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Gjuhë Angleze

Tiranë, Maj 2010

Shpjegues i Programit të Orientuar GJUHË ANGLEZE


 Aftësitë dhe njohjet që duhet të zotërojë nxënësi maturant për të qenë i përgatitur për
provimin e maturës me zgjedhje në gjuhën e huaj.

 Struktura e provimit të maturës shtetërore me zgjedhje, Gjuha angleze.

 Tipa ushtrimesh që nxënësi duhet të punojë për të qenë i përgatitur për provimin e
maturës me zgjedhje në gjuhën e huaj.

 Një model testi për Gjuhën angleze pa përgjigje të dhëna, që të orientojë dhe
ndihmojë maturantët si të punojnë në testin e Maturës Shtetërore me zgjedhje.

1. Aftësitë dhe njohjet që duhet të zotërojë nxënësi maturant për të qenë i

përgatitur për provimin e maturës me zgjedhje në gjuhën e huaj.
Nxënësi që do t‟i nënshtrohet provimit të maturës me zgjedhje në gjuhët e huaja, duhet të
demonstrojë aftësitë dhe njohjet e tij për sa më poshtë vijon:

1.1. Të kuptuarit në përgjithësi dhe në veçanti të përmbajtjes së materialeve të shkruara që mund të
jenë tekste autentike në gjuhën angleze, tekste të marra nga burime të ndryshme (gazeta, revista,
tekste letrare) dhe që i përkasin tematikës së përfshirë në Programin Orientues të Maturës
Shtetërore për gjuhën e huaj.
1.2. Të prodhuarit e një teme me shkrim, duke respektuar rregullat e tipave të ndryshëm të teksteve
të shkruara (letra, ftesa, kërkesa të ndryshme).
1.3. Shkrimi i një kompozimi ose eseje në të cilën nxënësi të shprehë mendimet dhe interesat e tij
mbi atë fushë ose temë për të cilën do të shkruajë; të paraqesë argumente ose kundërargumente në
lidhje me çështjen që ai do të trajtojë me shkrim, tema të parashikuara këto në Programin Orientues
të Maturës Shtetërore.
1.4. Të përdorë në punën me shkrim (kompozimin, esenë, kërkesën etj.) mjete dhe strategji
gjuhësore në përputhje me përmbajtjen e tekstit që nxënësi do të shkruajë.
1.5. Të përcaktojë qëndrimin e autorit në pjesën letrare ose joletrare mbi tematika të ndryshme, të
gjitha të përcaktuara në Programin Orientues të Maturës Shtetërore.
1.6. Të kuptojë organizimin dhe strukturën e tekstit letrar ose joletrar mbi tematika të ndryshme, të
gjitha të përcaktuara në Programin Orientues të Maturës Shtetërore.
1.7. Të përmbledhë në anglisht kuptimin e përgjithshëm të një pjese letrare ose joletrare mbi
tematika të ndryshme dhe të japë të dhënat më kryesore të pjesës së shkruar në gjuhë frënge.
1.8. Të analizojë në përgjithësi një tekst letrar mbi tema të cilat janë të përcaktuara në Programin
Orientues të Maturës Shtetërore, duke zhvilluar mbi të përgjigje me shkrim ku të shprehë
refleksionet e tij mbi pjesën që do të lexojë dhe mendimet, ndjenjat e tij personale mbi atë që ka

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1.9. Të njohë leksikun, fonetikën, morfologjinë, sintaksën dhe ortografinë jo në nivel të sofistikuar
dhe të detajuar, por të paktën në një masë të tillë që të përputhen me objektivat e Programit
Orientues të Maturës Shtetërore.
1.10. Të njohë dhe të kuptojë aspekte interkulturore të qytetërimeve dhe kulturave të ndryshme
anglishtfolëse, gjithnjë brenda tematikës së përcaktuar nga Programi Orientues i Maturës
1.11. Të kuptojë tekste të ndryshme letrare ose joletrare, tema e të cilave është parashikuar në
Programin Orientues të Maturës Shtetërore për gjuhën e huaj.

2. Struktura e vlerësimit
Provimi i Gjuhës angleze është pjesë e Maturës Shtetërore me zgjedhje. Nxënësi që zgjedh t‟i
nënshtrohet provimit të Gjuhës angleze, nuk mund të zgjedhë një gjuhë tjetër të dytë në dyshen e
lëndëve me zgjedhje. Provimi i gjuhës së huaj është ndërtuar në formën e provimit me shkrim. Në
të nuk përfshihet vlerësimi i të folurit dhe vlerësimi i të dëgjuarit.
Provimi me shkrim zhvillohet për 120 minuta. Në këtë provim, nxënësi duhet të shprehë njohjet
dhe aftësitë e tij në:
- të kuptuarit e një pjese letrare ose joletrare,
- njohjen dhe përdorimin e strukturave gramatikore dhe leksikore,
- të shkruarit mbi një temë të caktuar (ese, krijim letrar ose joletrar, shkrimi i një kërkese, letre,
e-mail-i etj.).

