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Acres Wood Objectives

Acres Wood Objectives............................................................................................1

1.1. Fuel......................................................................................................................4
1.1.1. To produce fuel for heating, with the flexibility to up
production if needed for additional family and friends..........................4
1.2. Food.....................................................................................................................4
1.2.1. To provide food for two people, with the scalability to
increase if needed for additional family members..................................4
1.3. Overarching Project.......................................................................................5
1.3.1. To put into context all the related design work...........................5
1.4. Teaching Resource.........................................................................................5
1.5. Experimentation Resource..........................................................................5
1.5.1. To be an experimentation and teaching resource for
permaculture related subjects.........................................................................6
1.6. Learning Experience......................................................................................6
1.6.1. To practice all the theory......................................................................6
1.7. Leisure Space...................................................................................................6
1.7.1. To be attractive to look at, and no visible mess for
neighbours to see.................................................................................................7
1.8. Shelter................................................................................................................7
1.8.1. To have a long term family use land resource for when the
Peak Oil and Climate Change disruption occurs.......................................7


On reflecting back and analysing all the options and ideas generated it gradually became clear
to me that I'd need to assign a priority to each of the project objectives.
At first it appeared that everything should have a priority of 1++ , but on further reflection the two key priority 1
objectives were to design the overarching project and to gain the learning experience that I could then more effectively
apply to all the other designs ongoing.
Then the priority 2 objectives were to have sustainable ways to provide food and fuel as these would have some of the
longest times to implement and become established.
Each objective is supported by at least one of the identified options and some by two or three.

1.1. Fuel

See Also: Fire Wood, Woodland

Of the priority 2 objectives the sustainable ways to provide fuel would take a long time to
become established.

1.1.1. To produce fuel for heating, with the flexibility to up

production if needed for additional family and friends.
See Also: To have a long term family use land resource for when the Peak Oil and
Climate Change disruption occurs.
1.2. Food

See Also: Growing, Carp Pond, Aquaponics, Game Hunting, Foraging, Farm
Animals, Free Range Birds, Food Preserving
Also as a priority 2 objective was the ability to grow food, and in the short to medium term
this could be done by growing annuals, but the perennials vegetables and fruit and nut trees
would of an orchard or forest garden would be only fully productive in the longer term.

1.2.1. To provide food for two people, with the scalability to

increase if needed for additional family members.
See Also: To have a long term family use land resource for when the Peak Oil and
Climate Change disruption occurs.
1.3. Overarching Project

See Also: Designs

Two priority 1 objectives were to design the Overarching Project and to gain the Learning
The overarching project for Acres Wood effectively worked as the collation at a concept level of all the "client"
requirements, hopes, wishes, and dreams that would enable the shaping of our lifestyle over the next 20 years or so.
All the project objectives are intentionally interlinked to complement and compound the yields and benefits of the
individual design elements - shows true nature and benefits of having an overarching design.

1.3.1. To put into context all the related design work.

See Also: To practice all the theory, To be attractive to look at, and no visible
mess for neighbours to see.
1.4. Teaching Resource

See Also: To be an experimentation and teaching resource for permaculture related

subjects., Aquaponics, Building
The teaching resource is a priority 5 objective as these will evolve as needed and come from
the priority 2 , 3, and 4 objectives.

1.5. Experimentation Resource

See Also: Building, Seed Library

The experimentation resource is a priority 4 objective because much of it will come from
spinoffs of the priority 2 objectives.

1.5.1. To be an experimentation and teaching resource for

permaculture related subjects.
See Also: Teaching Resource
1.6. Learning Experience

See Also: Learning, Livelihood

Also as a priority 1 objective was the Learning Experience its self as it would be where I'd
gain the knowledge and experience to actually put all the theory into practice.
Its like when working as a Project Manager I'd do a pilot project as proof of concept before doing the final scaled up
So this experience was planed as "learn small" to enable the follow on "big application" with the hope of then
getting more of it right first time.

1.6.1. To practice all the theory

See Also: To put into context all the related design work.
1.7. Leisure Space

See Also: Grass & Widlflower, Carp Pond

The leisure space is a priority 3 objective because of its need for aesthetics consideration at
all stages and for people care components.

1.7.1. To be attractive to look at, and no visible mess for

neighbours to see.

See Also: To put into context all the related design work.
1.8. Shelter

See Also: Home Energy Efficiency, Building, Woodland

The ideas and concepts for shelter are priority 3 objectives because there is no imminent
need for the home energy elements other than financial savings, but in a wider context
some of the field shelter resources will be needed in the medium term to enable other parts
like the teaching space etc.

1.8.1. To have a long term family use land resource for when
the Peak Oil and Climate Change disruption occurs.
See Also: To produce fuel for heating, with the flexibility to up production if
needed for additional family and friends., To provide food for two people, with the
scalability to increase if needed for additional family members.

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