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Classroom Management (Behavioral Management) Plan

1- Attention getting signal and use of wait time

For an attention getting signal, I will use multiple different ones. That
way, the class cannot get too comfortable with one and stop listening
to it. After each signal, I will have a sufficient amount of wait time so I
know that I have the students attention. Wait time will be very
important in establishing consistent and effective classroom
Different attention getting signals that I will use are
o A clapping sequence
o I say a word and they say one back
o Give me 1 (the students sit ready in their chairs) give me 2
(the students stand up an push their chairs in and stand behind
their chair) give me 3 (the students go line up at the door)
o Saying I need everybodys attention please
o Flipping the lights off and on
o Give me 5

2- Seating arrangement

If I had the choice, in my classroom I would like to have desks that

open by lifting the top of the desk to get inside. These are ideal
because students can have all of their materials right in their desk with
them, but they cannot be playing with materials inside of their desks
during lessons because the desks will be shut.
I would seat the students in desk pods of 4-5 desks per pod. This way
students can do group work easily.
I would change the seating arrangement each month so that students
get the chance to work with multiple different people in the class. I
want the class to feel like a community, so by changing the seating
arrangement often then students will feel more comfortable with more
of their classmates and it will have a community feel quicker.
Each member of each table group will have a number, and I will call
one of the numbers to get the materials or collect papers for their
group and that member would do it. This way, the same person is not
always doing the work all week, but they must pay attention to what
number I call and that person must do what I ask.
Students will have cubbies or lockers at another place in the room so
their backpacks are put away and not with them on the back of their
chairs. This way backpacks will not get in the way or disrupt learning.
I will have table names and table points. Each table group will decide
on a table name, so they can take ownership of their table. I will then
give table points for multiple different things throughout the week. I

will not ever take table points away, only give other groups more if
they are doing well.
3- Collecting and passing out papers

I will have a classroom job chart, and their will be paper passer as
two of the jobs. These two people that week will help me pass out
papers to the class when needed. When they pass to each table group,
they will put a pile of the amount of papers that group needs in the
middle and then it is the groups job to disperse them to the students in
the group. This way passing out papers should be quick and efficient.
Collecting papers from groups I will use the numbers that I gave each
group member and the number I call that group member will bring the
papers in a stack to me.
I will pass back papers into students boxes. Each student will get a
number at the beginning of the year that they keep the entire year.
When they put their names on their papers they will also always put
their number. The boxes will be labeled with numbers. I will pass the
papers back to their number so that their papers are passed back all to
one place. This also shields their grades so they are the only people
seeing their grades.

4- Restrooms and getting a drink

To use the restroom, students will raise their hand holding up a sign
language R. I will look at them and either nod yes, or shake my head
no. If we are in the middle of a full class important lesson, they will
know the procedure that they should wait until the lesson is over so
they do not miss anything extremely important. I will not say no unless
it is very important that they be there at that time, and during a break
I will explain to them why they could not go at that time and then let
them go.
I will have a sign out sheet by the door for students to sign in and out
when using the restroom. It will have date, time out, time in, and name
columns. This way the amount they use the restroom will be recorded
in case of any discrepancies or problems that occur. This will also be
useful in case of any emergencies I will easily know if anybody is out of
the classroom in the restroom.
To get a drink of water the students will raise their hand and hold up a
sign language W. Again I will shake my head yes or no looking right at
them so they know I am acknowledging them without interrupting my
lesson. From procedures, students will know when I am in the middle of
a lesson they may not get up and get a drink, they must wait for a

5- Late work

Late work will be accepted for partial credit. I believe that if the
student does the work, even if it is late, it should be recognized.
I will check their homework everyday. If their homework is not there, I
will not accept excuses of why it is not there. They must write a note
explaining that they did not turn in their homework and they
understand that it is their responsibility to get it done and bring it to
school every day. They must then get the note signed by their parents.

6- Voice levels

7- Testing

When students are testing, they will take their tests with testing folders
around their test so they cannot look on other peoples tests.
The students will sit at their own desks, and I will move students if
needed or if it is too crowded in a specific area.
When testing, no talking is allowed and any talking or whispering will
not be tolerated.

8- Entering the room

Students will always enter the room quietly.

In the morning bell work will either be on the board to write in their
notebooks or handed out on their table. They will enter the room, sign
up for lunch, and start working.
Coming in from recess or specials they will enter quietly and go to their
desks and wait for further instructions.

9- Nurse

Students will ask to go to the nurse if they need to go. They will bring
the nurses folder that I will fill out explaining what is wrong.
If a student needs a Band-Aid, those will be available in the classroom
so the student does not miss instruction.

10- When you have a sub (expected behavior)

When there is a sub, I will expect the students to be on their best

behavior. I will expect them to behave even better than they behave
for me. I will make sure these expectations are known to them at the
beginning of the year, and will also go over them again before any
planned absenses.
For planned absences, I will have a lesson plan ready and prepared for
the sub.

For unplanned absences, I will have a lesson plan the sub can go off of,
and I will also have a binder with things to do with the students in case
they need extra activities labeled emergency lesson plans

11- Absent, make-up work

If a student misses a day, it is their responsibility to make up the work

that they missed. I will have folders that say Sorry we missed you! on
them and all of the papers they missed that day will be in there for
If a student misses multiple days, I will use discretion to decide what
they must make up.

12- Using a slate/whiteboard/thumbs up-thumbs down

I will have strict procedures for the students of how to use a white
board effectively. I will teach them these procedures at the beginning
of the year of when they are allowed to use the white board marker
and when it needs to have the cap on it and not be touched. This way
they know my expectations right off the bat, and if they do not follow
them they loose white boar privileges that day, and until they show me
that they can use them responsibly.
After they write their answer, it is okay for them to flip it over to hide
their answer. I expect them to write something, if they do not know
they can put a question mark to show me that they do not understand
and that gives me a hint that I might need to reteach.
I will make sure that everybody is participating when using a slate or
doing thumbs up or thumbs down, and if one student does not I will
make them all do it again to show that my expectation is that
everybody participates.

13- Rules and consequences (positive and negative)

o We will make the classroom rules together on the first day of
school. each student will sign them so they feel connected to the
rules and I can say you chose to have these rules so you need
to follow them.
o Positive
Take home a book
Prize from box
Lunch with teacher
5 minutes of coloring
Happy note

In addition, each week I will choose 5 students to

send a positive note home to their parents saying
how great they have been doing.

o Negative
Verbal warning
Reflection center
Loss of recess time
Note home
Phone call home
Send to office

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