Skema e Provimit

Aspekti gjuhësor që do Niveli i vështirësisë së Pesha që zë kjo

Objektivi që matet
vlerësohet pyetjeve për cdo linjë fushë në të tërë

Të kuptuarit e një pjese 3 pyetje Niveli 1 40% 1.1/ 1.5/ 1.6/ 1.7/ 1.8/
të shkruar (letrare ose 4 pyetje Niveli 2 1.9 dhe 1.11
joletrare) 2 pyetje Niveli 3

Përdorimi i gjuhës 4 pyetje Niveli 1 40% 1.9 dhe 1.10

(gramatika dhe leksiku) 5 pyetje Niveli 2
2 pyetje Niveli 3

Të shkruarit (ese ose 1 pyetje Niveli 3 20% 1.2/ 1.3/ 1.4/

krijim, letër, kërkesë

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3. Tipologjia e teksteve dhe ushtrimeve që mund të jepen në provimin e Maturës

Shtetërore me zgjedhje në gjuhën e huaj
Në të kuptuarit e një pjese letrare ose joletrare, përmbajtja tematike është mbështetur në
programin e zhvilluar gjatë katër viteve të shkollës së mesme si edhe në tekstet shkollore për
Gjuhën angleze. Tematika e mëposhtme, e parashikuar për provimin e maturës, do të përfshijë
temat bazë (sipas kurrikulës) dhe nëntema të marra nga kurrikula dhe tekstet.

Temat janë formuluar në mënyrë përgjithësuese e jo sipas titujve të teksteve dhe përfshijnë ato
njohuri të cilat janë zhvilluar përmes mësimeve.
Nxënësi mund të përballet me tipa tekstesh brenda kësaj fushe tematike:

 Topics on Every day life

 Topics on the World around us
 Topics on the World of learning and Work
 Topics on Personal and Social Life
 Topics on the World of Communication
 Topics on the International World

Mbi këto lloje tematikash, nxënësi duhet të jetë i aftë të realizojë në test këto aspekte të leximit:

o Marrja dhe përzgjedhja e informacionit të duhur nga teksti i dhënë.

o Reflektimi mbi përmbajtjen e një fragmenti dhe nxjerrja e informacionit të duhur prej tij.
o Paraqitja e elementeve provuese që mbështesin idenë e dhënë nga vetë nxënësi.
o Thellimi në kuptimin e një fraze dhe gjetja e sinonimit të saj.
o Formimi i një kuptimi të përgjithshëm dhe nxjerrja e moralit të pjesës.
o Zhvillimi i aftësisë krijuese dhe interpretuese dhe paraqitja e elementeve që justifikojnë
përgjigjen e dhënë.
o Kuptimi global i tekstit.
o Kuptimi i thelluar: gjetja e të pashprehurës ose të nënkuptuarës, qëndrimi i autorit etj.
o Plotësimi i ushtrimeve leksikore rreth tekstit.
o Gjetja e fjalëve referuese.

Lloje ushtrimesh që mund të jepen për këta tipa tekstesh, janë:

 True or False
 Multiple Choice (përzgjedhja e alternativës së saktë nga 4 ose 5 alternativat e dhëna)
 Arrangements of paragraphs (vendosja e paragrafëve sipas rendit të duhur në renditjen e
 Sentence or phrase completion (plotësimi i kuptimit të një fjalie ose fraze në një tekst të
caktuar mbi një temë të caktuar)
 Open answers (përgjigje të hapura ku nxënësi shpreh mendimin dhe vlerësimin e tij rreth
një çështjeje ose pyetjeje të caktuar rreth tekstit)
 Short answers (përgjigje të shkurtra, të dhëna me fraza ose fjali të shkurtra)
 Matching (bashkimi i një pjese teksti me një pjesë tjetër që mungon dhe e plotëson
kuptimin e në tërësi)

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Më poshtë, nxënësve u jepen tre tipa të ndryshëm ushtrimesh për linjën e të kuptuarit të një pjese
letrare ose joletrare.

Reading Comprehension 1
Matching Exercise

Read the paragraphs and check the best summary for each.

The remarkable thing about Australian English is that it varies so little from place to place, and
from one social group to another. There is almost no such thing as a regional variety of Australian
English, that is no Queensland or South Australian similar to the Southern and New England
varieties of English that exist in the United States. And based on pronunciation alone, it would be
difficult to distinguish a government bureaucrat from a dockyard worker.

A) Australian English is easy to understand

B) Australian English is very uniform
C) Its spelling is unusual
D) Its pronunciation is difficult

People have long dreamed of the day when it would be possible to communicate with anyone in the
world through one, universal language. From time to time various living languages have been used
widely, but nationalistic prejudices have prevented anyone from becoming adopted on a truly
universal basis. And artificially constructed languages have their own drawbacks as widespread
means of communication. For example Esperanto, while relatively easy to learn for speakers of
many European languages, has proved to be too dependent on its base in the Roman and Germanic
languages, to offer worldwide appeal.

