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Home All
By: Blair Cowan and Gift Williams

Table of Contents
Position .. 1
History & Causes . 2
Consequences . 3
Solutions 4

The founders of Welcome Home All Mutants (WHAM) feel that it is beneficial for
humans to look deeper into their own genetics. The genes that would be focused on would
include those prone to any form of Cancer or other non-transmissible diseases. Delving into
ones genetics will raise awareness and lower the death rate by an exponential rate. As these
cells are mutated, non-transmissible diseases are being created. Exposing human beings to the
process of mutation linked to non-transmissible diseases will drop the death rate sharply.
Some of the earliest evidence of cancer is found amongst fossilized bone tumors, human
mummies in ancient Egypt and ancient manuscripts. The oldest discovery of cancer was in
Egypt close to 3,000 B.C. Edwin Smith Papyrus, as it was known in ancient Egyptian textbook
on trauma surgery, is described as 8 cases of tumors removed from the breast with a
cauterization by a fire drill. American Cancer Society furthers their research with cancer studies
very frequently. They often look into the mutation of cancer cells, which is very similar to
WHAMs purpose. Acquired (somatic) mutations happen to occur during a person's life. These
present themselves only in certain cells, not all cells in the body. These changes are usually
caused by factors in the environment. This can include ultraviolet radiation from the sun, or an
issue that presents itself during DNA cell division.
These mutation can cause diseases and (E! Science News 2008) explains how a
particular disease within India pertains to heart disease. Genetic mutations are also very
prominent in diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and asthma. A genetic disorder can be defined
as a disease that is caused by an abnormality in an individual's DNA. These abnormalities can
range from a small mutation in a single gene to the altering of an entire chromosome or set of
chromosomes. Non-disjunction is one of the most common types of mutations. Down

syndrome is a non-disjunction and a common genetic disorder that has other consequences,
much like developmental delays.
The opinion of people who oppose us goes along a similar path of the thinking of passive
people who do not want to finish this long term battle against our own genetics. Their views
include that of merely sitting by and not accomplishing anything. They feel as if we should
merely use prevention strategies. The problem with this is that prevention strategies have not
worked in the past. Merely telling children to stop smoking isnt working. We need more
drastic measures to accomplish what we are aiming for. Prevention strategies cannot merely be
thrown around, as they have been because of this position that is being widely spread
throughout the minds of todays children. This generation will continue to be genetically
ignorant, if we do not educate them on their own issues.

Works Cited

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