business and technology? ‘AHe set up the first computer network systems for the military, 8 He designed the heat-shield technology used on space shuttles C He started the company that provides operating software for most personal computers, D He created an online store that changed the way people purchase consumer goods. 102. One advantage offered by hybrid cars is that they — {A shorten the driving time to destinations B decrease household electricity usage C reduce the amount of money spent on gasoline D expand the use of carpools The Union of Concerned Scientists, an organization of citizens and scientists working toward environmental solutions, has a website with information ‘about the risks of nuclear power plants. ‘The site includes a feature called the Nuclear Power Information Tracker and other resources designed to help tenhance public access to information about power-plant safety and the link between nuciear power and global warming. 103. This organization most likely encourages Congress to pass legislation that — F finances oll exploration in domestic waters G focuses on finding clean and renewable energy sources H reduces regulation of the coal-mining industry gives substantial tax breaks to natural-gas companies Today tie world Is heavily dependent on for motive power, lubrication, fuel, dyes, drugs, and many syithetics, The widespread tse of has created Serious environmental problems. The great {quantities that are burned Generate most of the air pollution in Industrialized countries, and [spills have] polluted aceans and coastlines. ~The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th et, 2007 (accessed January 19, 2010) 104. Which of these natural resources correctly fils in the blanks in this excerpt? Coal Biron Gold Petroleum ‘As the human papulaion grows i the Faget rep, we jngrease the impact of transportation corners (sud at oad ‘nd rie) an land ure charges (euch 9s wbon ‘ad ral cevepmant) on wife population, Zo that end, the chy of Ragattt and Coconino County requested wide cortdor Information om the Aidona Gomme and Fish Sepa Jessica Gist and Sarah Ret, Arizona Game and sh Department, August 2008 105. The establishment of the wildlife corridors discussed in the excerpt was most likely necessary to prevent — A the spread of disease among animals B the disruption of animal migration Ca rapid increase in the number of animals, Dan invasion of non-native animal species Advanced Energy Initiative: Changing the Way We Fuel Our Vehicles * Develop advanced battery technologies at alow 2 phn My elecric vei co ave 3 40mia range operating sly on Baar che + Fs me masked ets meade recon eo a + Aecalerate progress towards the Presents gal of enabteg large numbers ot Freres to choose hyrogen fl cel vices by 2020 106, These proposals most clearly reflect the federal government's developing role in — F harvesting natural resources 6 supporting environmental conservation H nationalizing manufacturing industries 4 promoting business competition CULTURE @ dy School Menu Monday ae MC Taq chicken | Spogrett and | Crspy tame | Cajun chicken Green beans | eetballs | spanish rice | sweet com Baked fut catbler Texas toate Ccharrobeans | Mixed saing 107. Which of the following does this menu best reflect? ‘A Successful agricultural trade agreements with other countries B Strict U.S. regulations on food preparation Diverse ethnic contributions to US. culture D Lowered nutritional standards for public schools 108. Which situation demonstrates one way that U.S. culture has spread to other parts of the world? ‘AA young boy in Great Britain watches anime. B A teenage girl buys a hip-hop CO in China, CA businesswoman eats at a Sushi restaurant in Canada. DA college athlete in Brazil trains for the Olympics, Fist of al, my presence are shows Ws never too Isa to ome’ to Graceland. Laura and I are-weve kngwn EMS Dresey since we were growing wp. He's obvious» major Dart of out “muse. Ritory. Head an stemationl Feputation. Hs repotaton ws so song tat Ne at aeed tne attention of te new Prone Ministero Japan, President George W. Bush 1k tke 8 dream... My ream came true. Thank you very " —Prime minister Junichiro Kou 109, This event best illustrates the global — F effects of U.S. foreign policy G influence of U.S. popular culture H exchange of politcal ideals Jexchange of technological innovations Hrections Discontent with third par major political panies Potential voters becomes toneethion leads to the | mobilize support for |_»} Pecomes compet ‘organization ‘the third party. artes of a thire party, =— 110. How have major parties reacted to the scenario described above? AA By suing the third parties in court for campaign-finance violations B By persuading the third parties to present a new platform, C By addressing the issues raised by the third parties D By preventing third parties from holding conventions 111. One way the development of the internet has improved the quality of life in the United States is by — A decreasing the influence of advertising on consumers, B increasing the ease of obtaining information ‘Cimproving privacy protection for individuals D increasing the reliability of available information Paty Representation in the US. Goverment, 4995-1997 112, How does the pattern of distribution of politcal representation shown in these graphs affect relationships within the government? F Members of Congress compete to be majority leaders. 