Carnap - Introduction To Symbolic Logic

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INTRODUCTION TO SYMBOLIC LOGIC AND ITS APPLICATIONS ee BY RUDOLF CARNAP University of California ‘Translated by “William H. Meyer, University of Chicago and John Wilkinson, Wesleyan University Dover Publications, Inc. New, Yorke ght © 1958, Dover Pubcon, In This ction i «anton of nfuhrang ine For INA in deep gratitude PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH EDITION 1 wish to expres my gratitude 10 my two translators, Professor William H. Meyer of the University of Chicago and Professor John Wikinson of Waskyan Univesity, who between them provided the base translation, yevsed if, made many improvements In wording and arrangement, and Spplisd additonal explanations. The vanslation owes ils existence to ther gsnerous devotion of ine and interest. Translating a technical book requires 9 good Knowedge of the subject mattr in addition to linguistic lies snd sensiivies. In my opinion, the tansaters happily commied those abilities and performed a exellent jo, xcept for numerous minor corrections and changes made either by me corby the tamslators, the translation follows in general the German original tn the Following places, however, T made major changes or addition. tn 2047, the explanations of the terms language, syntactical syste and ‘emanical stem” have been changed and made more exact. ‘new section, 26h, hasbeen added on the formalization of syntax and semantics ‘To thelist explication of linear order in 31 represented by Russell's concept {tasers (DS) Ihave now added a second explication, represented by the Concept of simple order (DS, based on DS and D7). Thi second concept hav eetan advantages and has recently seen incresed use, The concept ‘of simple orders employed in some ofthe deinions of 38 In $2, the ‘isinetion between the basi language L and the axiomati language Lis nev. In 42h, the distinction between inierpettions and modes has been nade sharper, There are several changes in the suiom system of et theory (43). nv Ba, the axiom of repularity (AB) hasbeen added. The ‘orginal 4b is omied (i ve a sezond version of the system, with eight Primitives, among them seven functors). Tae new 43h san expansion of a Part of the orginal 4, with an altered form of the axiom of restriction Gio. Alo, Bes newly added: here another version ofthe axiom system Is detrbed, which wses only individual variables. In the axiom system of teighborhoods (46), 46 contains «new second version; and the definitions ine are now based on this simpler version ‘The bibliography (56) has ben brought up fo date. In chapters A,B, and C, many new exeriss have been added; I wish to thank my student, David’ Kaplan, for his efiient help in this connection. For the most part, the lerminology in this English edition is based on terms used! by me in classes and in eecent publications, Suggestions for

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