A) Languages can be either living or artificial

B) The appeal of living languages is universal
C) Esperanto has become a popular language among Europeans
D) No language has become a universal means of communication.

Reading Comprehension 2
Gapped Text

In the following extract 10 parts of sentences have been removed. Choose from clauses A–L the
ONE which fits each gap 1–10. There is one extra clause which you do not need. There is an
example at the beginning (0).

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Warm receptions

Adapted from an article in The Guardian, 3 November 2004, by Nick Hall

My four-month mission to conquer the route maps of Ryanair and other budget airlines alike began
with an in augural flight to the Spanish city of Valencia, where I am writing from outside, in the
middle of a small square connected wirelessly to somebody's home broadband connection.
Valencia is Spain's third largest city and has, until now, (0-K).

The journey began with an unsociable 6am flight from London Stansted. Arriving for check-in
shortly after 5am, I felt as though I was walking straight into a hostel, (1___) who had decided to
spend the night at the airport in order to catch their morning flights.

A few pleasant surprises helped get me off to a good start; (2___), in turn the razors and
screwdriver that were tightly packed into my rucksack seemed to be no cause for alarm at security,
despite the many notices and video demonstrations suggesting otherwise.

After queuing for half an hour at security (3___), which is a good 10-minute walk from the main
terminal building. With 25 minutes to spare and the departure gate now in sight there was no need
for rush or panic. Well, at least that's what I thought, until I heard a message over the Tannoy
announcing that "flight FR8321 to Valencia was now closed." To my alarm the announcement
went on to explain that if the last remaining passenger (myself), (4___), didn't show up within one
minute, that person would not be allowed to fly.
Charming, I thought, as I double-checked my phone to reconfirm the time. The flight was
subsequently delayed by 30 minutes after discovering they had no fuel to fly the plane.

Enduring an hour-and-a-half of heavy marketing of drinks, snacks, fragrances and gift items,
(5___), or in-flight digital entertainment for €7, is sure to set things straight from the start, you pay
for what you get, quite literally. Any fantasies or illusions that I may have had when planning my
trip of becoming one of the forgotten "jet-set" have come to an abrupt end.

Having said all that, leaving Stansted in the 6am morning sunrise,(if you can call a blanket of
overcast, grey and drizzly sky a sunrise) and (6___), makes all of the sacrifices well worth it.

Despite this being the inaugural flight it seems I was the only person celebrating.
Throughout the entire flight there was no mention of this surely great news, until the very end
when it was briefly mentioned in passing by a member of the cabin crew.

While Ryanair may be blase about opening up new destinations to the budget route maps (7___)
who keenly greeted the flight with their film crews. In addition to a little media coverage, all
passengers were warmly welcomed and given goodie bags with shirts, pens and wooden fans.

I left for Valencia with few preconceived ideas or expectations – mainly owing to my inability to
plan or prepare for anything in advance, particularly where travel is concerned. It occurred to me
when I arrived in the city centre, without any idea of where to go or what to see, (8___).

I spent my first day wandering the wide avenues lined with palm trees, pavement cafes and
musicians, (9___). After my early start and a two-hour walk in search of one of Valencia's two free
wireless internet "hot-spots", I was completely knackered by the time I had arranged to meet Jess, a
Guardian reader, (10___).
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Meeting up with a complete stranger and accepting an offer of accommodation after one or two
emails is not something I would normally feel comfortable about doing, especially not in a foreign
country. Jess, my host for two days and three nights, arranged to meet me at the main train station
after a brief exchange of emails confirming the time and place. Jess works as a teacher, just outside
the city, originally from England she settled in Valencia five years ago.

Guardian Unlimited © Guardian Newspapers Limited, 2004

Example: 0 = K

A: heading for the sun in Spain, less than two hours away
B: first of all my overweight hand baggage seemed to pose no problems at the check-in desk
C: who was delaying the flight
D: as well being given the opportunity to purchase a Ryanair scratch card for €2
E: that it might have been a good idea to at least buy a guidebook
F: as I had to step over all the people
G: it certainly wasn't an attitude shared by the local media
H: simply enjoying and observing the Mediterranean way of life
I: we then headed on to the square
J: who had kindly offered to put me up for the night
K: been inaccessible for those wanting to travel on a tight budget
L: I headed straight to the boarding gate

Reading 3
Open- Ended and Multiple Choice Questions

You Can’t Make This Stuff Up

During a recent trip to the United States, I noticed a sign in the reception area of an office building.
It read: “Don‟t Even Think of Smoking Here”. Now, I think that smoking is a disgusting habit but
my first thought was- How can they enforce that? They‟d have to rely on people furtively sidling up
to the receptionist saying things like, “I‟m terribly sorry, but I thought of smoking a cigarette just
then.” Surely this is a pointless notice to hang on any wall, since that kind of confession just isn‟t
going to happen. Or is it?

