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Email to Parent

Dear Dad,
College has been great so far, Ive met so many new people in my freshman year! I
have classes ranging from biochemistry, to American literature and I am learning so
many things that will benefit me in my future career as a veterinarian. The dorm
has been a lot of fun too! There is always something to do and our building has
events every weekend.
Cant wait to see you at spring break!
Sincerely, Sean

Letter to Professor

Dr. Douglas Mills

Department of Biological Sciences
Mills Godwin Life Science Building
Old Dominion University, Norfolk

Dear Dr. Mills,

I am writing to ask for your recommendation to apply to graduate school at Harvard
University. After every class Ive attended of yours, I would most appreciate a
recommendation from one of the top minds in the field of Biology. At graduate
school, I hope to achieve my doctorate in Zoological studies and your letter may
help me achieve this dream.
Sean Kelley

Email to a Biotechnology Firm

John C. Martin, CEO

Gilead Sciences
411 Foster Rd
Foster City, California

Dear Dr. Martin,

Dr. Martin, I write to you in hopes of us collaborating on one of the most significant
medicines mankind will ever create. With your biotechnology firm we can
successfully eradicate cancer from every country in the world.
Being a doctor in the field of biochemistry, you are certainly aware of the disease
and effects of cancer, and as you well know the essence of cancer begins when cells
rapidly divide. My team and I have successfully isolated the phase in the mitotic cell
division that becomes altered and causes malignant tumors.
Together we can synthesize a drug that stops the growth in its place by the use of
an messenger RNA molecule and cause the cell to end its rapid division.
Every person Ive worked with and for have always been satisfied at my attitude
towards work and my grasp of cell division research. I studied at the biotechnology
department at M.I.T and was valedictorian of my class.
The sooner we begin production, the sooner we can destroy the morbid disease that
affects everyone in the world.
Mr. Sean Kelley

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