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To: Pet Owners, Animal Control Officers

From: Samantha Gutierrez E2:5
Date: October 5, 2015
Subject: A proposal to stop animal and pet cruelty.

This memorandum is being written to propose that animal cruelty is unacceptable. There are over
70 million cats and dogs living in the streets with no food or shelter given to them. (Animal
Abuse and Neglect: The Humane Society of the United States.) All these animals became strays
because pet owners didnt take care of them properly. Also, shelters do not have enough space
for all stray, unwanted, and abused animals. It is recommend that people who keep breeding
should stop. Overpopulating the animal environment is going to grow larger, and then were not
going to able to control it. Also, building more animal shelters will provide animals shelter and
food so they can live a safe life. Once we stop breeding and begin building shelters, people will
notice how important it is to care for innocent animals.

Animal abuse happens on daily basis, animals are taught to fight other animals, and left alone in
the streets with nothing. Animal abuse is unacceptable because an animal is the first thing that is
innocent. They cant communicate the way we do, or fight back the same way humans do. This is
the reason why people harm them, because they want to feel bigger and powerful. If we dont
address this issue then it will lead to domestic violence. Neglect of both animals and children is
caused because parents teach their children that the only way to let out frustration is to let it out
using violence. (Cruelty to Animals and Family Violence) This will cause a bigger problem in
our society. If we dont teach new generations how to treat animals and not to use violence when
were mad, there will be an increase in animal abuse and domestic violence. It will hurt both
animals and humans living in the same household. Building bigger shelters for animals in the
street will get those animals a better life that they deserve.

In order to stop animal cruelty we will need to decrease the population of animals, build more
animal shelters, and teach younger generations how to care for animals, and people too.
To decrease animal population, we will have to put an end to animal breeding. They make the pet
population increase just to get money and they dont care where the animal might end up.
Also, having the money to build animal shelters will provide strays a better life. This money will
come from charities and/or donations. They will receive the care animals need, such as food,
shelter, warmth, and entertainment.
Lastly, many generations need to understand that abuse is wrong (including on a person). New
generations will get a class to learn how to treat animals and people as well. These classes will
take place in the adoption homes and they will be taught by people who work there and are
experts in knowing these pets. These solutions will decrease the amount of strays and animal
abuse locally.

The goal is to stop animal (exotic animals) and pet (dogs, cats, birds, etc.) cruelty. The
recommended actions will make it a safer environment for people to live in. Bonus benefits of
this plan will start less domestic violence once the amount of animal cruelty decreases too. Our
society will also be caring, and we wont have to have as many arguments as we do now.

Animal Abuse and Neglect : the humane Society of the United States. RSS. N.p., n.d. Web.
14 Sept. 2015.
Pet Statistics. ASPCA. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2015.
RSPCA Austria Knowledgebase. What Are the Penalties for Animal Cruelty Offences? -.
N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2015.

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