A few months ago, a 49-year-old Japanese man decided to give himself up to the police because he
was “thinking of doing a robbery”. Apparently he‟d just been made redundant and was in dept, so
he‟d set his little heart on raiding a post office. He hadn‟t counted on his guilty feelings though-or
the fact that he‟d be arrested for conspiracy to commit a crime. Now he has no job and a criminal
record. There are few bigger fans of honesty and honor than me, but I still think there is such a
thing as going too far.
In the UK we already have a high enough crime rate. What would happen if we included thinking
of committing a crime as an offence? The over-subscribed prison population would be bolstered
further by millions of people who‟d been caught in the act of “considering a felony”. I‟d certainly

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be serving time by now-guilty as charged-for the thought of assaulting the England goalkeeper
David Seaman.
Well, someone‟s got to cut off that ludicrous ponytail haven‟t they?

 Taking your information from the passage above, choose the answer which you think fits
best by drawing a circle around one of the letters A, B, C or D for the answer you choose.

1. The writer thinks that:

A) Banning smoking is easy.

B) They‟d have to entirely rely on people to enforce the cigarette ban.
C) It is going to be difficult to execute this decision.
D) People have a choice to smoke wherever they like

2. Why was the Japanese man arrested?

A) Because he really committed the crime.

B) Because he was in dept.
C) Because he had previous criminal record
D) For conspiracy to commit a crime.

3. What is the writer trying to tell us in this text?

A) Explain the dangers of smoking.

B) Express his opinion on a certain issue.
C) Make people think carefully before they do something.
D) Show people how to do something

4. The writer…

A) Has assaulted the England goalkeeper.

B) Has served time in prison.
C) Thinks David Seaman looks ridiculous.
D) Likes the England goalkeeper.

5. According to the writer it is:

A) Right to put someone in prison just for thinking something.

B) Acceptable to put someone in prison just for thinking something
C) Nice to put someone in prison just for thinking something
D) Not right to put someone in prison just for thinking something

6. When you are in dept:

A) You owe money to other people or a bank

B) Other people owe you money
C) You have lent other people money
D) None of these

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7. “To consider a felony” means:

A) To consider a theft
B) To consider a kidnap
C) To consider a hijack
D) To consider a crime

8. How was the Japanese man‟s life affected after he gave himself up to the police?

9. How would you enforce the “cigarette ban” in public places if that was in your hand? Give
your opinion on this issue using no more than 30 words.

b) Në përdorimin e gjuhës:

Nxënësi duhet të njohë mirë strukturat gramatikore, leksikore si dhe funksionet komunikative të
trajtuara gjatë viteve të shkollës së mesme. Nuk pretendohet që nxënësi të dijë gjithçka me hollësi,
por ato më të rëndësishmet pa të cilat përdorimi i gjuhës është shumë i mangët dhe jo në nivelin e
duhur për një maturant.
Për një komunikim të saktë nga ana gramatikore, si me gojë ashtu edhe me shkrim, sugjerohet
të punohet në mënyrë të përqendruar mbi strukturat dhe çështjet gramatikore më të rëndësishme të
trajtuara gjatë tre-katër viteve të shkollës së mesme.

 Verb Tenses: (Present Tenses, Past Tenses, Future Tenses, Perfect Tenses, Continuous Tenses)

 Gerund and Infinitive Verb Patterns:

 Reported Speech ( positive, interrogative and imperative forms)

 Active and Passive Voice: (present, past, future, perfect)

 Conditionals:( 0,1st, 2nd, and 3rd Conditionals, verb tenses and their combinations in
conditional sentences)

 Modal Verbs (may, might, should, have to, must, could)

 Adjectives and Adverbs (comparison degrees, and different ways of comparisons, adjectives +
preposition combinations.)
 Complex Sentences (Noun Clauses, Adverb Clauses, Adjective Clauses etc.)
 Prepositions and Idiomatic Prepositional Expressions, and Phrasal Verbs
 Adverbs and Adverbial Clauses (of purpose, time, reason, concession, manner, and place )
 Connectors (above all, such as, then, therefore, whereas, instead, furthermore, however, even
so, etc.)

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Ushtrimet që do të përdoren në testin e maturës me zgjedhje në gjuhën e huaj do jenë të tipave si këta
të poshtëshënuar:

 Multiple Choice (përzgjedhje e alternativës së saktë nga 4 ose 5 alternativat e dhëna)

 Sentence Completion (plotësimi i një fjalie ose fraze me fjalët e dhëna duke gjetur dhe përdorur
formën e saktë me të cilën ka kuptim fjalia ose fraza)
 Sentence Transformation (shndërrim fjalish duke e strukturuar ndryshe, por duke i ruajtur
kuptimin fillestar)
 Word Formation exercises (ushtrime mbi mënyrat e fjalëformimit)

Ja disa ushtrime të tipave të ndryshëm që trajtojnë disa nga aspektet më të rëndësishme gramatikore
të trajtuara gjatë viteve të shkollës së mesme:

 Exercises on Verb Tenses

Gap-filling Exercises

● Fill in the verbs in brackets in the Future Perfect.

