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Multimedia Evaluation Report

Project Reviewed: Group 4

How to create lesson plans using Gagnes Nine Events of Instruction

Shanica Robin: 308206773

A Paper Presented in Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements of
EDID 6508: Developing Instructional Media
Semester II: 2016

Course Coordinator
University of the West Indies Open Campus
Dr. Leroy Hill

Tutorial Design Context:

According to Horton (2011), Instructional design translates the highlevel project goals to choices for technology, content, and everything else.
The instructional design of eLearning informs decisions on what authoring
tools, management systems and other technologies to buy or license.
Instructional design directs the development of content and the selection of
media and orchestrates aspects of project development. All of the areas
highlighted by the peer reviewers will be taken into consideration by the
design team as they reiterate the course prior to implementation to wider
The lesson was developed form the storyboard of Garth Williams and
covers a systemic and systematic view of Gagnes nine events of instruction
application to lesson planning. Learning objects in the form of chunks of
electronic content that can be accessed individually and that completely to
accomplished a single learning objective were used. This lesson design
afforded the learner the opportunity to go at there own pace and navigate
the content to any area that is most important to them. The lesson objectives
are based on blooms taxonomy of cognitive processing with lower level
competencies being demonstrated. The primary objective of any eLearning
course is to give learners the information and skills they will need to improve
on lesson plan creation. Learners are expected to be able to retrieve relevant
knowledge from long-term memory, construct meaning from information
presented and apply the knew knowledge in a given situation. Media
inclusions in the lesson are meant to organize information, focus attention,

clarify ideas, and aid in retention. Learners were given the opportunity to
practice applying knowledge required to perform an ability or ability
component. Covering Gagnes Nine Events of Instruction
Evaluation Context
Evaluation is the process of assessing the effectiveness of a learning
program. To place the evaluation in context the Donald Kirkpatrick four-level
model of evaluation is being applied. According to Donald Kirkpatrick there
are four levels of evaluation: Reaction, Learning, Performance and Results.
During the instructional design process, evaluation instruments are planned
in the design phase (this would be evident on the original storyboards);








implementation phase. During the evaluation phase the results are analyzed.
This writing serves as the documented analysis of the Group 4s Multimedia
Design considerations based on Donald Kirkpatricks Four Levels of

Questions Asked
Do learners like the
learning program?

Does the tutorial
follow the principles
of adult learning?


Can the learners

knowledge and skills
as a result of the
Has the
performance target

Effectiveness of the
tutorial in meeting its


Effectiveness of the
program, bridging

Design Tools
End of course
Informal feedback
Performance test
during tutorial
during tutorial



been reached on the activities and job aids

in bridging
performance gap
How does change in Does the tutorial help
performance impact solve the schools
the organization?



quality of lesson
plans created

The lesson was designed by a student group as part of the

requirements of the EDID6508 Developing Instructional Media course. The
group invited other students from the cohort to pilot test the instruction and
provide feedback. This evaluation report will focus only on the Reaction level
of the the Donald Kirkpatrick Model.
Graph Showing Peer Evaluations Results

Peer Evaluation Results


Evaluator 1

Evaluator 2

Evaluator 3

Summary of Peer Evaluations Comments

Peer Evaluator:

Peer Evaluator:

Peer Evaluator:

Anna Lisa Sampath

Sariah Robin

Donnette Ferdinand

Prior knowledge not

Embedded links caused lessons to be

Navigating among the various

evident in lesson, objects

disjointed. Navigation was confusing.

elements was somewhat

repeated prior to quiz, quiz

The background music overpowered

challenging. Initially, I clicked on

answer options not

the video audio. Use of Voki was

the various buttons and moved

labelled for Q4

unique however originality in overall

back and forth, not quite sure of

content was not evident.

which I should do first.

Overall evaluators were pleased with mix of media presented in the

lesson, which appealed to the varying learning preferences of the target
audience. Evaluators were please with course design concept although
plagued with navigational issue. A full version of the peer evaluations will be
made available in appendix.
After review of the reaction evaluation completed by three peers
following the beta testing of the tutorial the following design considerations
will be made:
Navigation of Course:
Instructions as to course navigation was not included in original design.
The student group has placed a message onto course space to help learner
navigate in the interim. Some of the other navigational issues identified by
lesson navigation, mechanics, screen design and organization of content are

