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Organic Farming

Hollie Hunter

What is Organic?
Organic agriculture produces products using methods that preserve the
environment and avoid most synthetic materials, such as pesticides and

USDA organic standards describe how farmers grow crops and raise
livestock and which materials they may use

These standards cover the product from farm to table, including soil and
water quality, pest control, livestock practices, and rules for food additives

Organic farms and processors

Preserve natural resources and biodiversity

Support animal health and welfare

Provide access to the outdoors so that animals can exercise their natural behaviors
Only use approved materials
Do not use genetically modified ingredients

Receive annual onsite inspections

Separate organic food from non-organic food

Organic Certification
Benefits businesses and consumers
USDA has improved its oversight of organic products, using methods such
as inspections and residue testing

Over 25,000 farmers, ranchers and other businesses get many benefits from
USDA organic certification

Most operations that grow, handle, or process organic products-and want to

call their products organic-must be certified

USDA Supports Organic Agriculture

Offers a wide variety of funding opportunities, including conservation
grants, organic crop insurance, and simplified microloans

Trade partnerships streamline organic exports and imports with other


Provides current prices for organic apples and other market information
Funds research at public and private institutions
Provides practical advice to farmers and ranchers.

Organic Methods
Conventional farming involves the use of synthetic pesticides, and other water
soluble pesticides

Organic farming involves the use of fertilizers, and pesticides that are produced

Methods used in the organic farming include; crop rotation, compost and green
manures, pest control techniques, and cultivation by mechanical means

Potassium sulfate and magnesium nitrate are allowed as fertilizers in organic

farming, thus, the techniques of organic farming have brought a radical change in
the field of agriculture.

Organic Methods
Natural materials such as potassium bicarbonate are used to keep the mulches away
from the weeds. The plants capable of enduring hardships are thus emerging with
the plant breeding techniques unlike genetic engineering. These measures are taken
to ensure the naturalness while ensuring the productivity of the soil
Organic farming relies on the normal breakdown of organic matter by using
composting and green manure
This is done by the use of microorganisms like mycorrhiza. It allows the natural
increase in the fertility of the soil
Organic farming reduces the greenhouse effect, and thus it is beneficial from all

Shunned by organic farmers and consumers?
Jeff Birkby, Outreach Director for the National Sustainable Agriculture Information
Service: To me, technology is neutral; its neither good nor bad. Its how its applied
that makes the difference.

Organic farmers cant use the same technology as conventional farmers

Data management tools dont directly affect crops
Technology (noun, \tek-n-l-j\) the practical application of knowledge,
especially in a particular area

Fertilization and Yield

To increase yields, conventional farmers use chemical fertilizers
Mechanical tools can be suitable alternatives. The roller crimper, a man-made
tool, increases soil fertility by speeding up the natural decomposition process
without artificial chemicals

Fertilization and Yield

Hoop house, which is very much like a greenhouse, only easier, faster, and
cheaper to build, consists of raised beds in a walled-off piece of land, it
extends the growing season by protecting crops from bad weather and
keeping them warm

Pest and Weed Control

Conventional farmers use potent substances
Organic farmers cant use these chemicals because of their destructive side effects,
but there are alternatives

Surround is a type of biodegradable clay that can be sprayed on apples to confuse

insects, pests no longer recognize the apples as food

Sticky traps, coated with female pheromones, that attract male flies and maggots,
when they come in to mate, they become trapped and eventually die

Understanding the chemistry and deploying these traps required new research and
designs, technology being used in an organic way

Can they co-exist?

Organic farmers can merge nature and human creation to improve efficiency
and protect produce

Adhering to strict standards has forced organic farmers to become more


Nature and technology, two opposites, have seldom share a symbiotic


The combination of modern technology and scientific knowledge coupled

with traditional farming methods is what constitutes organic farming


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