1) Anne -------- (repair) her bike next week.

2) We -------- (do) the washing by 8 o'clock.

● Fill in the verbs in brackets in the Future Progressive.

1) Peggy -------- (come) to the party on Saturday.

2) We ------- (meet) him tomorrow.

● Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps and form sentences. Use the going to-future.

1) He ------ (phone) his friend.

2) We ------ (play) a new computer game.

 Gerund and Infinitive Verb Patterns:

Multiple Choice Exercises

1. She hates -------.

A) washing up
B) To wash up
C) Wash up
D) To washing up
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2. The teacher asked me --------- the topic once again.

A) to revise
B) revise
C) revising
D) to revising

 Reported Speech ( positive, interrogative and imperative forms)

Sentence Transformation Exercise

● Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word given. You must use between two and five words including the word given. Do not
change the word given.

“Do you know how to get to the town center?” she asked me.
She asked me whether ------------------------ to the town center.

 Active and Passive Voice: (present, past, future, perfect)

Multiple Choice Exercise

The interference on the radio ------------------- an airplane.

A) was caused by
B) was causing
C) has caused
D) caused by

 Conditionals: ( 0, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Conditionals, verb tenses and their combinations in
conditional sentences)

1. If he has time he……… to the stadium to watch the football match.

A) went
B) would go
C) will go
D) gone (1st conditional)

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2. The doctor advised him to cut down smoking.

(2nd conditional)

If ------------------------------ cut down smoking.

 Modal Verbs (may, might, should, have to, must, could)

1. She was so tired that she ------- sleep for a week.

A) can
B) could
C) should
D) has to

2. Why ----------- call me earlier this morning? Any problem?

A) you had to
B) did you have to
C) must you
D) you had to

 Adjectives / Adverbs

Gap Fill Exercises

● Fill in the words in brackets as adjective or adverb like in the example.

1) He ------ reads a book. (quick)

2) Mandy is a ------ girl. (pretty)

 Prepositions and Idiomatic Prepositional Expressions, and Phrasal Verbs

Gap Fill Exercises

Phrasal Verbs

●Use the following verbs (believe, fill, get, look, put, switch, take, throw, turn, try) and the
prepositions (away, down, for, in, off, on, out) and form meaningful sentences.

1) Quick! -------- the bus. It‟s ready to leave.

2) I don‟t know where my book is. I have to ------- it.

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Shpjegues i Programit të Orientuar GJUHË ANGLEZE

Prepositions and idioms in English

Fill in Exercises

● Write the correct prepositions to form meaningful sentences.

1) I‟m tired ------ waiting for you.

2) He hasn‟t smoked ------ ages.
3) Nina is good ------ running.

 Connectors (above all, such as, then, therefore, whereas, instead, furthermore, however, even

Sentence Formation Exercises

● Combine the sentences using the conjunction given in parentheses. Do not change the order
of the sentences. Pay attention to the punctuation.

1. They got married. They had to learn to manage their own home. (after)
2. He went crazy. His wife burnt his breakfast. (when)

Sentence Transformation Exercise

Despite knowing the area, I got lost.

I got lost ----------------------------- the area well.

Multiple Choice Exercise

Circle the sentence where the conjunction is used correctly.

A) Despite of taking a taxi he arrived late at the airport.

B) Even he took a taxi he arrived late at the airport.
C) He arrived late at the airport in spite of taking a taxi.
D) Despite he took a taxi he arrived late at the airport.

Në fushën leksikore, nxënësi duhet të zotërojë një repertor leksikor të mjaftueshëm për t‟u
përballur me sukses dhe për t‟u shprehur lirshëm me shkrim.
Shihni disa lloje ushtrimesh që trajtojnë këtë fushë gjuhësore:

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Shpjegues i Programit të Orientuar GJUHË ANGLEZE

Gap-Filling Exercise

♦For questions 1-5 read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

A wealthy man was sitting in the theatre with his pet elephant. He had reserved the best (0) seats
so they could have a good view. Everyone was very surprised at how interested the elephant (1)-
----------- to be in the play and (2)----------- the end of the play the manager of the theatre went
up to the wealthy man and (3)----------- on this.
“Your elephant certainly seems to enjoy himself. I must say I was surprised he (4) --------the
play so much.”
“So was I,” replied the wealthy man. „When he read the book the play was based (5) -----, he
didn‟t like it at all.”

Multiple Choice Exercise

Thanks to the crash barrier in the middle of the motorway cars are ......... from hitting those on
the other side in the event of an accident.

A) distracted
B) diverted
C) directed
D) prevented

Sentence Transformation Exercise

Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given. You must use between two and five words including the word given. Do not
change the word given.

