Proposal First Draft

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Asha Coutrier
UWRT 1102
Ms. Voltz
19 February 2016

EIP Proposal 1st Draft: Are there health benefits to cannibalism?

Although extremely illegal in most modernized places, cannibalism is still practiced
throughout the globe, regardless of social status, because sometimes the desperation is extremely
intense. Even if youre swimming in riches, once the resources run out, even for those who
thought they were untouchable, theres nothing besides instinct left. That instinct will drive you
to do whatever it takes to survive, whether it be for another few minutes or another year. If need
be, there will be flesh between your teeth, and morality nagging at your ear, but your stomach
will have its needs satiated, which is what truly matters. Albeit odd, there are those who merely
wish to taste the skin of their fellow man just out of genuine curiosity. There is no other
motivating force besides the assured rush of adrenaline of biting into what used to be part of
somebodys inner thigh. However, maybe Hannibal Lecter was not so far off when it came to
occasionally partaking in liver with a nice wine. There might actually be genuine benefits to
consuming your fellow man every once in a while.
Though not the most conventional subject, cannibalism, has always piqued my interest,
since I was a wee lass. Like I mentioned before, I understood why people ate others during
pressing times of need, but I dont understand why if people live in nations where food is no

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issue, then why do they chose to bypass the meats aisle in Walmart and go straight for a chunk of
someones arm? Hence why I chose to delve deeper into the topic of why people enjoy and find
such pleasure in devouring others. Also a few more questions I have include:
-Whether or not those who have partaken in human flesh get gravely ill immediately
-Are there any substantial benefits to consuming human meat, rather than red or white
-Do long time consumers have clogged arteries?
-What are the healthiest parts of someone to eat?
-What would be the ideal person to consume? Would an athlete be the best? Or would a
mix of both lean and a bit of fat be the best hypothetical meal?
-Do genetics play a part in whether or not someone finds intrigue in devouring their
fellow man?
-Are those who have genes that make them more inclined to become psycho/sociopaths
more likely to take the plunge when it comes to taking a taste of their fellow man?
-Can those that consume raw meats on a regular basis be used to gauge the health benefits
of consuming raw flesh?
-Speaking of which, are there more benefits to eating someone if theyre cooked or if
theyre a bit raw?
- What are the spiritual and religious connections to eating flesh and why do some
condone the practice, while others abhor it?

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If too broad, I figure that there would be enough information to write a relatively
interesting paper on the religious aspects of cannibalism and why partaking in this act brings
people so close to their respective gods and enlightenment. Religion, Christianity in this instance,
in and of itself is a complicated topic because there is no way to handle it definitively because
there are multiple accounts, timelines and writers with their own biases towards certain acts of
Jesus and whatnot. So the very, very, last thing I want to do, is delve into the archives and find
bible quotes that incite a fiery debate for all the wrong reasons. The point is to discuss eating
people. That is it. It is not whether or not it was seen as morally wrong by whichever deity,
which deities partook in the action of eating their followers or sacrifices, and writing a paper on
different gods and cultures will turn this into a dissertation, which neither one of us wishes to
read. This is just to objectively examine whether or not there are actual benefits to being a

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Questions for your review:
Do you believe that I was inclusive enough when it came to mentioning the health
benefits? Also, did I remain on topic when discussing what exactly I hoped to achieve when
discussing my topic? Do you believe its a bit broad, and if so, what are any suggestions you
have for narrowing it down? Is your attention held from beginning to end? Most importantly, do
I repeat myself because I have a habit of doing that. Please feel free to mention anything that I
should have touched on or need to describe in detail.

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