Otr GR-B Gazetted

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roe To 25823728 129717823 ou Department of Revenue | ‘Central Board of Excise & Customs: Won, Directorate General of Human Resource Developme “097, Deep Shika, Rajendra Place, New Dethi— 110008 F. Ne. 8/B/ £5/ERD (ARM)/2015 /5°3 19-70-5373 All Principal/Chief Commissioners of Central Excise | All Principal/Chief Commissioners of Customs | All Directorates General and Directorates under CBEC | Subject: Filiing up Group “B’ Gazetted posts created under efire lying vacant on account of non-availability of eligible! grades— regarding relaxation of qualifying service. Sir 6001 1/24/2093 Ad. II B dated 18.06.2004 on above subject. 2, It is ‘equested to examine the letter dated 18.06.2004 and send Action Take 1 Report directly to the Under Secretary (Ad.II B), CBEC. This sssues with the approval of ADG (HRMLII) Encl: As above Email {D: dopm@rediffmal.com restructuring and officers in the feeder The :mndersigned has been directed to forward a copy of Mihistry’s letter F, No. A- a congideréd reply! Yours faithfully Ms, Ae (Sanjeev. K'Singh) Joint Direetbr HRM) F.Mo.A-GOOL 2 W2N03-8d. DE Govern of India Mitstry of Finance Department of Revenue Board of Bc New cissioners of Custems, iG Direcior ing relayetion of qualifying service: weeee s to this Departments fete: 2002 reg: -g of Customs ané Central Exciée cuitment Rules, While ep uatfying service, ved Cer . ., the matter has been exe wal of the Hon‘bie Finance Minist 72} Excise Depertment. re re consideral Bd arisen asa. result of cadre restructuring. iso be furnished to the Board. end Customs issioners of Centra! Excise anc Custams, j es under CEC, he above relaxation of one year in qualifying service is a one time measure for the sig exciusively created due to cadre restructuring and, therefore, tis shallot be tr -s entre! Rule or cited 25 2 precedent im future. The Action Taken Report, in this reg whi, Dated the 18h June, 200% Filkng up Group 'B’ Gazetted posts created under cadre resbucturing end lying count of ner-aveitability of eligibie.officers in the feeder grades 1 deids No.&- 4019/72/98) Tent. Bll Heads a! Deperimer} Hai posts vide rdance ‘with fecommended ing sanction and aocetion of the posts creater as 2 ve 5. White syproving the proposal fer, qation of past 2s Rewex Commitize, the Cabinst had als aporoved one yest re relaxation fn A I It 1S Observed that some uld net BE MED UP Bue T non-availability of eligible candidates wipe fully and tt has beer| decided with or rto accord one year relaxatlon-in quaittyihg: ‘as prescribed in the Recruitment Rules for fing up of Group °B" Ministerial and ndn- Mintstgrial posts which were created as 8 result of cadre restructuring ‘of, You are, therefore réyuestel) to conduct a Re ng up of the entire-Group *B’ posts by relaxing the quali bed under the Recruitment Rules, by one year. The Review exclusively {or the vacancies that arise as a yesult of posts cuctiring and the zone of consideration should net be laking into account the normal: vacancies availabié at that time anc i should. be prepered taking into.ecedunt: aly ‘the vat the zone of iacies which M | (Anoné Ram! . Under Secretary io the Govefmest of Injeie

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