It wasn't my intention to offend you.

I ----------------------- you.

Aktet dhe funksionet komunikatave më të rëndësishme të trajtuara gjatë viteve të shkollës së

mesme përfshijnë disa nga aktet e mëposhtme:

 Expressing interests on something

 Expressing and eliciting preferences

 Expressing obligation, permission and prohibition

 Giving personal information or advice to someone

 Expressing opinions; agreeing, or disagreeing

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 Suggesting, and reaching a decision

 Expressing possibility, probability, certainty

 Expressing similiarities /differences, and contrasts

 Stating hypotheses, making assumptions and suggestions

 Expressing concern, repeating and confirming

Shihni shembujt e mëposhtëm dhe zgjidhjet e tyre për t‟u orientuar sa më mirë në këtë aspekt
gjuhësor shumë të rëndësishëm.

Matching Exercises

Books and films

Match the questions and answers.

1. What kind of book is it? A. It's an autobiography.

2. What's it about? B. A detective called Forest, and his assistant, Spencer.
3. Where and when is it set? C. Yes, with Tom Hanks in the starring role.
4. Who are the main characters? D. I couldn't put it down. It's terrific!
5. Has it been made into a film? E. In Greece, during the First World War.
6. What did you think of it? F. It's about a man who goes to live in Australia.

Word-Order Exercise

Being polite
Put the words in the correct order.

10. with my Could hand a give possibly luggage? you me

a b c d e f g h i j
11. Would loudly? so not mind music playing your you
a b c d e f g h i

c) Në shkrimin e një eseje ose një forme tjetër të të shprehurit me shkrim nxënësi mund të
përballet me:

 Esay writing (shkrimin e një eseje argumentuese, mbi tema të përcaktuara nga Programi
Orientues i Marurës Shtetërore)

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Shpjegues i Programit të Orientuar GJUHË ANGLEZE

 Writing a letter, an email, or a request for something etc. (shkrimin e një letre, e-mail-i, ose
një kërkese për punë ose diçka tjetër)
 Text summarizing (përmbledhjen e një teksti me fjalët e tij shkurt dhe me paragrafë të
ndërtuar saktë)
 Reports, curriculum vitas etc. (shkrimin e një relacioni mbi një çështje të caktuar, ose shkrimi
i një CV-je)
 A descriptive or narrative text writing (shkrimin e një teksti përshkrues ose tregues).

Më poshtë do të njiheni me modele të ndryshme esesh të punuara në vitin e fundit nga nxënës në
kolegje të njohura. Janë ese të ndërtuara saktë me të gjithë parametrat që kërkon ndërtimi i një

 the content (if the central idea is supported with concrete detail)
 the organization of the whole theme (theme planned logically, giving the necessary stages
with originality); sentence structure (sentences well constructed, unified and effective)
 vocabulary (fresh, precise and idiomatic)
 grammar
 punctuation
 spelling

Topic 1

People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new experiences,
career preparation, and increased knowledge). Why do you think people attend college or
university? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

College is a place that the students can learn more and new knowledge and experience in it. Of
course, different people have different reasons to study in college. For example, some people want
to go on a further study after they graduate from the college; some people hope to find a good job
after their studying in the college and also some people wish to exchange their present situation
through studying in the college. In my opinion, no matter what reason people study in the college
for, studying in the college is just a preparation for their future life.

First of all, students can learn new knowledge and experiences from the studying in the college.
There are many teachers, professors with abundant teaching experience who teach students lots of
new knowledge and help them to solve the problems in their study. With their help, students can
learn a lot of useful basic and professional knowledge which is very helpful for their future work
and study. After they finish their study in the college, students go to work in the society and
contribute to the different fields.

Secondly, students can learn how to arrange their own time reasonably. Before their studying in
college, their life was often arranged by their parents and their study was often arranged by their
It is very different for them to live and study in college, because students studying in college have
to arrange their life and study by themselves. They have the right to arrange their part time, such as

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Shpjegues i Programit të Orientuar GJUHË ANGLEZE

when to get up, when is the sport-time, when to finish the assignment etc. This is a very important
experience for students work and life in the future.

Finally, studying in the college makes students having opportunity to live with other students and
learn how to cooperate with other people. Usually, people often have uncomfortable feeling to live
with a stranger, because they do not know each other and perhaps their habits and personality are
different. But for the long run, it is good for them. They have to cooperate with each other and
solve a lot of problems they will face together. Gradually, they can learn how to care and
understand other people. It is a preparation for students to go to cooperate with other people in the

All in all, students not only can learn lots of new knowledge from the books but also can learn
much more necessary experience such as how to arrange time and how to cooperate with other
people. It is very important for their future wok and life.

Topic 2

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use
specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Throughout my life, I have been lucky enough to have a very good relationship with my parents.
They have supported me, given me necessary criticism, and taught me a great deal about how to
live my life. Parents can be very important teachers in our lives; however, they are not always the
best teachers.

Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. Sometimes they can only see their children
through the eyes of a protector. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of
safety. A teacher might see a trip to a big city as a valuable new experience. However, it might
seem too dangerous to a parent.

Another problem is that parents may expect their children's interests to be similar to their own.
They can't seem to separate from their children in their mind. If they love science, they may try to
force their child to love science too. But what if their child's true love is art, or writing, or car

Parents are usually eager to pass on their values to their children. But should children always
believe what their parents do? Maybe different generations need different ways of thinking. When
children are young, they believe that their parents are always right. But when they get older, they
realize there are other views. Sometimes parents, especially older ones, can't keep up with rapid
social or technological changes. A student who has friends of all different races and backgrounds at
school may find that his parents have narrower views. A student who loves computers may find
that her parents don't really understand or value the digital revolution. Sometimes kids have to find
their own ways to what they believe in.

The most important thing to realize is that we all have many teachers in our lives. Our parents teach
us, our teachers teach us, and our peers teach us. Books and newspapers and television also teach
us. All of them are valuable.

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Shpjegues i Programit të Orientuar GJUHË ANGLEZE

4. Një model testi për Gjuhën angleze që të orientojë dhe ndihmojë maturantët
si të punojnë në testin e Maturës Shtetërore me zgjedhje.
Udhëzime për nxënësin:

Testi në total ka 20 pyetje që vlerësohen me 40 pikë.

Në test ka kërkesa me zgjedhje alternativash dhe me zhvillim.
Në kërkesat me zgjedhje, rrethoni vetëm shkronjën përbri përgjigjes së saktë, ndërsa për kërkesat
me zhvillim është dhënë hapësira e nevojshme për të shkruar përgjigjen.
Koha për zhvillimin e kërkesave të testit është 2 orë.

Section 1

Part 1

Instructions: You are going to read a magazine article about learning when you are older.
For questions 1-4, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which you think fits best according to the
text, while for the answers 5-7 answer the questions about the text.

Learning later in life

It‟s often said that we learn things at the wrong time. University students frequently do the
minimum amount of work because they‟re crazy for a good social life instead. Children often
scream before their piano practices because it‟s so boring, have to be given gold stars and medals
to be persuaded to swim, or have to be bribed to take exams. But when you are older? Ah, now
that‟s a different story.
Over the years, I‟ve done my share of adult learning. At 30 I went to a college and did courses in
History and English. It was an amazing experience. For starters, I was paying, so there was no
reason to be late- I was the one frowning and drumming my fingers if the tutor was delayed, not the
other way round. Indeed, if I could persuade him to linger for an extra five minutes, it was a bonus,
not a nuisance. I wasn‟t frightened to ask questions and homework was a pleasure not a pain. When
I passed, I had passed for me alone, not my parents or my teachers. The satisfaction I got was
entirely personal.
Some people fear going back to school because they worry that their brains have got rusty. But the
joy is that, although some parts have rusted up, your brain has learnt all kinds of things since you
were young. What you lose in the rust department, you gain in the maturity department.
In some ways the, age is a positive plus. For instance, when you‟re older, you get less frustrated.
Experience has told you that, if you are calm and simply do something again and again, eventually
you‟ll get the hang of it.
Learning late doesn‟t mean having to go back to school. Recently, I learnt how to swim. I thought I
could swim before, but I could always get across the pool quicker by walking than swimming.
When I finally managed to swim speedily from one side of the pool to the other was huge. I only
wished my family had been there to congratulate me, as I felt I deserved.
Then there was the skating. I was the worst in the class, but I did eventually get a piece of paper
that said I achieved the art of skating.

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Shpjegues i Programit të Orientuar GJUHË ANGLEZE

Finally, there was the piano. I hated piano lessons at school, but I was good at music. And coming
back to it, with a teacher who could explain why certain exercises were useful and musical
concepts that, at age of ten, I could never grasp, was magical.
Initially I did feel a bit strange, playing the piano, but soon, complex emotions that I never knew
existed poured fro my fingers, and suddenly I could understand why practice makes perfect.

1. What surprised the writer when she did her first adult learning course?
1 point
A) She was able to learn more quickly than she had expected.
B) She found learning more enjoyable than she had expected.
C) She got on better with her tutor than she had expected.
D) She had a more relaxed attitude to it than she had expected.

2. The writer says that when you learn later in life, you
1 point
A) find that you can remember a lot of things you learnt when younger.
B) should expect to take longer to learn than when you were younger.
C) do not find it difficult to learn than when you were younger.
D) are not able to concentrate as well as when you were younger.

3. What gives adult learners an advantage, according to the writer?

1 point
A) They are able to organize themselves better than younger people.
B) They are less worried about succeeding than younger people.
C) They pay more attention to detail than younger people.
D) They have more patience than younger people.

