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Eshneet Kalsi

7601 Titan Drive

Antelope, CA 95843

April 27, 2016

Governor Jerry Brown
State Capitol Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

Governor Jerry Brown:

Greetings. My name is Eshneet Kalsi, I am 15 years old and
currently enrolled as a student at Antelope High School, I was raised
in California and am writing this to further project my ideas on the
Syrian situation that I understand has been very controversial,
however I believe that it is inhumane to deny access to the Syrian
refugees that are desperately trying to reside here in California.
From my understandings, Syria is suffering severely from the
intense civil war that has been going on for 5 years now, and this
war has caused not only the life expectancy of a Syrian to go down
from 70 years old to 55.4 years of age just in 2015, but this war has
caused 1.9 million Syrians to become wounded. This war has had
an enormous impact on what Syria once was and now as the
government is collapsing, it has become eminent that Syrians are in
need of help.
Although not the same in many aspects, I do believe that the Syrian
refugee crisis is similar to the refugee crisis during World War II. The
Jews who seeked shelter back during World War II were denied
access by the United States, however the Jews did not pose any
threat to the US, regardless of the ideas spurring up of spies. In a
similar sense, we are denying access to these refugees in fear that
we may allow in terrorists. Not only that, but we see that Syria is at
its lowest because of the struggle for power, and Jews were
impacted deeply on Hitlers motive for power just the same. I do
believe that they are very similar events, and these should not be
looked on lightly.

I understand that the current decisions with the law makers is that
they are willing to allow in refugees, and I do believe that we should
continue in that direction and possibly take the next step before
time is out. I believe this because this event has been lasting for 5
years now, far too long for a civil war that is impacting an
unthinkable amount of civilians. In conclusion, I believe that we
should not act on what the media is afraid of, but what is morally
correct and humane. The Government must take the step forward in
action by allowing these refugees in, of course with protected
security screenings instead of arguing and wasting the time over
what we are afraid of. We are a nation that has stood strong, we
have helped and suffered, and why should we look briefly at
something that is impacting the lives of humans?
Thank you.
Eshneet Kalsi.

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