6 The president must negotiate to get congressional support for the executive agenda, H Leaders of Congress assign legislation through committees. J The president determines which pieces of legislation are passed. This able shows the numberof votes received ia the state of Fria by te thre leading ‘cance ray | ae Ralph Nader [Green 97.486 113. Which of the following best describes Ralph Nader's effect on the election in Florida? F He contested the recounting of election ballots in federal court. G His presence as a third-party candidate discouraged voter turnout. H He persuaded state officals to abandon the punch-card method of voting, Jhis candidacy drew crucial votes away from the other candidates. Technology 1114, Which factor links all of these modern innovations? F They are all products intially created for use in the U.S. communications industry. G They each include material that was first grown on U.S. experimental farms in the late nineteenth century. H They each include technology that was originally developed for use in the U.S. space exploration program. J They are all special tools first created for U.S. transportation workers in the early twentieth century. Today the world is heavily dependent on {or motive power, lubrication, fuel, dyes, crags, and many synthelles. The widespread use of has created serous environmental problems.” The reat quantities that are bummed . generate most of the air poltition in industrialized countries, and (spils have] polluted oceans ard coastines. —The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed, 2007 (accessed Jonuary 19, 2010) 1115. Which of these natural resources correctly fils in the blanks in this excerpt? ACoal Biron Gold D Petroleum 116, One advantage offered by hybrid cars is that they — A shorten the driving time to destinations B decrease household electricity usage C reduce the amount of money spent on gasoline D expand the use of carpools 117, How has the development of satellite technology affected the U.S. economy? F By resulting in increased private funding of research institutions G By increasing efficiency in telecommunications H By enabling transoceanic air travel 4 By facilitating the development of technologies that improve fuel efficiency 18. A company specializes in manufacturing and distributing automobile parts. Which use of computer technology would most enhance the productivity ofthis business? F Providing employees with remote access to the company’s network G Using direct deposit for employee paychecks H Developing a website to advertise discounts on products J.Using an automated tracking system for shipping and warehouse inventory 119. Which of the following has resulted from the increased use of computers in the workplace? F Corporate use of vertical integration has increased. G Employees are required to sign internet-usage agreements H Unions demand that a forty-hour workweek be enforced. 1 The number of employees that are granted off-site access has decreased. 1120. Which statement best describes a major impact Bill Gates has had on U.S. business and technology? ‘AHe set up the first computer netwark systems for the military B He designed the heat-shield technology used en space shuttles. C He started the company that provides operating software far most personal computers. 1D He created an online store that changed the way people purchase consumer goods. Advanced Energy Initiative: Changing the Way We Fuel Our Vehicles + Develop advanced batery technologies that allow a plug-in hybrid-electric vehicle to have a 40-mlle ange operating soley on battery charge + Foster the breakthrough tecnolagies needed to make cellulosic ethanol cost- ‘compote with cor based ethanol by 2012 + Accelerate progress towards the Presidents goal of enabling large numbers of ‘Americans to choose hyarogen fuel eal vehi by 2020, = White House National Ecanemic Cound), Advanced Energy Intiative, 2006 121. These proposals most clearly reflect the federal government's developing role in — F harvesting natural resources G supporting environmental conservation H nationalizing manufacturing industries promoting business competition Spacia fabrics that Keep the wearer | JT Force tat block norm ulravioiet rays Figh-ctrerath textes made for Baler oot vests for aw enforcement reeniey parachutes eri “Sensors to detect blogic aces on Devices to meritor the presence of planets contaminacts in water 122. What is one way to describe the developments shown above? ‘A Effects of programs to monitor national security £8 Conclusions from research conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency Program results of the Federal Civil Defense Administration Practical applications of technologies developed for spaceflight ‘The Union of Concerned Scientists, an organization of cizens and scientists working toward environmental solutions, has a website with information about the risks of nuciear power plants, ‘The site includes a feature called the Nuclear Power Information Tracker and other resources designed to help lenhance public access to information about power-plant safety and the ink between nuclear power and global warming. 