4. The writer says that when she took swimming lessons,

1 point
A) she did so mainly to impress her family.
B) she had to overcome feeling foolish.
C) she made surprisingly quick progress.
D) she was confident that she would succeed.

5. What kinds of feelings did the writer have when she took piano lessons? Why?
3 points


6. Why does the writer mention her piano practice in her article?
2 points


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Shpjegues i Programit të Orientuar GJUHË ANGLEZE

7. What is the writer’s main purpose in the article? 3 points



Part 2

Read the paragraphs and check the best summary for each. 2 points

The remarkable thing about Australian English, is that it varies so little from place to place, and
from one social group to another. There is almost no such thing as a regional variety of Australian
English, that is no Queensland or South Australian similar to the Southern and New England
varieties of English that exist in the United States. And based on pronunciation alone, it would be
difficult to distinguish a government bureaucrat from a dockyard worker.

A) Australian English is easy to understand

B) Australian English is very uniform
C) Its spelling is unusual
D) Its pronunciation is difficult

People have long dreamed of the day when it would be possible to communicate with anyone in the
world through one, universal language. From time to time various living languages have been used
widely, but nationalistic prejudices have prevented anyone from becoming adopted on a truly
universal basis. And artificially constructed languages have their own drawbacks as widespread
means of communication. For example Esperanto, while relatively easy to learn for speakers of
many European languages, has proved to be too dependent on its base in the Roman and Germanic
languages, to offer worldwide appeal.

A) Languages can be either living or artificial

B) The appeal of living languages is universal
C) Esperanto has become a popular language among Europeans
D) No language has become a universal means of communication.

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Shpjegues i Programit të Orientuar GJUHË ANGLEZE

Section 2
Use of English


♦For questions 10-14 read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space.
Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0).
5 points

A wealthy man was sitting in the theatre with his pet elephant. He had reserved the best (0) seats
so they could have a good view. Everyone was very surprised at how interested the elephant
(10)------------ to be in the play and (11)----------- the end of the play the manager of the theatre
went up to the wealthy man and (12)----------- on this.
“Your elephant certainly seems to enjoy himself. I must say I was surprised he (13) --------the
play so much.”
“So was I,” replied the wealthy man. „When he read the book the play was based (14) -----, he
didn‟t like it at all.”


♦For questions 15-19, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence, using the word given. You must use between two and five words, including
the word given. Do not change the word given.

15. a) I regret saying that to him. 1 point

I------------------------------------------ that to him.

15. b) Unless you start studying now, it is possible that you will fail the exam.
1 point
You-------------------------------------you start studying now.

15. c) I tried as hard as I could, but I still didn‟t pass. 1 point

I---------------------------------------, but I still didn‟t pass.

16. a) I lived in London as a child, but I don‟t anymore. 1 point

I----------------------------------------- in London as a child.

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16. b) My friends left before I arrived at the meeting point. 1 point

My friends --------------------------------at the meeting point.

16. c) That boy became very angry with his friends. 1 point

He--------------------- with his friends.

17. a) My brother wants to read a book instead of watching TV. 1 point

He -------------------------------------- watch TV

17. b) She has always been able to manage a difficult situation. 1 point

She --------------------------- a difficult situation

17. c) Its your duty to educate these children well. 1 point

You--------------------------------- these children.

18.a) Can you please explain what you said?” she asked the teacher. 1 point


She asked the teacher ___________________________________ to her.

18. b) John took us to the municipality of the capital. 1 point

We------------------ municipality of the capital by John.

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Shpjegues i Programit të Orientuar GJUHË ANGLEZE

♦ For the following questions circle the proper alternatives that make the sentences

19. a) Coca-Cola, begun in an Atlanta drugstore in 1888, remains a powerful beverage company
_______ with numerous smaller food producers. 1 point
A) that has merged
B) that merged it
C) which merging
D) whose to merge

19. b) She tried to contact me, but the phone --------- busy. 1 point

A) might be
B) might have been
C) could be
D) would have been

19. c) When Christian went to Britain, he had to get used __________on the left.
1 point
A) driving
B) to driving
C) to drive
D) the driving

19. d) I'm afraid I ------- your invitation. 1 point

A) can't accept
B) shouldn't to accept
C) might not accept
D) can not

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Shpjegues i Programit të Orientuar GJUHË ANGLEZE

Section 3
Writing 6 points

Instructions: In this section, the student will be evaluated for:

1) 1 point for the content (if the central idea is supported with concrete detail);
2) 1 point for the organization of the whole theme (theme planned logically, giving the necessary
stages with originality);
3) 1 point for the sentence structure (sentences well constructed, unified and effective);
4) 1 point for the vocabulary (fresh, precise and idiomatic);
5) 1 point for the grammar
6) 1 point for the punctuation and spelling


Write an essay in 120-150 words, based on your own experience.

“It can be quite difficult to learn a new language. What do you think are the most difficult aspects of
learning a new language? Give reasons and examples to support your response.”

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