Diversity Project

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Diversity Project

By Charles Black, Hector Cruz-Rodriguez, and Colin

Mrs.Mullen English Two Honors


Driving Question
How can we enrich our thinking by analyzing diversity/differences/contrasts
in writing a comparison-contrast essay?

Connecting our compare and contrast essay to real life situations that
could or could not affect who we are.
We go through life choosing sides this shows that we have to compare
and contrast predicted outcomes of different events.

Challenges Involved in Writing a Compare and Contrast Essay

Trying to find the time to write the essay.

Finding the time to revise and edit the essay to Mrs. Mullens liking.

Editing the essay without having more than one opinion on the thing that needs to be

Creating and editing your thesis.

Finishing the essay at a good point without lacking certain things such as quotes or lack
of details.

Using proper pronouns.

Benefits Involved In Writing a Compare and Contrast

Some benefits that are involved are:

Teaches a new perspective on seeing similarities and differences

More things to base opinion off of such as pros and cons
Shows people factual information on matters which are opinionated as
to who is who in stories

Differences in Essays: Colins Essay

One difference was that Macbeth was more malleable than Steven Tyler.
While Macbeths wife was controlling over him and made him become evil, Steven
Tyler wasnt convinced to do anything bad in the first place.

Differences In Essay: Hectors Essay

Desire Over Destiny
One difference is that while Mick aspired to be the top guy in his industry,
Banquos family was destined to be in a higher position of power.
Hunted Over Hunting
While nobody was after Mick,
Banquo was being hunted by
Macbeth out of fear.

Differences in Charles Essay

Differences in Macbeth and Robin Williams
The main difference is that Macbeth stole his way to power while Robin was content
being the man that he was.
Macbeth hurt and killed others, Robin made them smile and laugh with joy

Real Life Challenges

Having the ability to see the bad in a good character
Having the ability to see good in a bad character. Or at least
misinterpreted good intent
Being able to understand each point of view even from the villains

Real Life Benefits

Getting the ability to see from every characters perspective.
Watching characters think about certain situations in different lights.
Knowing how characters and people can connect even if they are
completely different.
Getting a diverse thought from comparing and contrasting characters
and people.

Our workforce and our entire economy are strongest when we embrace
diversity to its fullest, and that means opening doors of opportunity
to everyone and recognizing that the American Dream
excludes no one.
-Thomas Perez

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