Proposal Revised

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To: Celeste Barlow- Catholic Community Services

From: Alexa Ellis, Morgan Barlow, and Madison Riccardi

Due: February 25, 2016
Subject: CCS Refugee Background
Our group is excited to have the opportunity to assist The Catholic Community Services (CCS)
of Utah with their foster refugee program. In meeting with CCS we came to understand that
challenges stemming from cultural differences arise between refugee children and the foster
families they are placed with. Because of the relatively quick process of placing children with
foster families, families have little time to prepare. Part of that preparation is gaining an
awareness and understanding of the cultural norms of the child or children they are fostering. A
rough transition can result in conflict, frustration, and additional strain for both parties. In order
to make this transition as smooth as is possible, it is vital for there to be resources in the program
that help to educate foster families on the culture, country, and strife foster children are coming
from prior to actually receiving a child. We are looking forward to aiding CCS in creating a
website as a resource to enable foster families to further educate themselves on the specific
circumstances of the refugee children.
The refugee program organized by Catholic Community Services of Utah has provided
specialized foster care services to hundreds of unaccompanied children from around the world
for over 30 years. It is a program that functions from volunteer work and donations. The
children which are refugees, special immigrant juveniles, and victims of human trafficking, enter
the U.S. without parents or guardians to care for them. The program places these children in
foster care homes or group homes appropriate to the childs developmental needs, supports them
with a variety of programs throughout their residence in the U.S. or until they reach 21 years of
age. Volunteer mediators and caseworkers work with both the child and the foster family to try
to ensure a smooth and successful transition. The program does not have the financial luxury to
hire a web designer and individual to put these resources together. It will be our responsibility to
help fill this need.
Our objective is to create a resource website that contains information for the foster families.
The website will focus on the countries and cultures that refugee children are coming from. The
website will include six countries that contain information in tabs such as: a general history of
the country, culture, geography, current economic situation, cultural norms, and a more recent
history explaining why each country is generating refugees.

We will design tabs in the website that will include: culture (i.e. language, customs, norms, and
food), economy, geography, education, and history (present and past). We will then populate
these tabs with information given by the CCS to help educate the foster families. For example,
the culture tab will cover some of the stigmas and what may or may not be appropriate in
interaction. Each group member will have the responsibility write given sections of the website.
This project will require our group members to work with the CCS representative to organize and
create the information tabs from the research we are given. Some research on our part may be
required for research of either the assigned countries and to look at other websites for examples.
Time Schedule
February 12th

Initial Meeting with CCS Representative

March 4th

Present the Proposal to CCS Representative/Group Meeting

March 11th

Progress Meeting with CCS Representative

March 18th

Group Meeting

March 25th

Rough Draft Presentation to CCS Representative

April 1st

Group Meeting

April 8th

Final Meeting with CCS Representative

April 15th

Project Finalized and Presented to CCS Representative

*On the part of CCS there is no set due date for the website and therefore will be completed off of the due dates set
for the professional writing class.

Each of our group members are qualified to assist in the formation of this website. All members
are full time students at the University of Utah and have participated in numerous writing
courses and are currently in upper level writing courses. Relevant skills to this project include:
HTML coding proficiency (which can be used to increase webpage aesthetics) organizational
skills to maximize the efficiency of the website, time management skills as well as the ability to
condense information.
Although we estimate that the costs will be minimal or even non-existent due to the nature of the
project, we will be responsible for the costs that pertain to this project specifically. During the
creating and building of the webpage, we are willing to spend up to $20 in reproduction costs.
However, any reproduction costs in the future, are to be under the financial responsibility of the
non-profit organization.

Catholic Community Services requires the development of an informational website that will aid
in diminishing familial stress and transition of refugee children. Our group offers our writing
skills to help this non-profit organization in the creation of this website by writing the most
valuable information. This information will be written in a way that is concise and helpful to the
families since the information is being addressed to them. We look forward to working with the
CCS and increasing the positive impact that is made on foster children and families.

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