123. This organization most likely encourages Congress to pass legislation that — F finances oil exploration in domestic waters G focuses on finding clean and renewable energy sources H reduces regulation of the coal-mining industry gives substantial tax breaks to natural-gas companies vaccines 124. The introduction of vaccines to the United States helped — ‘A limit the risk in consuming imported produce B improve the hygiene of medical procedures improve the quality of the water supply D limit the spread of infectious diseases Parents faced a great fear—the dreaded poliomyelitis, or pollo as it Is ‘commonly known. “The disease had killed more than’ tirceen hundred ‘Americans .... and crippled more than eighteen thousand more In the Year 41954 alone. On April 12, 1955, America received ne much-welcomed news that Dr. Jonas Salk had 2 "Frontiers In History,” Navional Archives and Records Administration, 2004 125. Which of the following completes this excerpt? A discovered a cure for infantile paralysis B founded a private hospital for children with polio. C developed a vaccine against the frightening disease D identified the mode by which the disease was transmitted “The National Foundation for infantile Paralyst, later renamed the March of Dimes, was established in 1938 and ... was a grassroots campaign run primarily by volunteers. Over the years, millon of people gave small amounts of money to support both the care of people who got 2 {and research into prevention and treatment. Those contributions Financed Jonas Salk, Albert Sabin, and the other researchers wh developed the 2" that chiléren around the word receive today, "March of Dimes,* National Museum of American History, win americanhistory skedu/ (accessed July 19, 2012) 126. Which words correctly complete this excerpt? A 1: chicken pox, 2: antibiotics B 1: tuberculosis, 2: iron lung treatment 1: polio, 2: vaccines 1; whooping cough, 2: serum Protecting American Manufacturers In 1979, Lee Iacocca, CEO and president of the Chrysler Corporation, asked Congress for a federal loan to save the automobile company. In response, President Jimmy Carter signed the Chrysler Corporation Loan Guarantee Act ‘of 1979, which gave Chrysler $4.5 billion in ballout funds. As a result, Chrysler was. able to become @ successful car-manufacturing company ‘again. The Chrysler Corporation paid off its debt to the U.S. government in 1982, 127. The primary justification for giving Chrysler this federal loan was that it would — A protect U.S. manufacturing jobs B increase government contro! of the private sector C force Chrysler to comply with energy efficiency policies D expand U.S. trade with foreign countries “he Oil Price Safeguard Act would help to moderate sharp spikes in ol and gas prices ‘used by price fing and predueton quotas through the judcous use of our enarmaus petroleum reserves, ‘he global oll market 's dominates by an loterational cartel with the abilty to ‘ramabealy affect the price of oi. The eleven member countries .”. supply over 40 percent of the wor’s oll and possess 78 percent af the worlds total proven crude oll ‘eserves. Their conto of the wores ell supply allows these countries {0 colo to drive Lp the price of ol Senator Susan Coins, speech onthe Senate floor, November 17, 1999 128. In this excerpt, Senator Collins proposed legislation intended to address — ‘A Iraqi aggression against neighboring countries B the refusal of the Israeli government to recognize Palestine C the collective economic power of OPEC member nations D the formation of a military coalition among Arab states “The entertainment industry is one of California's major industries and one of America’s largest exports. However, in recent years, more film and TV production has gone abroad. ... Senator Boxer pushed legislation, now law, 10 provide a tax break to encourage film and TV production to stay in the United States, _—Website of Senator Barbara Boxer of California (accessed April 16, 2010) 129, Senator Boxer supported the legislation mentioned in this excerpt most likely because she was concerned that F foreign production companies might not make films of the same quality as domestic companies G foreign production companies might not release their movies in the United States H the loss of domestic production work would result in fewer job opportunities for Americans J the price of DVDs would inerease if they had to be imported from other countries

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