The problems lie partly with the choice of authoring tool used to
develop the tutorial. Camtasia Trial Version has limitations and according to
its developers, TechSmith Camtasia is a reliable screen recording and video
editing tool that helps users convey their message conveniently and
effectively, from nearly any device. The tool is not ideal for creation of
tutorials that require high level of interactivity. To remedy this, I would export
all media from Camtasia to a more user friendly authoring tool. This will
correct the disjointedness and navigational issues experienced by learners.
Effective e-learning systems should include sophisticated and advanced
functions, yet their interface should hide their complexity, providing an easy
and flexible interaction suited to catch learners' interest (Ardito, 2004). Below
is a summary of e-learning authoring tools that would be considered;
Captivate, Lectora, Articulate Studio and Storyline. In the table, the numbers
represent ranking based on the features. E.g. 1- first choice, etc.
eLearning Authoring Tool Comparison

Adapted from:

As weve learned fair use of readily available media in education is
allowed. Using media requires a complete understanding of copyright law,
an appreciation of the workload involved, and some skill in recognizing
content that will enhance learning, instead of becoming a distraction. The
aim of effective instruction is to build bridges between learners' knowledge
and the learning objectives of the course. Using media engages learners,
aids in retention of knowledge, motivates interest in the subject matter, and
illustrates the relevance of many concepts. In content iteration of the lesson
design considerations, content can be repurposed, updated or presented in
a more transformative way so that it does not represent a rehash of others
In terms of aesthetic appeal, some aspects of the content presentation
looked like its parts were just pieced together. Cohesive eLearning design is
a vital aspect of content presentation as it helps learners from becoming
confused as noted by on peer evaluator. To address the issue of
disjointedness and overall functionality, reiteration of the design will focus on
making sure that the colors, fonts, branding, and overall design of the project
flows well and is consistent throughout the presentation. All content pieces
will be embedded into the same area so that learners would not be redirected
to external links. It is important to note that Camtasia tool has its limitations

in importation of media files. The re-design will effectively reflect the brand's
image and message. (Cook & Dupras, 2004)
Gagnes Nine Events
To include more definition around Gagnes Event 3 being embedded
in the e-learning, designers will ensure that prior to each activity, learners
will be made aware of what skills or knowledge they will be applying to the
task, as well as how the subject matter is connected to information they
already have in their knowledge base. (Pappas, 2015) Consideration to
include an actual How-to video showing a teacher going through a short
lesson plan modelling the events will be added which could help guide
learning and provide additional context to content presentation.
We thank the evaluations for their contribution to making this tutorial
more effective for learners. Implementation of the tutorial will be underdevelopment as design considerations are re-evaluated.

Ardito, C., De Marsico, M., Lanzilotti, R., Levialdi, S., Roselli, T., Rossano,
V., & Tersigni, M. (2004, May). Usability of e-learning tools.
In Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual
interfaces (pp. 80-84). ACM.
Cook, D. A., & Dupras, D. M. (2004). A Practical Guide To Developing
Effective Web-based Learning. Journal of general internal medicine,
19(6), 698-707.
Horton, W. (2011). E-learning by design. John Wiley & Sons.
Kirkpatrick, D. L. (1967). Evaluation of training.
Pappas, C. (2015, 11 18). eLearning Industry. Retrieved 04 28, 2016, from
How To Apply Gagn's 9 Events Of Instruction In eLearning:

Appendix: Peer Evaluations

Anna Lisa Sampath

3:23 PM (1 hour

to me
Fantastic job on the project. The group was very creative in presenting the lesson
(YouTube video, use of Voki and infographic) and the choice of these media tools
seemed appropriate for the target audience. I am a Literature teacher so I especially
enjoyed the quote at the beginning of the project.
All narrators did a wonderful job; the audio was crisp and clear and the script matched
the narration.
The background music that was chosen was appropriate and it did not take away from
the lesson.
All of the links (URLs) worked well. The you tube video was appropriate as it gave a
good explanation of Gagne's 9 Events of Instruction.
I saw most of Gagne's Events of Instruction but I was a bit confused as to where
'Recalling Prior knowledge' was located; was not sure if this step was done through the
'PowToon video.'
In my opinion, it will be more effective to have the 'quiz' button on the 'lesson page' and
not on the main page.
In Garth's presentation, the objective slide is duplicated 2 times, maybe you can review
that part. Even though the narrator sounded great, I thought it was unnecessary to have
the objectives slide presented again before the start of the quiz. The objectives were
already made available in the main menu. On the quiz question #4, the instructions
asked participants to select 'A or B' etc. but the answers were not labelled.
Hope this helps. All the best :)

Storyboard: 4
Organization of Content: 3
Originality: 4
Copyright and Documentation: 4
Format and Platform Transferability: 4
Subject Knowledge: 4
Graphical Design: 4
Mechanics: 4
Screen Design: 4
Use of Enhancements: 4

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